Chapter 7 - Throne Room in His Heart

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*Almost a Year Later*

 [Meredith's POV]

"Lucky ass motherfucker, I'm gonna miss you!" Ronnie said as he hugged his friend.

"You be good now, you hear?" he said with a smile as he got his bag.

I smiled as he walked over and I escorted him outside.

Today, Richard Colson Baker is a free man.

"Don't get yourself back here again," I said.

"Not planning on it," he said. "Hey, and take care of my boy, Radke. He's got 4 years, and it seems like a long time. He needs a friend like you."

I stopped and looked at him with scrunched eyebrows.

"I kinda know you like him," he said. "But when are you gonna tell him?"

"Tell him what?" I asked him.

"I'm not an idiot. I've see those signs before. Long sleeves, flinching, you even get make up smears when you sweat a little... Who's the motherfucker?" he asked looking upset.

I sighed, knowing that Baker knew. He's smart, and there's no hiding anything.

"His name is Shane Webber. He gets... Angry a lot..." I mumbled.

"Well leave his ass! You don't need that shit, you're too pretty for a black eye," he said. "And this is coming from a ex-convict."

I gulped and sighed. "Its not easy."

"Well, I'm a free man. Let me," he said.

"No... Let me handle it. Just enjoy your freedom," I said.

He hesitated, then sighed. "Take care of my boy. According to him, you've got the throne room in his heart, I know it."

My eyes widen at his words as he then went to the parking lot and ran to a young girl's arms, spinning her around and hugging her. His girlfriend, most likely.

I walked back inside and went to the counter in visitation, then spotted a piece of paper in the pencil cup.

I looked around and picked it out, reading it.

Meet me in the storage room in B-Wing again after lunch? :)

I smiled and kept the note in my pocket as I then got to work.

Does he really feel the same?


[Ronnie's POV]

I sat in the storage room that I had snuck into right after lunch and waited. Hopefully she can make it this time.

This past year, Meredith and I became relatively close. We've gotten to know a lot about each other, even though I feel like she's hiding something.

As time went by, my feelings grew more and more, but I just know she will never feel the same.

I then hear the door click and a familiar small figure stepped in, closing the door.

"Hey," she smiled.
"Hey," I said. "Baker went home happy?"

"He hugged and kissed his girl," she said. "He's going to be fine. He's very smart."

I nodded. "He's had a lot of bumps in the road while he served time here," he said.

I then looked up and noticed something on her wrist. Her sleeve rode up and it was covered in purple bruises.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at her wrist.

She looked down and quickly put her sleeve down.

"N-Nothing..." she said.

"No, don't lie," I said. "I never lied to you, doesn't mean you have to lie to me."

She looked up nervously before she sighed and started to unbutton her shirt.

"Wait, what are you...?" I asked, and then gasped in horror.

Bruises of different shades of purples, blues, and greens and of all different shapes and sizes covered her body and arms, and some scratches, too.

"Meredith..." I said in shock.

She had tears falling down her face.

"Who did this.." I said, speechless.

"M-My boyfriend... I've tried leaving him, but... Its no use," she said.

I don't know what angered and hurt more: the fact that she was taken or the fact that the man who is supposed to treat this woman right is beating her.

I paced the room, trying to contain my anger and calm down, because the fact that someone had the nerve to lay a hand on her like this...

My anger flew out and I ended up punching the wall hard, feeling pain erupt from my fist.

"Ronnie!" she cried and held my fist.

"Meredith, stop," I warned.

"You're hurting yourself," she cried.

"You're going to get hurt, and you don't deserve anymore punches," I said.

"I'm not scared," she said.

"Meredith, just please, I-"

I was cut off by suddenly feeling lips against mine and froze.

She was kissing me.

She slowly moved her lips against mine and I felt heart rate relax as I gently then wrapped my arms around her tiny frame, kissing her back gently.

This felt so wrong, yet... It felt so right.


Picture: Richard Colson Baker aka Machine Gun Kelly

I got my internet back, and computer tablet hopefully gets fixed soon. Fingers crossed.

Feedback!! ^.^=

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