Being Watched

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A/N: I edited this chapter a little bit as I saw some things that didn't make sense!!

BENGAL TIGER'S INCINERATING FLAME ROAR!!" The girl yelled in her Bengal Tigress Shapeshift form. A giant swirling vortex of bright red and orange fire came bursting from her sharp tooth filled feline mouth. It ripped through the rock slide that had happened over night in front of the cave she was sleeping in. She shifted back to a human and waves the dust out of her way as she looks out of the cave.

Grace had been training alone on a deserted island for about four years now. She had turned 18 last year and it was the beginning of June, meaning summer was soon to come. This always made some of the animals on the island restless as it was baby season. The larger animals didn't care if they caused any damage to the island while they tried to eat as much food as they could to be able to feed their offspring.

Personally Grace didn't mind it, even though it meant less food for her and possibly more fights with other predators over food and territory. Her body naturally didn't need much food to survive, and not just because she didn't have kids to take care of.

She was a normal human being, believe it or not. Her powers weren't the cause of having a magic container inside of her, they had just happened one day when she was protecting someone she cared dearly for.

Her mood took a small turn as she thought about how he had went missing, along with the other Fairy Tail members, five years ago. She still missed him, but knew he would come back.

Gajeel would never be taken down by some flying lizard. He's too stubborn for that. With that thought her mood upped itself and she walked out of her, now clear, cave opening. Covering her eyes at the morning sun, she looked around the area and noticed the forest animals all doing their own thing. She smiled softly at them. She loved animals. They were the one thing that could always make her happy.

The green eyed girl went over to the river that was about a hundred feet from the cave, and stripped before stepping into the little calm spot that was created by a large rock blocking the fast rushing water. She sunk into the chilly water, shivering as it touched her middle back, then her shoulder blades, and finally until she sunk her head into the water for a moment before resurfacing.

This had been her morning routine ever since she came upon this cave about a year into being on the island. She would bathe in the river and then set off towards her normal training spot on the other side of the island by the cliff of shoreline. Of course when summer rolled around that changed a bit. She could take cold, but the blistering sun mixed with her fair skin meant sunburns. She has to create a crater in the ground deep enough to get to the dirt and clay. Then she would collect a bunch of it and pile it outside the crater, and use her White Tigress Water Mode to make it mushy and easy to spread. A make-shift sun repellent. Being covered in mud wasn't gross or too uncomfortable to her, because as a kid she used to cover herself in the stuff just for fun.

She suddenly felt the island rumble violently. She assumed it was one of the giant ground basilisks that lived underground. They too, got restless at this time of year. So the red head ignored it and closed her eyes again, sinking back into the water.

It was half an hour before she got out, after washing her body. She put her clothes back on after drying herself off and began walking to the clearing she had always greeted the different species of wild-cats in. She arrived but didn't see anything around, or even a sign that anything had been. She shrugged, thinking they were hunting before the baby animals became full grown adults. She felt bad for both the parents and the babies but that's just how nature worked, carnivores gotta eat too.

She chanted, "Shapeshift! White Tigress! Air Mode!"

The girl shined a gold light, which changed size and shape. When it died down, there stood a white tiger. She collected the air around her and used it to shoot off into the sky towards her training ground.

She arrived and landed before shifting back to normal. She thought for a minute on what she should train today. As she thought, she suddenly felt the air around her shift and her ears start to ring.

Someone was watching her.

She was surprised, considering no human had ever set foot on this island before. Though she thought this she didn't react, deciding to wait and see what their intentions were. But just in case they were aggressive, she decided to train her weaker shifts, which couldn't use different elements. Using her weaker shifts might make the possible attacker think that they'd be able to take her down with ease.

She chanted, "Shapeshift! Cheetah!"

The red head glowed gold again, changing size and shape before revealing herself as a cheetah. This was her fastest shift, if you don't count how fast her air mode was when she flew at her top speed.

The clearing is usually where she would train, but today since she was going to train in speed with her cheetah form, she was going to up the intensity.

She was going to work on turning at high speeds. While cheetahs normally can only run fast for a limited amount of time, she is the one exception to that rule. She can run for as long as she needs, and as fast as she can go. But the turning radius was the same...not that good at making quick and tight turns. So she was going to work on that today, since she had an audience that she possibly didn't want to show how strong she truly was.

The female remembered that there was another clearing about three hundred feet directly in front of her through the thick trees. Her plan was to weave through said trees, come out of the clearing, then quickly turn and come back.

She got in position and siked herself up for the run. After a few moments she dug her claws into the ground for a good grip and launched off at full speed towards the trees. They luckily weren't too close together so she didn't have to turn too tightly. She whipped right, left, right, right, left, slowing down as she came to a small wall of trees. She quickly looked around for an opening in the wall and saw it right in the center, about three feet off the ground was a split in a tree's branches that she could fit through.

She smirked and sped up as fast as she could go. She jumped and twisted her body upside down. The world around her slowed as she glided between the branches, speeding up again when she turned upright and landed on her feet and blasted off towards the clearing she could now see. She weaved through a few more trees before emerging from them and sliding to a stop.

She panted, wondering how that had just happened. She smiled widely and jumped around like a happy little kid, laughing and cheering in her head.

She had totally forgotten about being watched at this point, now getting into training. She continued training her weaker forms like this throughout the day until going back to her cave, tired.

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