26| Family Reunions

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While we were making our way through the tunnel, more vamps attacked us and killed Floyd before dragging Sam away. Dean, Cass, Gabe, Maggie and I continued on toward the outpost. Dean and I had both started to shut down after Cass had stopped us from going after Sam. When we arrived on the outskirts, Cass stopped, unable to venture any further due to the warding nearby. Luckily, Gabe burned them all away, before making his way back to Cass's side. As he did so, a human fighter rushed out from behind a tree, pointing a rifle at our group.

"Whoa," Cass said.

Dean cocked his own gun, but only raised it to waist level.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Cass continued to protest as more hunters joined the first. "We're- we're not here to fight. We're just looking for..."



I turned at the sound of my mom's voice, lowering my own weapon in shock. She and I walked toward each other, awe painting my mother's face.

"How did you even find us?" she asked.

She pulled me into her arms and I accepted the hug readily, fighting not to cry.

"Ellie, Dean... Where's Sam?"

I closed my eyes, clenching my jaw to keep it from trembling.

"Oh," my mom whispered.

Keeping an arm around me, we headed into the camp where we were also reunited with Jack. Cass filled Jack in on what happened on our journey here while Dean prepared to head back for Sam's body. I just stood numbly off to the side with my mom, clinging to her arm like a lifeline. Suddenly, a bell started to clang, signaling some sort of alarm. Everyone looked over to see a bloody, and very much alive Sam Winchester walking into the camp.

"Sam!" Jack cried joyously.

He looked around at us all, then started to make his way over to Dean. He stopped in front of him, a hopeful look on his face. However, behind him Lucifer came strolling out and my heart dropped in my chest. When Sam saw our faces as we looked past him, he hung his head in shame. Lucifer looked around, finally spotting Jack and a small smile creeped onto his face.

"Hello, son," he greeted the Nephilim.

I drew myself closer to my mother's side as we continued to stare at the Devil in shock.

"Sam?" Dean asked tentatively. "What happened?"

"He, uh, he brought me back."

Sam looked over his shoulder at Lucifer, who looked smug and shrugged with false modesty over at Jack, Gabe and Cass.

"It's what I do," the archangel smirked.

"It's not what you... How did you get in here?" Cass growled angrily.

"VIP pass," Lucifer quipped. "I'm with the band."

Everyone was regarding him with both distrust and displeasure.

"Come on. Shouldn't you be thanking me? I- I gave Sammy an extra life. Besides, what with my... little bro here," Lucifer pointed at Gabe, "being a hot mess, I figured you need me. So, I'm here to join the team."

I made a small whining sound in the back of my throat, turning my face to bury in my mom's shoulder as Lucifer made his way over to Jack.

"Your name is Jack."

"And yours is Lucifer."

"No. No, no. No," Dean stalked over in anger. "You don't talk to him. And you, don't listen to him."

He pointed at Lucifer then Jack.

"Um, don't you think that's his choice?" Lucifer pointed out reasonably.

"No," Cass glared.

"Are you trying to keep me from my son?"

"Well, this is Kelly Kline's son. He's nothing like you."

"Don't say he's nothing like me. I'm the only one who understands him. This power he has? I'm powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In the...best sense, though."

"No. Kill him."

Dean turned, gesturing to Gabriel who didn't act on Dean's words.

"He can't," Lucifer chuckled. "He's not strong enough."

"Dean..." Gabe began.

"You've got the blade," Dean said, rounding on Gabriel.

"Stop it," Jack said quietly.

"He's the Devil. Kill him."

"Stop it!" Jack shouted.

With a flap of his wings, he disappeared.

"Well, great," Dean rolled his eyes sarcastically, then looked at Lucifer. "Does that when he's scared. Way to go, Dad!"

"I'll go look for him," Gabriel volunteered.

"I don't understand all the hostility," Lucifer sighed. "You... need... me. I am a walking weapon. I know this Michael. Heck, I beat him. So, how 'bout a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T?"

Cass angrily went over to Dean, unzipping his bag roughly and pulling out the warded handcuffs before heading back over to Lucifer.

"In case your innate evil overwhelms this new found team spirit, you won't mind wearing these then, will you. You're not at full power. They should hold you."

Dean was still fixing the Devil with a cold glare. Sam was regarding the whole interaction nervously while my mom held me protectively in her arms while I continued to cling to her as we watched. After a beat, Lucifer snapped his arms out smugly.

"Slap 'em on."

Cass put the cuffs on his wrists and took a step back.

"So, if you're here, is the rift closed?" Sam asked cautiously.

"No, it's open. I left Rowena some grace. So you have... I'm thinkin'... 31 hours, give or take?"

"How are you, baby?"

"Been better," I muttered.

I'd followed my mom into a nearby building while she worked on prepping some weapons. She looked up from what she was doing, locking eyes with me. Her expression softened as she took me in, setting down the gun.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Mom."


"No, seriously. It's stupid. We don't have to talk about it. We found you, that's all that matters now."

I looked away, chewing on my lip while I played with my wedding ring. A moment later, my mom came over, grabbing my chin gently and forcing me to look at her.

"Don't you ever tell me what you're feeling is stupid. You're human, and you're entitled to feel your feelings. Now, talk to me. What's on your mind?"

"I don't... I don't know," I shook my head. "It's just been such a weird year... With everything that happened that night at the lake house, and then dealing with all this Apocalypse World crap, and... I thought I would never see you again..."

My voice had lowered to a whisper at the end, and my mom pulled me back into her arms.

"It's okay. You found me, it's okay."

I felt tears slip down my cheeks as I hugged my mom back tightly, burying my face in her shoulder once more.

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