Chapter 25 Just Hit Him On The Head Again

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Chapter 25: Just Hit Him On The Head Again

"None of these keys work!"

I shoved the gross keychain in Paris's hand and backed away from the door to Ruth's room.

"Now what?" Paris asked when he failed to unlock as well.

"Break down the door, why don't you?" I suggested exasperated. It was already difficult to remain discreet while escaping Ruth, and the key failure just added on.

The three of us stood next to each other, leaning against the wall. Nolan suddenly had a new plan. We couldn't help Ruth, but the main purpose of our visit was to break the wedding. It was time to pay the groom a visit.

The three of us snuck outside and ran to the buggy Paris's family owned. Nolan's car was parked too far and it couldn't possibly make it through the Amish village's dirt roads. We rode towards the church where the groom awaited with his family and guests, probably. Nolan sat close to me, his arm rubbing against mine. I sideways glanced at him. He really had nice eyes. When he caught me staring, I didn't bother hiding it.

He smirked before turning his head my way and staring back at me with a small smile..

"Enjoying the site?" Paris's timing was impeccable. His eyes faced the front since he controlled the horses. He didn't know what happened in the back.

"I am," Nolan answered.

I grinned slightly, turning away to observe my surroundings.

"The village is so serene and breathtaking," I said.

"I agree on the 'breathtaking' part," said Nolan and winked. I elbowed him. Before he could react, the buggy took a sharp turn and I lost my balance on the makeshift seat, my shoulder bumping into Nolan's. "Damn Hel-en, you're such a dainty flower," he said.

Was that an insult?

"Sorry guys," Paris called from the front. We let it go. "The destination has arrived," Paris declared.

In front of us stood a tall building with a cross at the top. The Church had beautiful architecture and was decorated with flowers. There were a few other buggies outside. The wedding didn't start for another two and a half hours. Why was the groom so early? He wanted to marry Ruth that bad?

I adjusted my hands in my coat pockets to avoid the cold.

Small snow flurries filled the atmosphere and the three of us rushed inside, red faced.

"Paris?" someone called. A thin girl around my age dressed beautifully came to us with a surprised expression. She gave Paris a quick hug before turning to the rest of us. I didn't really care who she was. "Something wrong?" she asked.

"Julie, meet Nolan and Helen, our guests. Nolan, Helen, this is Julie--Jeremiah's sister," introduced Paris. We exchanged polite hello's. Seemingly, Jeremiah was the groom's name. "Where's your brother?"

"In the back with the parents. Why?"

Paris mumbled some excuse and our trio ran towards the back. A middle-aged couple stood fixing a young man's collar. Paris introduced us all without any need. Jeremiah was a decent looking guy with curly brown hair and bright green eyes. Nolan's were prettier. We said we wanted to spend some time with the groom so they let us be.

Once alone with Jeremiah, I said, "Don't marry Ruth."

"Why not?" he asked.

"She's too young and childish," said Paris.

"And she has been with too many guys," added Nolan. Paris and I glared at him. "I mean she dated too many guys during the rumaspringa."

"Don't care," shrugged Jeremiah and turned to go.

Nolan and Paris blocked his way.

"Look," Paris said in a firm tone, "my sister is getting married against her will."

"Not my problem," Jeremiah replied. "I'm getting married today whether you like it or not." His confidence regarding his marriage was commendable. Too bad we weren't letting the guy get married. "Move out of my way," he snarled at the boys.

Nolan pointed at someone's cane lying near me.

Confused, I picked it up.

Both Paris and Nolan gestured me to hit Jeremiah. Sure I stood behind the guy, I wasn't dumb. Why would I assault him and get in a hell load of trouble? Seeing the groom's persistence to leave and my partners throwing threatening looks, I raised the cane up high like an evil villain in a movie and brought it down like a chop. It hit the back of Jeremiah's head, knocking him out. He collapsed on the floor.

Paris and Nolan blinked at me.

"You just killed a person," Nolan whispered.

No, I didn't.

I think.

"You're gonna end up in jail," Paris said scaring me further. I held the cane in trembling hands and stared at the groom's limp body. There was no blood. The worst that could happen was a concussion, right? I scratched my head, confused yet horrified at what I had done.

Why the hell did I smack him?

"Y--you guys told me--" I tried to say

"If we tell you to kill someone, you'll do it?" Paris asked in disbelief.

The cane dropped out of my hand and my breaths came out short. Of course, he was right. Hanna, Chase, and now this unknown person. I clutched my face and sniffled. I was an idiot. Complete idiot.

Nolan and Paris laughed at my expression.

"Chill, Helen," Nolan grinned. "He isn't dead. Now, we just have to hide him until the wedding ceremony is over."


They helped the unconscious Jeremiah stand and we snuck him out from the back. The guys shoved him inside a broken buggy, lying on the side of the road. Paris got a rope from his buggy and tied it around the groom's hands and feet. He took off a sock from his foot and shoved it in Jeremiah's mouth.


"Good teamwork," Paris praised.

"I feel so bad," I said observing Jeremiah. He was going to freeze in there in the cold weather. Then again, these people didn't use heaters, so they were used to it.

"Don't," said Paris. "He never felt bad about my sister or even put her situation into consideration. I don't easily forgive those who try to hurt her."

Did that mean he didn't forgive Nolan?

But he wanted to help him.

The three of us quietly stood in the snow. Nolan gestured to go inside to avoid looking suspicious. We snuck inside the building, pretending to be engrossed in ourselves, and took space up front. Paris went to talk to the guests.

"It's freezing in here," I whispered.

Nolan opened his mouth to say something, but then shut it. Obviously, we couldn't find heat here. Nevertheless, he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. I caught a whiff of his cologne--leathery and sandalwood mix. "Better?" he asked. I chuckled, my head resting against his chest. I actually liked this side of him.

If Nolan's breakups schemes and blackmailing didn't occur, he wasn't bad at all.

"The anemic guy is giving me warmth," I said and laughed. He cracked a smile. I reached out and touched his hand, which was freezing cold. "You need the warmth more than me." The Church door opened and closed multiple times, indicating guests entering. I retreated from his arms, but he pulled me right back. "Nolan, people are coming in--"

"So? We're cold," he reasoned, bringing his head down in my neck.

I pushed him away and scolded, "We're inside a Church!"


I suppressed a smile.

"Where's Jeremiah?" People were asking. Nolan and I pretended to show concern as well.

"He was with us ten minutes ago, but then left to get ready," I answered when Julie, Jeremiah's sister, asked me about his whereabouts. Everyone was searching frantically. Without the groom, the wedding couldn't proceed. Paris, Nolan, and I tried to help everyone.

Not really.

We covered the area with the broken buggy, holding Jeremiah.

The guy had woken up and sounds of his thrashing in there elevated our worries. If anyone decided to check, we were screwed.

"Just hit him on the head again!" Nolan said irritated.

I shook my head furiously.

"I don't even know where the cane went," Paris said.

They both told me to watch guard as they diverted attention from here.

The search continued for the next two hours. Guests were adding.

People were concerned.

Paris filled me in that Ruth and his family waited inside the Church.

I snuck a look inside the buggy. Jeremiah's eyes went wide when he saw me, but because of the sock stuffed in his mouth, he couldn't shout. He slammed his head back in anger and ended up wincing in pain.

"Sorry," I said regretfully.

My arm was suddenly grabbed and I was pulled back. I stiffened.


"What's in there?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she reached forward to open the door. I blocked her way. Nolan fell in my line of vision and I looked at him for help. He tugged Paris. Inside the buggy, Jeremiah began making weird noises, gaining his sister's attention.

"Julie!" Paris called out just as Julie tugged at the latch. He ran over with Nolan. "We locked a--a dying crow in there!"

She scowled.


"It's beyond the saving point," I answered.

She still had a skeptical expression. We heard another noise inside the buggy which Paris again blamed for the flapping of the dying crow. "C'mon, the guests have started leaving and we must see them off." Paris looped an arm around her waist and pushed her along with him. Glancing over his shoulder, he gestured me to keep an eye out. The plan was succeeding.

Before I could respond, there was a loud thud.

Julie froze and so did we three.

Jeremiah stumbled out with loose ropes. He took out the sock from his mouth and shouted, "I'm gonna kill you!"

Nolan and I bolted.

The snow made it hard to run as Jeremiah chased us. Julie and Paris ran right behind them. We were getting in so much trouble because Paris couldn't tie the groom tightly. The guests stared at the serious game of tag we were playing. Most of them were just shocked to see Jeremiah, who screamed of murder.

There were some children making a snowman in the inch or two deep snow. Not paying attention, I tripped over a pile of tree branches, bringing down Nolan with me because I landed on his way.

Jeremiah jumped on top of us.

Followed by Julie and Paris in the Dogpile.

The side of my face buried in the snow and I felt the chill run down my spine. I groaned. One mistake and I land face first with a guy screaming murder on top of me. Egging the principal's house equaled an angry groom.

Slowly, the weight lifted.

Nolan helped me to my feet and shrugged off some of the snow, covering my face and shoulders. I shuddered.

"Are you okay?" he asked, pushing my wet hair out of my face.

I nodded.

Everyone was staring at us, expecting an explanation. Jeremiah pushed Paris next to me and Nolan. He turned to the crowd of people and pointed at us.

"They kidnapped me!"


Thoughts on the chapter?


Will the wedding happen or not?

Keep voting and commenting. Pretty please.

And I'm literally throwing stories I had in my drafts out, so that I can finish everything I started at some point. So please check them out <3

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