Entry #10

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Why are we back here? I thought I had gotten rid of the LIMP (Wow that really isn't a good acronym) but whatever I find myself back here. Is it because reality sucks at the moment? I will neither confirm-

No, you know what, I'm confirming it. Yeah, that's why I'm back here so let's get on with it.


I know what time it is even though I haven't looked at a clock in a while. I know it in the family members around me. The way my youngest brother loudly returns home from soccer. The way my mother kisses me on the forehead before grabbing her keys and leaving. The way I hear my oldest sister calmly moving around the kitchen prepping something to eat before she disappears into her room.

I know the time but instead of sitting out on the porch I am laying on the couch in the family room, reading. Why make it hard on both of us when I know the dead end?

The routine of life is broken when my sister approaches me and I peek at her over the top of my book.

"There's a guy at our door asking for you," she says.

I wave my hand in a lofty manner.

"Tell him papa is in the study and quite at his leisure to hear his request for my hand in marriage."

My sister looks at me without comment and I lower my book.

"Wait, you're serious?"

She nods. I set my book down, now curious. I avoid glancing in any mirrors as I walk to the door. No need to be reminded of how I look (like a sick person, duh!)

(If you don't know what that looks like imagine your worse day when you first get out of bed and look in the mirror. Now put your hair up and you get me. I know, it's a stunning visual)

As I approach the open front door, my steps slow. Not because I am nervous, nope definitely not for that reason...

Okay, maybe that reason. I try to wrap my head around it but it doesn't seem to make sense. Standing there, waiting is Ryder.

I look over my shoulder and see my sister hovering a few feet away, protective but not overbearing. Which she has every right to be, she's recently seen me at all my worsts. I give her a reassuring nod and she points to the kitchen letting me know she is a call away.

When I focus back on the front door, I am mildly surprised to see that Ryder is still there. He hasn't sprinted away at the sight of me. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Figuring my appearance can't get more shocking with close proximity, I step out onto the porch.

"Hey," I say.

He looks at me for a long moment and I can't meet his gaze. How do you hold the gaze of someone who knows that you're sick? People look at you differently when they know. Some with sympathy. Some searching as if they could see the disease on you. Some with confusion because you don't look that sickly just like a girl who decided not to care about her appearance for the day.

I don't want to know which look he gives me.

"You weren't waiting for your hot runner to go by," he says.

"Ah...well... I figured I would give him a day off from being ogled by the locals."

"What if he didn't want the day off? What if he'd worn his favorite workout shirt for the locals?"

I glance at his shirt which fits him a little too well. I don't know if I blush (not sure I want to have that personality trait) but I do rest back against the door frame.

(It might seem like nothing but it symbolizes the fact that I have momentarily forgotten or ignored the reasons I have for not sitting on the porch and have decided to stay for a little while).

"Well, I guess you had to stop by to make sure your efforts weren't for nothing," I say.

Ryder half smiles then scratches the back of his neck and looks down at the ground before glancing back up at me.

(You know that classic hit guy move that equally shows their hesitation, bashfulness, and concern)

"Also I wanted to make sure you're okay," he says. "When I didn't see you sitting there well..."

My stomach twists as I remember one of my reasons for not sitting on the steps that day. I already feel the weight of my sickness puts on my family, I don't want to put that on someone else.

"You didn't need to worry. It's not fatal. Well as far as the doctors can tell anyways."

"Then you were avoiding me?"

"More like giving you a way out without feeling guilty for not wanting to talk to me."

He takes a step closer, his face both surprised and hurt.

"Why would you think that I didn't want to talk to you again?"

"It's not a bad thing, it's just being a friend to a sick person isn't ideal for most people."

"Then maybe I'm not like most people."

(Oh! Plot twist instead of me not being like other girls, we have him being not like other guys. Wow! Really didn't expect that at all.)

I stare at him, not trusting the little flicker of hope in my chest. I hate how I could feel my eyes prick with tears.

(So apparently I'm dramatic, bleh!)

"You really don't have to act like you want to be my friend. I would never hold it against you."

(Oh, defense mechanism, interesting)

"I'm not acting," Ryder says. "I would like to be your friend if you'll let me."

We stand there, our gazes locked. His dark eyes capture mine. Reassuring, comforting, steady. A cool breeze blows around the house and across the porch wrapping us together in its embrace until it feels as if it's just the two of us. And for the first time in a long time, I don't feel so alone.

(I imagine a great rotating shot where we are in the middle and the camera spins around. Maybe add in a soft wind for a fluttering effect)

"Okay," I say.



A smile spreads across his face and I feel the effects of it on my own face.

"I don't know what most people did to you to make you not want to be my friend but I won't let you down."

I don't say anything but right then I let myself believe him.


You Gorgeous Gardenia! 🌺

There, we got more with the LIMP. I mean as far as limps go, he is the best kind.

Haha anyways, do you have thought and thoughts worth sharing? 💬💭🗯🥰

I'm curious where you see this pretend love interesting story going!

Not that I'm looking for ideas...

That would be weird, I totally know what's going to happen but you know, if you want to share where you think its going I'll totally listen to it. I mean, just for giggles.

We could totally be thinking the same thing... so what are you thinking?

After you laid out the entire plot that I've naturally and totally have already thought of then vote, comment, follow!

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