Chapter 3 Im A What?

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Akemi's pov

"mother!!!" i yelled as i approached the house and saw her outside "Akemi" she said as i ran to her and hugged her "are you okay?" she asked looking at me i nodded she grabbed my hand and led me inside "everyone we have to protect Akemi somebody activate the barrier!!" she yelled as the other nodded and ran to close the doors "barrier?protect me?what going on mom!?" i asked as we walked down a basement i saw her get a key and she opened a box "Akemi this belongs to you" she said i looked at it and saw a katana and a Chinese fan "cool but why mine" i asked

"Akemi you are not a human you are a demon" she said as she grabbed my shoulders "a demon?" i asked "like a complete demon" she shook her head

"no your father was human so your mother is a demon Shiro also has two sons as you know Rin is half demon too but Yukio is complete human so thats why you are a demon when you were born Maya was the chosen one to be half demon but she didnt have the same strength as you,you were born strong so thats why you are a demon i used to know your father before your mother killed him" she said i was shocked "whats her name" i asked

"her name is Semira her name means the night companion cause she works with satan if you didnt know Rin is the son of Satan" she said i was even shocked by it "Rin is the son of satan!" she nodded "Semira is friends with Satan she is powerful Akemi please be careful if something happens" she said.

we heard noise from up she gasped "the barrier has broken wherever you go you should have the katana with you and the fan if possible too take care" she said as i stared confused at her she pushed me down and closed the door "hey old lady!!! open up the damn door!!" i screamed as i heard growling noises from up.

Luna's pov

i closed the door and pressed my forehead to it "please be careful Akemi you'll do great things in life ill always be your mother i will cherish the memories i had of raising you as my daughter i loved Maya so much but i loved you even mire even if you didnt noticed it i give you this to protect you on our journey through life you'll meet people you hate people you like but youll make friends you dont need a lot just a few you already started to like boys which is normal for a girl your age maybe youll even meet someone your age or even better you can stay with Rin help him and he will help you no matter what you should never be alone please have someone beside you if you can and i hope it happens stay with Rin and i dont mean as a friend i mean as a lover if you ever stay with him i want you two to have eat adventures get the world.....have kids of your own and also dont drink any alcohol until your twenty i will always love you Akemi never forget that i decided to raise you cause it was my choice i remember when you where a young girl still getting in trouble and please remember to be kind and gentle with the ones around you i just wish i had one more day with you everything has changed and days have passed by since ive seen you grow into a beautiful young lady if any boy tries to do anything offensive remember to kick his ass and he'll respect you once you do that probably Rin did that to you by now but maybe thats something unique i would say he'll start seeing you in other ways.....Akemi always remember me i did everything i could to protect dearest daughter you must find light in your path if you dont find it remember ill be there to protect you no matter what Akemi.....i love you my daughter" i said to her i started battling later with the rest and everything went black.

Akemi's pov

I heard everything my mother said i started to cry and started to punch the door i broke it to pieces i jumped up and saw my mother standing there "mom!!" i yelled she turned around and i froze "hello my daughter my my you have grown so much since i last saw you" said my mom i mean the thing that faced me it was my mothers body but it clearly wasn't her,her body was possessed by my real mom the demon she came closer to me i drew my katana and the flames came back "thats better to see you in your demon form like me i believe at you met my dear friends son what his name?...Rin is it Satan and i would love if you come with us come Akemi and rule with me rule we'll rule the underworld together along with Satan and Rin..." she said with her arms open "never!!!" i said

as i drew my katana at her i hit her legs and she fell "remember Akemi its moms body" i said to myself she started to laugh and her eyes were bleeding also her nose,mouth and nails "how dare you do that to me......your just as weak as your father Mikoto was his name he was such an idiot to fall for me i knew since you and Maya were born that you would look exactly like your father as pathetic since you were born you had the honor i would say to become a demon since you came out i knew that you would possess the power you were born with the red flames" she said

then out of no where she grabbed me from behind "now i have returned to earth to get my daughter back and she refuses to come with me" she said she tried to grab the katana but i refused to give it to her "give it to me!!" she yelled "never!!" i screamed she growled and threw me i fell on some black liquid "gross!!" i said i tried to get up but failed the. i saw that she abandoned the old lady's body and came as her true demonic form.

she disappeared i got out and ran to my mom's body "old lady" i said in a whisper "wake up mom" i said as i looked down at her "MOM!!!!" yelled i knew she was dead "im so sorry" i said as i began to cry i held her in my arms as i hugged her limp body to mine "im truly sorry i should've cherished the last days with

*******Next Day*******

Today was my moms funeral i was wearing a long sleeved black dress i just watched her grave i also saw that Rin was here too his father died too he was clearly sad i stared at the cellphone my mom gave to me.


"mom were are we going" i asked her when i was younger "to my room" she smiled as she held my hand i stared up at her and smiled i would always walk around the garden and pick some flowers for her and my little sister she was in school right now i refused to go as always i was 5 at that time "here we are honey" she said she brought a cellphone

"Akemi i want you to have this.... the time will come when you will use it there is just one saved contact on it i want you to call this number when you're alone and in danger" my mother said serious i smiled as she took my hand and gave me the cellphone "ill always love you" she said "me too ill love you forever mommy"

*End Flashback*

I stared at the phone but decided to go and talk to Rin i walked to him and put a hand on his shoulder "im so sorry Rin" i said sadly "me too im also sorry for you" he said "you know whats weird my mom i mean the old lady gave me a phone number she told me to call it when she was no longer with me" i said to him he just stared at me "show it to me" he said as i showed him the number "its the same number the old man gave to me" he said as he stared at me with his blue eyes

"youre a...demon too right?" he asked "yes i am one and you are the son of satan" i said to him i knew you were something else since i saw your eyes" i smiled "so whats next?" I asked "i will beat the shit out of Satan he'll pay for what he did!!" he yelled i nodded "lets call the number" he said as he dialed it...

We are demons thats why we came here to defeat our parents no matter the obstacles and consequences, we will not live in fear,for we will rule the earth and kill anyone who tries to stop our goal that is who we are Rin and no one will change that...we will have our revenge together...revenge can be so sweet when its done- Akemi Yuzuki

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