Chapter 34 Cadbury, Like The Chocolate Brand?

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Chapter 34: Cadbury, Like The Chocolate Brand?

Waving her goodbye, I exchanged a knowing glance with Hestia.

Her spring break was over and she had to return to Ohio, so it was a goodbye, today. Turning to my parents, I told them I was going out for a walk and they simply nodded their heads, before heading back inside.

I strolled down the sidewalk, processing everything Hestia told me yesterday night.

"Helen, I was a part of the peer-to-peer counseling and tutoring, club. Nolan was someone I counseled, not tutored."

Of course, Nolan needed counseling.

But he actually attending a counseling class was just as common as a Lochness monster sighting.

"He told me about all his breakups and his heart problem. At that time, he had just broken up with Janine--my ex boyfriend's younger sister, as you know--and to add insult to injury, he started having family problems."

Family problems, but what?

"He never clearly told me anything, but once he mentioned about his parents constantly fighting and maybe divorcing. I tried to do my best as a peer counselor and even went to the extent of letting the supervisor that Nolan needed higher help. Unfortunately, he never showed signs of needing help."

For once, I could comprehend what she meant by that.

Whenever it came to adults, Nolan put on an entirely new persona of an average teenage boy in high school. Never has he let loose or shown his vulnerable side. It could've been due to the entire focus being on Nolan's physical state--stress cardiomyopathy--than his mental one. From the experience I had with his parents, I knew for a fact that they didn't listen to anyone.

Also, they hated me.

"Nolan didn't have any friends at that time and for his sake, I made an effort to hang out with him. Sometimes going bowling, paintballing, etc. Because of him, I began spending less and less time with Jason. One day, my stupid boyfriend once caught me at an ice cream shop with Nolan and that was it. He flipped out. Broke up with me. Called me a lot of inappropriate words. It was even worse because Nolan dated his sister not even three weeks earlier."

That wasn't something my sister had told anyone. In fact, she never even made a huge deal out of the breakup, even though it was a massive turning point in her life. Heck, I didn't even know Nolan was the reason behind her breakup.

Was Hestia the eighth breakup, though?

She was simply his friend, his counselor, his companion, not Nolan's girlfriend. Moreover, not even once did she say she dated Nolan.

"After my breakup with Jason, I grew apart from Nolan as well. He tried to inquire the reason, but I never gave him one. Now, whether or not the eighth breakup of his is related to me or his family isn't something I can verify. However, I'm damn sure it's one of those two."

That was something only Nolan could clarify.

But according to my knowledge of Nolan, I didn't think that my sister's breakup would affect him. He had enough of his own breakups to cry over than someone else's.

Maybe he felt like he had lost his counselor or a good friend?

"Help him if you can, Helen. He just needs his head cleared and real psychologist advice."

That was exactly what I was planning on doing. Right now, it wasn't a matter of me approaching Nolan. It was time for one last attempt at persuading his parents to search for help for their kid.

If Nolan kept up with his current behavior and attitude, stress might just . . . kill him.

I rubbed my hands over my face and made a u-turn. In my deep thought process, I neglected to observe where I was headed. Kicking rocks down the sidewalk, I felt a car slow down near me.

I quickened my pace.

Frankly, getting kidnapped at such a crucial time wasn't the most appealing of the situations.


I froze.

The potential kidnapper even knew my name?

I wasn't even famous, yet! Not even in my own school.

Cautiously, I turned on my heels at snuck a glance at the car once again. Seeing my new friend's smiling face calmed my nerves down. I glared at Nico. Then, it dawned on me that just yesterday night, I saw his face in the news.

"Prince Nicolas," I muttered.

His expression dropped and his eyes flickered around as if checking whether anyone heard me or not.

"You watch the news?!" he said through clenched teeth.


"Get in the car," he insisted and upon seeing no movement, he added, "please." Sighing, I complied with his request, plopping in the seat next to him. There was no one else in the car except for the so called Prince. He began heading down the road towards my house. He had dropped me off once before, so he was aware of where I lived.

Unsatisfied with the news story, I allowed my eyes to survery Nico's face. Above his eyes, the left eyebrow ring and right earring had disappeared. The usually spiked, blonde hair of his was styled in a tousled manner. Finally, he sported a normal look than that hooligan one he held previously.

But just changing looks didn't change someone's character.

"Are you seriously a prince?" I asked. "You certainly don't have qualities of one."

He gave a sarcastic-amused look. "You are just like her."


"My grandmother."

"How so?" I queried.

He leaned back in his seat and met my eyes. "Both of you agree that I have no princely charms or prince-like qualities." I chuckled, though stopped shortly realizing that this guy confirmed he was some sort of a prince. "In my defense, I was trying to fit in the normal population, for once . . . while grandmother was away for official business."

"So, you really are a prince?" I asked. He nodded. Why couldn't I be surrounded by normal people? "Prince of where? Bel Air?"

"What's that?" he asked confused. I waved my hand in a dismissive manner, letting him explain. "You know where the North Sea is?"

"Between UK, Germany, Norway and a bunch of European countries nearby," I replied. He seemed impressed. "Three time geography bee winner."

It finally paid off.

"Nerd," he scoffed. "Anyways, there's a country--in the North Sea, which is close to Norway, almost touching it's border--called Cadbure."

"Cadbury, like the chocolate brand?"

That was a funny name for a country.

"Not exactly. It's c-a-d-b-u-r-e. Cad-buh-ray."

"Alright Nico, it's a joke. I get it," I said, not so amused. "Maybe we should focus on more realistic things than Cadbure. You can play the prince charade another time."

In a few seconds, the car halted to a random stop and Nico stared at me as if I had said the most offensive words.

"I am Prince Nicolas Diehl of Cadbure," he said, his jaw hardening. I could see the tightening of his throat muscles as he shot daggers at me through his eyes. Why was he being so serious? No one enjoyed such stupid jokes. "You don't believe me, right now," said Nico.

I shrugged.

"If you are a prince, where is the security? A fancy car compared to this Toyota?" He rolled his eyes at my words. "Or some aristocratic characteristics? I highly doubt princes are taught cheap pick up lines."

"Didn't you hear me say my grandmother was out on a business thing and I tried to fit in?" He almost sounded desperate. He wanted me to believe his words. "Kenneth and Max are my security and my friends." Teenage guys protecting another one. Great. "And I save the fancy cars for school."

"Whatever you say, Nico," I said, exhaling in an exaggerated manner.

"Don't worry, time will tell," he said, dropping the subject, finally. "By the way, do you know why I came here?"

"To save a damsel in distress? As a prince is taught to?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes indeed," he said, feigning an overly cheerful tone. "Especially when the damsel's in police trouble." His words made the blood drain out of my face.

Did he just say police trouble?

Not the po po!

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He leaned his head closer to me as if sharing top secret information. "The cops have been keeping tabs on you and Nolan. They have photos of that vandalism incident you told me about. They even came to ask me if I knew anything. When I said no, they said they were going to approach Nolan. Trust me, Helen, you're gonna be in deep trouble if Nolan clarifies it was you who egged someone's house."

Oh no, what Mom was saying during dinner wasn't to be taken lightly.

"He won't . . . " I trailed off uncertain.

Nico's perfect cupid's bow shaped lips curved into an uneasy smile. "You sure?" he challenged.

My gaze lowered away from his eyes.

What kind of a mess had I dragged myself into?

"I was contemplating going to his house, today," I confessed. "Apparently, my sources say his eighth breakup is related to his parents. Even though they hate me, I--"

"They might hate you, but they can't hate me."

"Why not?"

"They know I'm Prince Nicolas." He smirked. I groaned. We were back to that crap all over again. "And in order to secure amiable terms with the next king, they must listen to him."

He gave me a reassuring look before putting the car in drive again and making a u-turn. Without any doubt, we were headed to Nolan's place. I couldn't help but wonder about one thing.

"Why are you helping me, Nico?" If he really was a prince, he could stay home in peace right now. "How will you even benefit by doing all this?"

"I'm hoping you might give my kissing skills a chance."

He couldn't stay serious for long, now could he?

"Only if it turns you into a frog."

The car slowed and I frowned seeing Nico's eyes on me. "Wanna try it right now?" I slapped his arm. "How about after we talk to the Milesblues'?" I glowered at that. "After I drop you back home? Or before we enter Nolan's place? Or . . . Okay, if we're successful in convincing his parents to get him a psychologist, then?"

He wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'll consider it."

That was enough to get him moving.


I know I said I was gonna finish this story by the end of June. I have all the chapters written. They just need to be edited and published which I'll do over the weekend. Sadly, I broke my tablet's charger, so it takes at least 18-19hrs for it to charge fully. Sorry for the technical difficulties that are delaying this book's completion.

How was the chapter?

Is Nico a Prince? Of chocolate? xD

Would you guys be interested in Prince Nico's senior year journey?

How's your guys's summer going, btw? Did anything fun?

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