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A/N: This is what I wrote in my Creative Writing class. If you guys like it, I might edit this first part and continue the story.


'And you thought that dragons didn't exist,' Andi thought to herself. She opened her black scaled wings, took a running start, and jumped into the air. She was flying. She never thought that anything she had seen recently could even be possible. An elderly man was standing on the ground, he was hidden behind a tree so Andi wouldn't see him. His bright and intense red eyes watched her in satisfaction. The man then looked up at the sky.

"Just tell them the story already!" he shouted in aggravation.

Okay, okay! Jeez, I was just trying to get people intrigued, no need to be rude! He-hem. Now, where was I? Ah yes, let's start at the beginning of Andi's tale. Haha! Tail! Get it? Because this is a story about dragons... and dragons have tails...

The man groaned, "They want to hear the story!"

Okay, fine. No more joking around. Let's just get this over with...

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Andi Valence. Andi lived in a small village with her mother and father. Her older brother had been called away to fight in the kingdom's army. Andi had missed her brother terribly. He had been the only one in her family to understand her. Her mother and father were so strict, they always made her do the work around the house while they had fun with their friends and looked for easy ways to get money.

Andi didn't have many friends. The children at her school either made fun of her for how poor she was or didn't talk to her at all. Andi had a few friends, though, like Cassidy Grace. Cassidy couldn't talk, she used sign language to communicate. Andi was the only one at her school who understood sign language, so she spoke for Cassidy. Eric Strats was nice enough. He didn't make fun of her and sometimes even talked to her. Andi was grateful for them.

Right now, she was doing her family's laundry outside. Andi sighed as another strand of her bright red hair fell in front of her face. Her hands were dirty so she didn't want to touch her hair. Someone came over and did it for her. Andi turned and saw Cassidy who smiled and waved.

"Hey, Cass," Andi smiled, very happy to see another human being for the first time in hours.

Cassidy handed Andi a cup of water. Andi gulped it down in 2 seconds flat.

'Do you want some help?' Cassidy signed, her brown eyes showing concern for her friend.

Andi nodded gratefully. Her mother had threatened to not feed her again if the laundry wasn't done in time. Usually, when her brother was home, they would do the work together and get it done in no time. Now, however, Andi was on her own. The two girls worked together to quickly get the chores done. In no time at all, everything was clean and drying.

"Oh, Andi! Where are you!?" called a peppy voice.

It was her mother. By how happy and cheerful she sounded when she said Andi's name, Andi could tell they had visitors. Usually, her mother would sound like she had downed a jug of poison when she said Andi's name.

Andi looked at Cassidy and signed, 'Go hide!'.

Cassidy nodded and hid in her usual spot behind some bushes. Andi heard her mother's voice again and sighed.

"Coming, mother!" she called.

Andi cleaned herself up a bit to seem more presentable. Her dress looked like an oversized rag but she didn't care at the moment. Andi walked into the house. As she did, Andi could smell turkey and ham and potatoes and many other delicious foods. Where was that coming from?

There was a man in the family room. He was carrying a whole weeks worth of food for Andi's family. Andi's mouth watered a bit at the sight of the large turkey, the honey-glazed ham, fresh vegetables, and ripe fruits. She looked at the man. He seemed to be at least 50 years old. He wore a black robe that was made out of a material Andi had never seen before. It had golden patterns along the edges, they almost looked like...

"Dragons?" Andi asked.

The man looked at her. His bright red eyes stared her down and sent shivers down her spine. The man smiled softly at Andi.

"Yes, dragons," he said. "Do you like them?"

"I think dragons seem fascinating."

The man walked closer to Andi. She wanted to back away, she didn't know this man and she didn't feel comfortable with this closeness.

"I would like you to come with me," he spoke.

"Wh-what?" Andi was confused. Who did this guy think he was? He can't just come charging into her house with food then ask her to come with him somewhere!

"I understand that you are confused and do not trust me," (was he a mind reader now?) "but you must come. I have already talked to Sean about this."

At the name Sean, Andi froze. This guy knew her brother? He seemed a bit stalkerish, if you asked me...

"Well, no one asked you!" the man shouted at the poor, innoce-

"Who are you talking to?" Andi asked.

"An idiot who can't shut their big mouth for two seconds!" the strange man scowled.

Hey it isn't my fault that I'm stuck as a narrator! It's yours! If it weren't for you, then we wouldn't even be in this mess in the first place! Ahem, back to the story...

"Yes, well, you can certainly take her..." Andi's mother agreed. "For a price."

Andi was overwhelmed with shock and betrayal. Her own mother would willing sell her to a stranger she just met without even giving it a second thought!? How could she? As the man and her parents talked money and arrangements, Andi ran back outside to Cassidy. She explained everything that had happened, leaving her friend speechless.

'That's horrible! Just utterly disgusting!' Cass signed. 'Willingly selling your own daughter to a stranger?! How could they!?'

Cassidy suggested that Andi come live with her instead, but Andi needed to know why this guy had contacted her brother... and she would stop at nothing to find out.

Meanwhile, the man watched Andi and Cassidy as they spoke. He smiled sadly at the girls, for they were unknowing about what was to come next. A great adventure awaited them.

"But not too great, right, Kora?" the man asked softly. "I want to see my son and daughter reunited before I pass on from this world."

Yes, Henry, I want that, too. However, you know I can't change how things go. I just narrate them.

"I know, Kora," Henry's red eyes glowed in frustration. "I just wish we didn't give them up all those years ago."

That was your own fault, Henry. You made me a narrator, a bodiless voice, and you gave up our children.

"I will fix my mistake, Kora," Henry promised. "After all, they already know they're different. Might as well tell them now that they're half-dragon. Before they find out the hard way."

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