67| Stopping Chuck

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Dean, Jack and I sat in the library doing research. We had managed to get Death's book on God open thanks to Lucifer. Chuck had brought him back and he made a new reaper turn into Death so we could open it, and then killed her, leaving the book open. He and Michael had fought, ending with Michael killing him again. Michael joined us a moment later.

"How's, uh, Sam doing? Any progress."

"I hope so," Dean responded. "He's been in there a long time."

Sam entered as he spoke.

"Oh. Why don't you ask him yourself?"

"Sorry," Sam apologized. "It's slow going. But I think I was able to piece it together."

"It?" Michael inquired.

"The spell. There's a spell. It has to been done at a particular place... at an exact angle from the sun. But it will release an unstoppable force that will find Chuck... and finish him."

Sam, Dean, Jack, Michael and I stood in a circle around three bronze bowls which contained the ingredients for the spell.

"Let's light it up," Dean said.

Sam threw a match to the ingredients and three spires of light shot into the sky.

"Wait. What happened?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

Chuck appeared in the clearing, flinging, the brothers, Jack and I aside with his powers.

"Father," Michael greeted him.

"Son," Chuck said. "And, listen, I appreciate the heads-up about all this."

"It's always been my destiny to serve you."

"Yeah. The thing is, it's kind of late in the game. You did side with the Winchesters. I can't forgive that."

"Father, no. That was a lapse of judgement, I admit, but I swear I..."

"Save it!"

Chuck used his powers to destroy Michael. Behind him, Sam, Dean and I got to our feet.

"And you three," Chuck faced us. "You know, eternal suffering sounds good on paper, but as a viewing experience, it's just kind of... eh. So we're done. I'm cancelling your show."

"Alright," Sam nodded. "Well... one for the road."

He punched Chuck in the face.


Making a fist, Chuck sent all three of us doubling over in pain.

"Eh, what the heck. I can get my hands dirty."

He started throwing punches, beating us up.

"Fellas, give it up now."

It didn't take long before all three of us were bloodied and badly beaten. We each were sporting several broken bones as well. Yet we continued to help each other up.

"Come on, guys," Chuck grumbled. "Just stay down."

He continued hitting us again and again.

"That's enough, guys. Come on."

As he continued his attack, he also kept telling us to just stay down. The three of us were leaning on each other for support, barely able to stand, and all in fits of laughter.

"Why are you smiling?" Chuck snarled, glaring at us.

"Because," I told him. "You lose."

I gestured behind him, where Jack was standing.

"Hey, Jack."

Chuck snapped his fingers, but nothing happened. Jack walked up to him, placing his hands on either side of Chuck's head. All Chuck's power transferred into the Nephilim and then he snapped, healing me and the boys.

"What... what did you do?" Chuck asked, kneeling on the ground.

"We won," Dean replied.

"So this is how it ends," Chuck sighed in resignation. "My book."

"See for yourself," Sam told him.

He threw God's book to him. Chuck started flipping through the pages, which all appeared blank.

"There's nothing there," he looked up at us.

"Oh, there is," I shook my head. "But only Death can read it."

"That's right," Dean continued. "So we had to come up with a plan B. That wasn't too hard, though, when we realized that Michael really is a daddy's boy. See, he didn't take it too well when he found out that you asked Lucifer for help. Oh, he was desperate to be the favorite again."

"Since we couldn't read the book, we had to come up with a story about finding the spell, which we knew Michael would feed straight to you," Sam picked up.

"All that prep work we did to turn Jack here into a cosmic bomb? Oh. Well, it turned him into sort of a power vacuum. He's been sucking up bits of power all over the place," I explained. "So when the two heavyweights... Your boys... Showed up to duke it out, ohh. That charged him right up."

"See, we knew Michael would warn you and you'd show up here. And you did. And you killed your own son."

"And you beat the crap out of us. Releasing all kinds of power. God power. Jack absorbed it all. It made him... Well, it made him unstoppable."

Chuck started to laugh, still on his knees in front of us.

"This... This... This is why you're my favorites. You know, for the first time, I have no idea what happens next. Is this where you kill me? I mean, I could never think of an ending where I lose. But this, after everything that I've done to you... to die at the hands of Eleanor Dawson... Of Sam Winchester... Of Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer... It's kind of glorious."

"Sorry, Chuck," Dean apologized.

We all turned starting back toward the Impala.

"What?" Chuck asked. "What?"

We turned back once more, Dean continuing.

"See, that's not who I am. That's not who we are."

"What kind of an ending is this?" Chuck demanded.

"His power," Sam addressed Jack. "You sure it won't come back?"

"It's not his power anymore," Jack replied.

"Then I think it's the ending where you're just like us and like all the other humans you forgot about," Sam told Chuck.

"It's the ending where you grow old, you get sick, and you just die," I added.

"And no one cares," Dean finished. "And no one remembers you. You're just forgotten."

"Guys... Guys... wait."

We all climbed into the Impala, speeding off and leaving Chuck crawling in the dirt behind us. We drove until we reached main street in Hastings once more before climbing out.

"Alright, kid," Dean addressed Jack, "you really think you can pull this off?"

Instead of answering, Jack just closed his eyes. Seconds later, people appeared around us, going about their business like nothing had happened.

"Way to go," I grinned.

"So... does this mean you're the new... I mean, what do we call you?" Sam asked.

"Who cares what we call him?" Dean said. "Look, all that matters is he got us back online."

"Hey, what happened to Amos when Chuck..." I trailed off.

"He's with me," Jack replied. "We're in harmony."

"You gonna come with us back to the Bunker?" Sam queried.

"What do you mean? Of course he's gonna come back to the Bunker," Dean turned to look at Sam. "He's the man with the plan. He's top dog. He can do whatever he wants now. Come on. You know what? We'll spruce the place up. We'll get some recliners. We'll get you one of those big-screen TVs."

"Dean, I'm not coming back home. In a way... I'm already there."



"So, you are him," Sam translated.

"I'm me," Jack corrected. "But I know what you mean."

"What if we want to see you? You know, or have a beer or whatever?" I asked.

"I'm around. I'll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, in the rocks, and the sea."

"It's a hell of a time to bail<" Dean pointed out. "You got a lot of people counting on you, people with questions. They're gonna need answers."

"And those answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today, but... someday. People don't need to pray to me or to sacrifice to me. They just need to know that I'm already a part of them and to trust in that. I won't be hands on. Chuck put himself in the story. That was his mistake. But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that... when people have to be their best... they can be. And that's what to believe in. Well... I'm really as close as this."

Jack put his hand over his heart.

"Good bye," he waved.

Turning, he walked off and disappeared.

"See ya, Jack," Sam said.

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