The Emotions- Ch.3- The Incident

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Gumball was furious at Tobias, who was poking fun at him for no reason. The fire on the outside was even bigger than before. Darwin looked at Gumball, who was about to snap. But Darwin noticed something that was the epitome of bad. Whenever it happened before, it was for a good reason. But now it was because of rage. Gumball's claws were out. It has never happened before. And in a blink of an eye, Gumball couldn't take it anymore. He swiped at Tobias and missed. He swiped again, but with even more strength. He hit Tobias this time, and a few more students. A few students laughed at Gumball missing the first shot, with made him even angrier. A couple students noticed the fire and started panicking.

"You think that is scary? It's just a cat scratch." Tobias said sarcastically with a pinch of humor.

The fire on the outside of the bus got even bigger, and was now on the inside as well. Everyone was panicking except for Gumball at this point, who didn't know why everyone was panicking. Since he thought all of this was because he stood up to Tobias, he strangely felt good. He felt as if everyone panicking was calming.


If he stood up to Tobias, he could get back at everyone that has upset him in any way. Then, the fire engulfed the seats around him, surrounding Gumball.


Gumball wasn't scared, even though he knew he should be. He just sat there, only feeling hatred, anger, rage, and wanted vengeance. The fire engulfed Gumball, and when it did, everyone was terrified.


Everyone screaming was blurred out, almost as if he was wearing earplugs. He only did recognize one voice. Darwin.


He heard Darwin start sobbing, thinking that he had just lost his brother to the fire. Then, Darwin saw a fire entity come out of the bus. He knew it was Gumball, but at the same time wasn't. It had Gumball's ears, tail and face, but it was all made of fire. The tail was very long, much longer than Gumball's. On its left ear, there was a fire symbol. And it was all tied off with the expression that was spread across its face. The expression was the one of someone who only felt hatred. Someone who enjoys others suffering. One that wanted vengeance. Suddenly, the entity's face turned into a scowl. Darwin knew that scowl. The entity also started growling like an angry dog, only more fierce. Then it used its fire breath to set fire to everything around it.

"EVERYONE RUN!" Carrie screamed.

Darwin, Anais and Carrie hid behind the nearest thing they could find, A car. It wasn't the best, but it would have to do.


"That thing is Gumball. And it's because of the crystal!" Carrie answered.

"What?! You mean, Gumball's attitude, the fire, this? This is all because of that crystal?!" Darwin screamed.

"Yes. I'll tell you about it later, but first we need to calm Gumball down." Carrie said.

As soon as she said that, the monster seemed to calm down a bit. It was Gumball. Gumball came to his senses, and saw the destruction he caused. It wasn't much, but it still scared him.

"Did.. did I do this?!" He whispered to himself.

Darwin was the first to run over to the creature, seeing it calming down.

"Darwin! No! He is still very unstable!" Carrie cried out.

Darwin still proceeded to walk over to it.

"Gumball? Is that you?"

Gumball heard this voice, and it was Darwin's. Gumball looked up, to find Darwin standing right next to him, even if he was a fire monster.

"I know you're in there. This isn't you."

Just then, the flames disappeared from everywhere they had been. They had been made into a ball of fire, then shrunk into a little red ball. It then entered back into Gumball's body. Gumball was breathing heavily out of exhaustion. Of course, from causing such destruction and using so much energy, he passed out on the spot. Darwin caught Gumball just before he hit the ground. Darwin then signaled to Carrie and Anais to come over, and that everything was alright.

"We need to get home, or somewhere." Darwin said.

"Maybe we should help clean up first." Carrie suggested

Anais, Darwin and Carrie looked at the damage. The bus was scorched, a lot of ashes were on the ground from the trees, and thankfully no one was hurt. Darwin laid Gumball on the ground, so he could help. He laid Gumball on a patch of grass, and started helping clean up.

"Where is Gumball?! He almost gave me a heart attack and almost killed me!" Leslie the flower firmly stated.

"He should be punished!" Another unknown student from the crowd said.

"Calm down everyone! He didn't mean to do any of this! Once I explain, everything should make sense! Hopefully.." Darwin countered

A lot of people were still complaining, but Carrie interrupted very loudly,

"Everyone shush! How about we focus on cleaning up!"

Everyone agreed, and quieted down. They were still alert for any signs of the blue feline. Obviously, someone had informed the principal about this, and the principal ordered Gumball to the office. Darwin had gone to help him get around, since Gumball was still very weak. They tried to stay undercover and away from the crowd. When they got in, Darwin tried to defend Gumball as much as he could.

"It wasn't his fault!"

"How is setting a bus on fire, scratching ten students, and burning one-thousand dollars worth of property damage not his fault?!"

"Once I explain everything, it should hopefully make sense."

Gumball finally got the strength to speak. Though it was very weak.

"Darwin, don't bother explaining. I deserve this punishment, look at what I've done!"

This wasn't like Gumball whatsoever. The normal Gumball would fight, not just accept it and be on his way. Anywho, Principal Brown overheard Gumball's near-whispering, and stated,

"Gumball you will have detention for the rest of the year."

Though Gumball wanted to fight, he couldn't. He accepted, and was sent home early from school. 


Looks like things aren't going well, HUH?! Anyways, I hope you are enjoying this so far! I don't really have anything else to say, so GBYE!

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