Chapter 27: Mistakes are Always Made

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(Scott's VO)

"My asthma is back. I'm not sure how, but it came back. Just as bad as it used to be. So now, I keep my inhaler on me all of the time. Just like I used to. And it's been five days. We haven't seen any new Chimeras, and we haven't seen the Dread Doctors. We all go to school, pretending like nothing's happened. But everyone seems to know. You just walk down the halls and no one's smiling. No one's laughing. You get the feeling that everyone can sense that something's coming. They just don't know what is, or how bad it's going to be. Every time I feel like I should do something about it, I find myself reaching for my inhaler. Like, I'm going to take a hit of it and, and come up with some brilliant solution on how to save everyone. But I don't know what to do. I don't think anyone does. Maybe that's why no one's really talking to each other. Sometimes we don't even notice each other.

But I think some of us are okay with that. Because not talking makes it easier to keep secrets.

And I don't know if anyone's really lying about things. Maybe it's more like lies of omission. Maybe the worst lie is to Stilinski. Because no one's told him about Parrish yet. Then again, no one's told Parrish either. He doesn't seem to remember taking the bodies. And we think that he's only really dangerous if you try to get in his way. If Stilinski knew the truth, he'd definitely get in his way. So Lydia and Stiles are trying to find the bodies, which means finding the Nemeton. They're driving around, searching all of the woods. But the last time that we found this thing, three of us had almost drowned in ice water. We're not the only ones looking for Chimeras...Stilinski's got everyone looking for the next target. Questioning anyone who's a genetic Chimera. Anyone who's got two sets of DNA. No one really knows what they're looking for. Some think it's a serial killer. Some probably know it's worse. The two Chimeras that we know about, Hayden and Corey...They're both doing okay. Actually, better than okay. They're healing faster and getting stronger. They don't need our help. And I don't think they'd want it anyway. I still haven't heard from Kira. And I'm getting more and more worried about Deaton. And Josie, too. She's still having nightmares. About the mysterious 'S' guy. The dread doctors. Her father. The Dread Doctors think they know her. That she's someone of great importance to them. She's been trying to find anything about this woman, Diana. But, nothing in the histories talk about a woman of such. It's like time erased her out of stories or she never existed. The worst nightmare she had was when she was dreaming about werewolves surrounding her. Ripping her apart. She cried all night in my arms. I barely could calm her down. She's scared, I think we're all are. I know something's coming. And all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe?" He slaps his inhaler on the exam table as he stood in the Vet's office with Theo.

"You sound like you're trying to apologize." Theo says.

"You came back looking for an Alpha. I guess I'm sorry that you found me." Scott sighs.

"I'm not sorry." Theo shakes his head.

"You still want to be part of the pack?" Scott asks incredulous.

"Scott, I'm with you. For better or worse." Theo states.

"Trust me. There's gonna be worse." Scott says, worriedly.

"I'm counting on it." Theo smirks.


Theo runs down to the lab and stops at the end of the stairs as he sees the surgeon out of his jacket, yet still had his mask on. His skin was covered with deep scars and cuts. As if he was attacked in the past by an animal and horribly worked on. The pathologist takes a syringe filled with green substance and starts to inject it into the surgeon's arm. The sound of blood dripping from the newest chimera who was lying on the slab, dead with the surgeon's cane sword sticking out of his back.

"I need more time. Are you listening to me? I said I need more time." Theo says.

"Perigee-syzygy." The surgeon says. Sighing as the medicine begins to work wonders on him, "The supermoon."

The surgeon's skin begins to inflate, looking normal and healthy.

The pathologist turns to Theo, "We'll know at the perigee-syzygy."

"But what about Hayden?" Theo asks.

"Failure." The surgeon says simply as he exams his arm.

"No, no, no. Not to me." Theo protests.

"Failure compromises the experiment pool." Surgeon says as he pulls down his sleeve.

"I kept Scott out of your way. I kept your precious Josie or Diana, or whatever the hell you call her alive. I did everything you wanted. Now, I need Hayden alive." Theo demands.

"Inconsequential." The surgeon says as he exams a parchment with the phases of the moon.

"You promised me a pack." Theo says, anger building up inside him.

"We promised you nothing."

"I need her alive!" Theo shouts.

The doctors stop what they were doing and slowly turns to Theo. Theo could feel the anger radiating off them. It was powerful, almost overwhelming. He takes a step back as fear takes over anger. The surgeon steps closer to him.

"Only until the perigee-syzygy." He says as he yanks the cane sword out of the chimera's back and turns to leave.


Sheriff and Parrish went to where Theo found Hayden and Liam. Parrish wasn't too keen about going back, considering last time he was there, a large supernatural creature stabbed him in the gut, trying to take his powers. Nearly killing him, if he can be killed.

"This definitely doesn't look like an operating theater." Parrish says as he looks around while Sheriff was kneeling, looking around for any clues. The floor, the walls. "Maybe it's more like a remote field station."

Sheriff had an idea, "I'm starting to wonder if maybe we're wasting our time looking for  potential Chimeras, when maybe, we should be looking for the failures."

"How do we do that?" Parrish asks as he moves closer to Sheriff.

"We equip every available deputy with a UV light."

"What's UV going to show us?"

Sheriff flashes his light on the ground and sees a silver puddle, he dips his finger into it and brings it up to exam it better. "Mercury."


Hayden and Liam met up between the buses in private. Cuddling lovingly, smiling. Liam was in love. He loves Hayden so much. He touches her skin and feels the sparks dance over his fingers. She was his mate, he knew it.

Liam plays with Hayden's hair, pushing it off her skin, "I'll see you second period for History, okay? Then lunch."

"I have Math after that." She smiles.

"So, I'll find you at the bell." Liam shrugs.

Hayden laughs softly, then realizes, "They only come out after dark though, right? You don't have to check on me every period."

"I want to." Liam says, determinedly.

Hayden smiles, "Okay."

Liam sighs, "You're gonna be okay."

He leans in and gives her a long, loving kiss.

When he pulls away, he frowns when he looks at Hayden, mercury staining his lips. Hayden frowns and feels something dripping from her nose. She wipes it away and gasps when she sees it staining her fingers.

"Don't tell anyone. You can't tell anyone." She begs him.


Stiles and Lydia stand in the middle of the woods, spending hours trying to the find the Nemeton. But, they couldn't find it. They searched in the obvious areas where they've been to before, but it was gone.

"It's almost like this thing doesn't want to be found." Stiles scoffs as he looks around the area.

"Maybe it knows we're late for class. Because we've been here...twice." Lydia says, bitterly, twirling the marker she had in her hand and looking at a tree.

Stiles frowns and moves to look at the tree, "Crap." He sighs, the tree was marked with an X twice. They marked the trees to make sure they wouldn't get lost. They've been going in a circle.

"Can we talk to Parrish now?" Lydia rolls her eyes.

"Hang on. If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?" Stiles suggests.

"Me?" Lydia asks in disbelief.

"Yes, you. That's what you do. You're the Banshee, you find the bodies." He says sarcastically.

"Well, the Banshee's having an off day, so how about we talk to Parrish?" She says sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"We can't." Stiles says frustrated.

"Why not?" Lydia asks, confused.

"Because one of the bodies...One of them...One of them could be..." Stiles stutters, trying to figure out what he could tell her without telling her Donovan is really dead and it's because he did it.

"Could be what?" Lydia asks.

"One of them could be a clue." Stiles stutters.

Lydia sighs, exasperatedly, "I'm leaving now, Stiles. I'm going to talk to Parrish and tell him he's the one taking the bodies. It's always better when they know." She says, walking off.

"Well then, he should know he owes me a Jeep." He says, sarcastically and follows her.


(Josie's Outfit for the day ^^^)

As the bell rings, students in the boys locker room were beginning to pack up and leave. Scott leans on a locker, breathing heavily. His asthma begins to come back. He shakes his inhaler and squirts the medicine in his mouth. He sighs and puts the inhaler back in his pocket. He was getting really irritated with this. He suddenly looks over his shoulder as he begins to heart a familiar heartbeat. He moves to a row of lockers and sees Liam packing up his gym bag.

"Hey." Scott says.

Liam looks up and zips up his gym bag, but Scott catches what was in it. Food, water. He frowns in confusion and looks up at Liam.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Nothing." Liam shrugs and looks up at Scott.

Scott sighs, "Hey, Liam, just remember it's a full moon tomorrow. And you're probably already starting to feel it." Scott says.

"I know." Liam says.

"It's a supermoon. Which means it's gonna be closer to the Earth..." Liam cuts him off.

"Yeah, I...I know what it means."

"Okay. Well, just remember, I'm here for you. Well, me and Josie." Scott says.

Liam slams his locker shut and turns to him, irritated, "You going to chain me to the tree again?" He scoffs. "Or rooted, however Josie will do to keep me at bay?"

"All I meant was, it might be a good idea if we stick together. So we can protect each other." Scott says.

Liam sighs and reaches for his gym back, gripping the straps tight, he shakes his head, avoiding eye contact with Scott.

"We can't protect anyone." He takes off to leave, but coming out of the locker room, he bumps into Josie. At least he thinks it's Josie.

"Josie?" He frowns in confusion.

Her skin was pale, paler than before, her eyes were littered with bags. Her hair was tied up in a tight ponytail. She looked exhausted.

"Hey, Liam." She says softly.

"You look look like crap." He says bluntly.

"Gee, thanks for letting me know. And I thought it was a fashion statement to look like I haven't been sleeping for five freaking days!" She says sarcastically.

Liam's eyes widen in fear, he throws his hands up in surrender and takes off.

Josie sighs and rubs her tired eyes, she feels Scott coming up behind her, holding her tight in his arms.

"I thought you were gonna nap in study hall?" He asks.

She scoffs and turns to bury her face in his jacket, "I tried, but I woke up screaming again. I'm too scared to go to sleep. But, I'm so tired. I can't take this anymore." She whispers.

He holds her close, running his fingers through her hair and burying his face in her neck.

"I don't want to see them in my dreams anymore. I don't want to know anymore. I just want to sleep and not dream." Her voice shakes.

"We control our dreams, Jo. You can control the dream. Just think of something better." He says.

She pulls away, and looks up at him, "Like what?"

He smirks, "Me, naked." He chuckles.

Josie giggles and blushes, "Hmm, that does sound better than dreaming of Diana." She sighs, "You know, we haven't..." She bites her lip. "Since my hearing came back. It's been months. Maybe...if might help the dreams." She suggests, shyly.

Scott's brows go up as mini-Scott salutes at the idea, it was true. They haven't been intimate in a while since the Dread Doctors. But, the moon was close...he could hurt her if they had sex. He couldn't risk it.

Scott cups her face in his hands and kisses her deeply, passionately. She sighs as she feels his tongue dances on hers. They lips touching, sparks erupting from skin to skin contact. She almost whined when he pulls away, breaking the kiss, "We can't. It's not that I don't want to. The moon, the super moon is coming. It's not like other full moons. We'll be at our strongest, most aggressive. I don't want to risk hurting you. I love you so much. More than my own life." He says.

Sighing sadly, she nods, she understood, but damn, a girl's got needs. She can wait though.

"I love you too. But, remember, your my life. I don't care if I live or die. I Just don't know what I would do, if I lost you."

"We're one. You'll never lose me and I'll never lose you. I promise." He says and leans down to kiss her one more time before walking her to class.


Stiles meets up with Theo to tell him about what Lydia is gonna do. They walk into the library to think things through.

"You guys are sure that's where Parrish is taking the bodies?" Theo asks.

"Lydia says that's what happens in his dream." Stiles explains.

"I mean, you know if Lydia finds the Nemeton, she's also going to find Donovan..." Stiles cuts Theo off with a glare. "Sorry."

"She's also going to find Josh." Stiles challenges which shuts Theo up, but not for long.

"You know what, maybe she should." Theo says. Stiles frowns at him in disbelief. "I think things are different now for Scott. Especially after what he did to Corey. I don't think he's going to blame us for defending ourselves. I know he won't blame you."

Stiles sighs and looks back to where Donovan was before. He could almost see the body again, dripping with blood with a huge bar sticking through his chest. But, when Stiles looks at Donovan's face...he sees himself. Dead, eyes wide open.

He lets out an uneven sigh and looks at Theo, he couldn't speak, but, maybe it was time to come clean...but when?


Mason went off to find Corey, to see if he can get him back on Scott's side. He sees him at his locker, turning the combination. But when Corey pulls on the lock, he accidentally breaks it. Corey looks at the lock in his hand in shock and turns when he hears Mason's voice.

"You're getting stronger."

"How strong am I supposed to get?" Corey asks.

"Let's find out." Mason says and they two of them go off to the gym. Corey gets on the bench and starts lifting weights till he was lifting up to over 200 pounds. He places it on the weight lock and sits up.

"Wow." He says, impressed.

"Yeah." Mason eyes the weights with wide eyes, just like what happened with Liam before he knew about supernaturals.

Corey gets up and rubs his shoulders, "Does this mean I'm their success?" He asks.

"I don't know. But Scott might." Mason says.

Corey frowns and rolls his eyes.

"I know the last time you saw him wasn't his best day. But he's trying to help. More than most people would."

Corey sighs, but nods, it was true. Still, though, he was cautious. He looks over to the other weights and smirked at Mason.

Mason looks at where his eyes were and laughs, "Seriously?"

"Why not?" Corey shrugs.


Meanwhile, Sheriff managed to get into the school library and started to look around while students came and go through the building. He turns on his UV light to look around for any clues for mercury or something. Some students passed by him, looking at him weirdly at what he was doing, but he had a job, he didn't care what they were thinking. He frowns when he points the light at the floor and sees black smoke coming from one area near a table. Mercury. and blood. He starts to think back at what Clark told him about the key cards.

"Why are you telling me about library key cards?"

"The  system logged two names right around the time of the 9-1-1 call. Theo Raeken and your son, Stiles."

Then he thinks about what he told Stiles when Stiles was obsessed with finding answers about Theo.

"You sure this kid's guilty?"


"Then all you got to do is wait. If they're really guilty, eventually they make a mistake. They always make a mistake."

And he did...Theo made a mistake.


In class, Scott tries to focus with his notes, till Theo turns to whisper to him.

"Hey. I need to talk to you about something."

"You okay?" Scott frowns, whispering back.

"It's not really about me. But it's something I probably should've told you a long time ago." Theo shakes his head.

"What is it?" Scott asks.

"It's about Stiles." Theo says, hesitantly.

Scott frowns, but snaps his head to listen to a noise approaching the school.

"Wait...Do you hear that?"

Theo listens out, sirens.

"Is that the police?" He frowns.

Scott shakes his head, "It's an ambulance."


Outside the school, paramedics begin to carry out a mercury, black ooze covered Corey who was choking out the substance from his mouth.

"He just started bleeding everywhere. I don't..." Mason says frantically, black ooze and silver mercury coated his clothes and skin.

Scott and Theo both looked around, eyes widen at the sight. Josie comes running out and gasps, covering her mouth in horror.

"Don't let them do it. Don't let them kill me!" Corey screams out, choking on his words as more black ooze pours out of his mouth.

"Scott, we have to follow them. We gotta protect him, right?" Theo says. Scott was in mild shock. "Scott, come on. Scott? Scott, this is what you do." Theo shakes him out of his trance and together they head to Theo's truck but Scott stops next to Josie.

"We're gonna go follow Corey. Stay here and find Stiles and tell him to meet us at the hospital." He says.

She nods and kisses him and runs off to find Stiles.

Liam takes off in the hallways as students run out to see what was going on. He meets Hayden in the stairway, seeing she already know what was going on.

"It's Corey, isn't it?"

"Yeah. They're taking him to the hospital." Liam nods.

"That means I'm next. They're coming for me." Hayden says, her voice trembling with fear.

"They're coming for all of us, which is why we have to get out of here." He grabs her hand and together they run off.

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