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A man wrapped in shadows walked down a stone hallways as he spoke to himself or some unseen being.

"Soon...it will be completed the control of element zero will seen belong solely to me this world has suffered long enough with its thoughts of freedom and equality-" he stated as he came to an open chamber.

"Only those who can wield an element are worthy of reward,they are the next path the creators of fate have set for this world..and those who refute that path will perish along with the ashes of the past"

"And be forgotten"

And with that statement he opened a scroll and spoke in an ancient language.


As he changed the final word a hum went over the chamber as a orb of shadow formed for shot out of the chamber streaming straight into tho air.

Apon reaching orbit it burst outwards and spread dozens of tendrils made of a dark shadow tore dozens of holes in the sky.

The citizens from all four nations of the world.

The Fire nation
The water tribes
The Air Nomads
The Earth kingdom.

All saw this unforeseen event taking place in the sky.

Some turned to mere curiosity.

Others turned to sheer and utter terror as they gasped and hid themselves from the sky.

This affect didn't go unnoticed in the universe as even in other realms,previously unknown realms at that to noticed streaks of shadow a cross the sky.

Some didn't take much notice of it as they were used to unusual and odd-looking streaks in the sky.

Others were dumbstruck and like others hid themselves from the sky.

However they certianly noticed it when the streaks stopped and tore black rips in nothingness and created a vacuum.

Dozens of citizens from dozens of realms were sucked into these rips in space.

And from various random locations across the world of Avatar rips opened and these orbs of various colors slammed into the ground.

Some in large field plains.

And some in the very center of villages.

And some in some more...exotic locations.

If a bathroom is anything to go by as exotic.

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