Chapter 12: The Hogwarts Express

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  As they walk on trying to find their way home with their new Eevee's, there was a loud, TOOT TOOT. Suddenly, the Hogwarts Express, why RIGHT BEHIND THEM! "Run!" Stacy shouted! "Wait I have an idea what if we jump on the train?" So they did, and they made it! So all they could do was sit on the train and wait for it to get to Hogwarts. Three long hours later, they could see Hogwarts through the trees, "Whoa I never thought it would look this pretty!" Said Raina amazed. "I knew it looked this nice." Said Stacy. "How?" Asked Raina. "I read Raina, and I saw lots of pictures. "So you're saying that I should have spent all of my time, reading?" Asked Raina in a bossy voice. "Um, let me think, yes you should have." Said Stacy in a final voice like this settled the matter. "Haha." Said Raina. A few mins later, they made it to Hogs meed station. "So what do we do now, I mean, we can't just walk in without a letter, that we got saying that we could go to Hogwarts." Said Raina. "Maybe we could blend in?" Suggested Stacy. "Oh, let us think, two girls with brightly colored hair, purple and pink, without Hogwarts robes, and not even in our first year because we are 14 we have not got a letter. Also, might I add that we have no wand no books or ANYTHING?." Said Raina in an if you must know voice. "Well, when you say it like that, yes it is stupid." Said Stacy in an I give up voice. "So if you're so smart, what do we do?" Said Stacy. "Maybe we just sit on this train and wait for it to go back to London?" Said Raina rolling her eyes. "One thing I realized, is that the easiest questions never come to you until you think it's almost time to give up. Said Stacy. "Hahaha, that's right, I'm the best!" Said Raina. "Save the gloating for later." Said Stacy, "Come on let's get on the train." So they jumped passed the window and landed on the really fluffy seat. Stacys, Eevee got all nice and comfy on the seat, when Raina's Eevee sat on her lap.   

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