Chapter 4 - Thank You

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I took a day off to rest from my injury before I was back in work, the assistant warden said I was going to get a worker's compensation.

I also did a little bit of shopping nearby.

I went over to Radke's cell and see him fixing his bed. I cleared my throat and he looked over, scoffing.

"Glad to see you're not dead," he said. "It would be a shame to lose another CO here."

"I only came to thank you," I blurted out.

He was still before turning to me.

"What?" He asked.

"Thank you, for, ummm... Saving me..." I said.

He looked confused before brushing it off. "It was nothing. Still pretty reckless of you to run towards a prison fight like that."

"I guess I'm just a reckless girl," I shrugged. "Always have been."

"Clearly," he chuckled softly.

I sigh and looked down before holding up the small gift bag through the bars. "I got you something. Not much, but I was able to still sneak it in."

He looked up as I handed it to him, and he looked inside, his eyes widening at the candy.

"This is controband, so keep this hidden," I said.

"Ummm, thanks. Hey, if... If it's not much to ask," he said, putting the candy under his pillow. "Can you, umm, get me a notebook?"

I scrunched my eyebrows? "Notebook?"

"Yeah, just a regular notebook and pen or pencil to write," he said.

"Umm, I suppose," I said, holding the bars of his cell. "But why? How would I know you won't you this against me, or use the pen or pencil as a weapon?"

"I swear, im not. Its just... Its been a long time since I wrote a song, and I have some ideas, but I don't want to forget them."

I now grew curious if this inmate. "You write songs?"

"Used to," he said, looking a bit nervous.

"Why are you nervous?" I asked.

"Its just... Since I got here, nobody has been this nice," he said, pointing to the pillow he his the candy in. "In hjoknesty, not even so much before I got here."

I frowned slightly. "What's your name?"

He looked up. "You know it."

"I mean your first name. I never got the chance to see your file," I said. "Remember, I'm sort of new here."

He looked a bit hesitant, but then spoke.

"Ronnie," he said. "And your's, Officer Gonzalez?"

I look at him. "Meredith."

He had a small smile. "That's an nice name. It suits you," he said, feeling comfortable.

I smiled a little. "Thank you."

He nodded as he decided to eat one of the candies and I looked around, hoping nobody was around.

Everyone must be in the courtyard, including security since it was maximized.

"So.... Tell me about your songs," I said.

He smiled as he then told me about him being in a band called Escape the Fate, how they were going to release a second album and then some shit happened that he didn't mention and one thing lead to another and he ended up in here."

"I'll be stuck here for 5 years, and I just don't want to lose my touch with music" he said.

I knew he was being honest, and nodded. "That's amazing. And, I can tell music has influenced your life a lot."

He nodded. "Yeah."

I sigh and looked down, before back up. "I'll try and sneak a notebook next time."

He smiled a bit and nodded.

"Thank you," he said.

I smiled as I then heard my name being called in the speaker.

"I need to go," I said, and then walked off.

[Ronnie's POV]

I pulled the candy bag out and looked at it.

Starburst, Skittles, and a Hershey's bar.

I smiled as I popped a Starburst in my mouth and laid back.

She sure is something....

I scoffed.

What would someone like her ever even see in a criminal like me?


Should I continue? Yes or no? ^.^=

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