Chapter 26: True Lovers: David and Sora: the Light of Draconos

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David always knew he didn't belong anywhere. He never knew he wasn't a human. But he felt it. Then he embraced his Dragonid lineage. He never felt love or loved anyone. Then he met Sora, the girl he fell maddeningly in love with. He never expected to die. And yet he died trying to save the one he loved. He never thought that the one he loved would give up her humanity to save him. But she did it for him. He never thought he would become a Dragon King or even become a giant dragon. But he became the Dragon King. To protect those he loved and cared for, he changed. He became a giant dragon. And now, before him is the Hydra form of Slazer, the snake king who hurt everything he cared about. His greatest fight begins.


David's blue dragon flew towards Slazer. Slazer spotted him. He opened his 20 snake heads and beams of black energy were shot from them. David's blue dragon summoned a barrier which deflected all of the beams. He steadily kept on charging at the Hydra. Then impact. He collided with Slazer's Hydra and pushed him of the tower, which crumbled to nothing. He pushed and pushed and continued to push Slazer back. Slazer's multiple heads roared.

"Let me go, you bastard."

"No can do. We haven't impacted the moon yet. He said in his dragon form.

"What?" He asked.

Several of his heads turned around to  see where they were flying towards and shrieked in horror as he saw that they were getting closer to the moon.

"Why are we heading towards the moon?" He asked.

"Because that is our battlefield. Out of range so we can go all out." He said.

"Very good. Choice the right location is critical for deciding battle strategies. Well done Orion." He said.

"Aargh!!!" All of his snake heads roared in pain.

David rammed Slazer into the surface of the moon. Then he jumped back and landed on the surface. The Hydra got up and looked at David. The multiple heads continuously move. Then Slazer roared.

"Now, we can fight. I won't hold back now. I may not be able to become the Dragon King, but I can kill you yet again. After I kill you, I will conquer your precious Earth and your home planet Dragma. Then I'll rape your mother and your lover continuously. I will execution General Windrum for the death of my Queen, Vipra. And as for Theron, I'll make him my personal slave. All the while of this, I'll be drinking from your skull."

David just shook his head.

"Slazer. Your pathetic threats don't threaten me or anything. They're just empty words. You have caused me so much pain. Your men had continuously chased us. You attacked my friends. You almost invaded my planet. You kidnapped the only person I care for. And you beat her, threatened her. These are things I could never forgive. Then you tried to kill her. That pissed me off. Then you, bastard of a coward, stabbed me in the back and killed me. Then you almost killed my mother. All this things are unforgivable. You're vile, Slazer. You're a disease. A disease that needs to be wiped out. Today, here and now, you will die." He said.

He let loose a loud roar.

Then he charged. Slazer struck out his heads to attack David. David dodge each head. Some of the heads that struck, he severed them from their trunks. A huge mistake. Just like a regular hydra, if you cut one of Slazer's hydra heads, 2 more take their place. The hydra had more heads.

"Thank you. More heads is appreciated. Let me return the favor by giving you more beams."

Then all of the hydra snake heads opened wide and dark energy beams shot forward towards David. He threw up a barrier and rushed forward. As he flew, the barrier deflected the beams. With his right dragon hand, he summoned a fire ball and threw it at the hydra. It impacted and caused an explosion. The hydra roared and lashed it's heads forward. David sidestepped one. Then he brought his hand down and severed the head. Before it could grow more, David lit his hand on fire and smashed it into the stump of where the head used to be. The stump was cauterized.

"Agh!!! You bastard." He roared in pain.

"After you cut off a head, if you cauterize or burn the stump, the heads won't grow back." He said.

Then he created a whirring saw blade of pure energy. Realized, that he could make a saw blade made blue flames. He let the blade disappear.

"What? Can't summon a blade? Pathetic." He taunted.

"Oh I can create a saw blade." He said. "I just wanted to create a special saw blade."

He open his large dragon hand and created a whirring saw blade made entirely of blue flames.

"A fire blade." He said.

He threw the blade at Slazer. Before he could react, the blade fast and severed almost all of his heads, while at the same time, burning and cauterizing the stumps. One of the heads ducked back before the blade could hit. So only one head was left. Slazer roared in pain again.

"Aaaaaaaagh!!!! Damn you." He roared, furious.

"One head and you're dead. This is over." He said.

"No. This is far from over. Normally the hydra would be my trump card, but I have another. My forbidden transformation. You forced me into doing this. Say hello to the King Cobra!"

His hydra body began changing again this time, he had a large tail and he had long, slim arms. His his head was bigger. That was before the fan of the cobra unwinded. He had a human looking face.

"The King Cobra, my deadly and forbidden form. You forced me to use it. Now you'll die."

His human face was sucked in and a large snake head took it's place. It hissed and it unfurled wicked claws on its arms and charged. David charged him too. Their claws clashed. They struck, struck and struck again. David dodge some and blocked others. Slazer blocked most but some hit him. He sliced him on the arm and on his tail. Then he punched Slazer in the snake face. Then he grabbed his tail and threw him across the moon. Slazer landed hard and got back up and charged him. Then he head butted David in the chest and used his tail like a whip and hit him in the stomach, sending him flying and landed on his side. He got up and flew up. Then he swoop down and grabbed Slazer and flew back up. Then he meteor towards the surface, pushing Slazer forward before impact. They crashed into the moon. The impact was so hard, that the other side of the moon exploded outward. He flew out of the way. Slazer got up.

"See if you can take this." He said. She summoned a large ball of pitch black energy.

"DARK PULSE DESTRUCTION!!!" He said. Then he threw the ball at David. It was coming fast and was huge. But David didn't move or try to dodge it. It impacted him.

The impact caused a large explosion. It's shock waves impacted the surface of the moon. The shock waves went so far that it shook the Majestic Prince.

Theron yelled. "NOOOO!!!"

Sora placed her hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. He'll be fine."

She took her hand off him and placed her hands together on her chest.

"David, my love. Don't give up. I believe in you." She whispered as she closed her eyes. Then she began to glow.

From the explosion a giant white flash of light. From the flash came a large form.

"I believe in you." He heard her words.

He was solid white. He had blue outlines all over her body. A giant blue orb was on his chest. He then spoke.

"You're right, Slazer. It is indeed time to ended this. Your evil reign ended. Time for you to face judgement."

He raised his hand in the air. A large white sphere of blue energy formed in his hand. Then he shouted.


He hurled the sphere and it impacted Slazer. Then the whole moon exploded. The shockwave impacted everything. Slazer disappeared in the light. Then the explosion dissapated. Then he saw Slazer. He was still alive. But he turned back into his regular form. The red orb was destroyed.

"You-you defeated me. It won't matter. There will always be those like me. It will not end with my death." He said weakly.

David turned back into his regular form and drew his sword.

"I know. I know it won't. But I'll be ready when it does. But this war ends now. Goodbye Slazer." He said.

He then swung his sword and slashed Slazer's neck. His head falls over and rolls over. King Slazer is dead.

He sighed in relief. "It's finally over."

His eyes widened when he realized that he was keeping a lady waiting. He turned into a blue sphere and flew to the Prince.

He rushed into the hangar bay with everyone waiting. He lands and the sphere disappears. Everyone cheered. He rushed up and Sora rushed up to him as well. Then they embraced in a hug that felt timeless. Then they let go. Theron came up and gave him a bear hug. Then Risa came up and hugged him. He looked around and realize something. His mother is not here.

"Where's mother?" He asked.

"She's in the infirmary with Windrum. It doesn't look good." Risa said.

"Then let's go see him." He said.

They all head to the infirmary.


Windrum was resting in the infirmary when he heard noise. He then awoken to Queen Zephyrina sitting by him, holding his hand with hers.

"My Queen, I'm not dead." He said with some amusement. Her eyes flew open and with surprise and relief on her face. Then she smiled.

"I know you're not, you knucklehead." She said while giggling. He took his hand from hers and touched the side of her face.

"I'm sorry I worried you." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it. You're still alive." She said.

Moments later, David, Sora, Risa and Theron entered the room. He looked at Sora and David. His eyes widened.

"I see that the Jewel has indeed awoken. You're now the Dragon King, milord." He said to David. Then he spoke to Sora.

"It seems you chose to finish the ritual and now became his true lover, milady."

"You knew that this would happen?" Theron asked. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"It was not my place to say such things. And yes. I did know of the Awakening ritual. I found the real message within the prophecy. But I chose to withheld the truth because the spirit told me to."

"It's okay Windrum. Calm down." David said.

"I'm sorry, milord." He said. I couldn't control myself."

"That's fine." David said.

David leaned in next his ear and whispered loud enough that only he and Windrum can hear.

"Windrum, you have my blessing. Go for it."

Windrum's eyes widened when he heard those words.

"You know?" He asked.

"I know." He said aloud. Then he steps back.

"Know what?" Zephyrina asked.

He just sighed. He turns to her.

"Zephyrina." This surprises her. She never heard him not call her queen. "There's something I need to ask you."

"What is it?" She asked.

"I'll tell you. But first..." He turns to David. "Help me up, milord."

David leans in and blocks her view. With his back to her, he created a blue ring and tapped it to be permanent. Then he gave it to Windrum. Then he helped him up. Then Windrum faced her. She stood up. What happens next surprises everyone except David.

He took a knee. Then he spoke.

"Zephyrina Rhona. It took me a while to figure this out. I always served you faithfully. I always had feelings for you. It took the dying words of my archenemy to make me realize it." He stopped. Then he continued. "Zephyrina....I...." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he released it. Then he spoke.

"Zephyrina, I love you. I always have. I was never good at expressing my emotions. But now, I won't hold back anymore. Because I love you."

Then he held out a ring. The same ring that David created. She gasped at and her eyes widened. Tears were running down her face. Tears of joy.

"Lady Zephyrina Rhona, Queen of the Dragonid Empire. I could never replace your late husband and my best friend. But may you do me the greatest of honor and become my wife? For I will do anything you ask. I wish to care for you, be there for you, and be with you. I will never hurt you, for my love for you is as strong as David's love for Sora."

He lowered his head and then raised it. "Will you become my wife, Lady Zephyrina?"

Sora was going awww and Risa was surprised.

Zephyrina was at a loss of words. She didn't know what to do or say. She cared for him. He been there for her through it all. Her husband's death, David, everything. She had feelings for him but didn't know if he had any for her. But now she knew that he did. He loved her. She, in the end, did too. She loved him as well. She smiled, more tears running down her face. She was happy.

"General Windrum." She said with a smile. "I strip you of your rank of General."

Everyone gasped. David exclaimed.

"What? Why? He--" she stopped him.

"You won't be needing it anymore. That's because you are now promoted to ESF Admiral and my Royal advisor. Your fighting days are over. That's because you'll be spending the rest of your life with me. I accept your proposal, my love."

David smiled. Sora and Risa went awe.

Windrum stood up and slipped the ring on her finger. David stepped forward and hugged his mother.

"I'm happy for you mother." He said. Then he pointed at the ring. "As for the ring, I instill it with pure energy from the Jewel. It will never disappear."

Then Windrum stepped forward and kissed her. Then they all gasped when they see a blue light. It was coming from David's chest. It was the Jewel. Blue energy surged forward and enveloped Zephyrina and Windrum. Then the blue energy disappeared. Then they all heard a voice.

"It seems that the Jewel has blessed you two. May you two live together forever."

It was the spirit of Draconos.

He grabbed Zephyrina with his only arm and pulled her to him. "We will, Rengal."

"Ah, so you know my name. Very good."

"Wait you're the spirit of the Rengal Draconos, the first Dragon King?" Zephyrina asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Why have you returned? I don't think it's just to bless the proposal." David said.

"You're right. I'm here to tell you that it's time for you and Sora to introduce the New Dragon King to the universe, but creating the Light of the Dragon. You and Sora are to leave the ship fly away and consummate your love by sealing it with a Kiss. The light will be created, and the universe will know that you exist."

"Alright." He said. He then walks up to Sora and takes her hand. Then he summons the ball of blue energy. "We'll be back."


David and Sora flew out of the ship and flew away from the fleet. Then they stopped. He turned to her and she turned to him. He touched her face.

"Are you ready my love?" He asked her.

"As long I'm with you, I'm ready for anything." She replied

"Then let's be together forever my love. Because all I need is you." He said.

"Then let's be together my love." She said. "Forever."

Then they kissed. A kiss they been waiting for a kiss that she always wanted. A love he always wanted. A kiss that can stop time. Then they glowed white. A white light enveloped them. A light that spread everywhere. To earth, to Dragma, to Serpentia. Everyone.

Zephyrina, Windrum, Risa and Theron were on the bridge of the Majestic Prince when the light was created. It was bright and pure.

Windrum spoke. "Rengal called it the light of Dragon. But it's not true."

"It's not?" Zephyrina asked, looking at him.

"No. That's the White Light of Love. The love of those two could outshine the heavens. No. A better name for it is the White Light of the True Lovers"

"That's a beautiful name." She said.

He pulled her to him. "It is indeed."

As they look at the light, they zoom in closer and closer into the light. In the center of the light, David and Sora are hold each other, locked together in a deep kiss. He whisper 3 words. Words that seem to froze time. Words that will live in their hearts forever.

"I love you."

The war is over and they now created the White Light of the True Lovers. Our loving tale is coming to a close. What will happen next time? Don't forget  to vote or comment.

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