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I'm sorry... I can't fix this...

You better before someone else dies.

He.... died?

Yes and it's all your fault. Stop crying and fix the clock.

No... no... what did I do?




Don't make me hurt you again.

Please don't... I'm trying.... I'm trying...

Tick, tock. Tick tock. ti-


The woods were slowly growing dark, and the boy sat at the fire as he shook a little in fear and rocked slowly. The man with eyes like pits had killed the kind man that saved him, but kept him alive for some strange reason.

The man named Optimus died trying to protect him and the man they didn't know, just died. He was now terrified to run and the man kept watching him as if he was some kind of prey. He whimpered as the man cooked then glared at the child, silently telling him to be quiet.

The strange man gave him some food and sat down on the other side of the fire as he watched the young boy. The last few rays of sunlight left the area and plunged their world into darkness. The night noises started to surface and give the air an eerie feel. The man stared into the fire as the boy looked to the sky and quietly ate his food. Raf jumped as he heard another cry in the distance.

"They only fight to survive." the man said as he poked at the coals, making the small boy jump again when he spoke. "We have to kill each other if we want to live." He muttered bitterly. The boy shook as he listened to him and the noises of the night. He looked at him as he fixed his glasses.

"A... Are you... going to kill me?" He asked, his voice quiet and trembling. The man still didn't look at him as he poked at the coals. He paused as the fire gave his eyes a menacing glint.

"Eventually... yes." He said coldly. Raf stopped eating and looked at him as he paled and shook a little in his shoes. "What's your name?" he asked but the boy didn't respond as he glanced around for a way out. "What's your name?" He asked with more force and the child looked at him.

"R-Rafael...." he whispered as he stared at the man and the scars on his worn face. Why hadn't he run fast enough when Optimus fought him? He gulped quietly and looked to his shoes. "W-Who are you?" he asked softly.

"I am Megatron." the man said coldly as he watched him with a dark expression. "Don't worry, Rafael." he smirked and gently rubbed the child's head, making the boy shudder in fear. "I'll look after you." he hissed and got up to look through his supplies. He grabbed some rope and a cloth then walked back over. Raf watched him as he approached and fear gripped his heart.

"W-w-what are you-"

"Shh shh shh... I can't have you escaping or calling for help, now can I?" Megatron said as he tied the cloth around his mouth. He then tied the rope around the boy as he whimpered fearfully. He took another rope and tied the small boy to a tree before he put things away.

"Get some sleep, we move out in the morning." he muttered. He put the fire out and laid down to sleep. Raf was up in the night as tears fell down his face and he whimpered at the noises. His eyes wide in fear and he shook with the cold.

The next morning, they were wandering around as Megatron made him walk in front of him. Knowing he could keep a better eye on him that way. Raf still had his mouth gagged and was tied up as he walked and whimpered in pain from the binds. They were headed towards the field with the supplies and he didn't want to go.

He heard someone near them and looked to the bushes as he shook more. Megatron stopped suddenly and followed his gaze then narrowed his eyes as he waited. A young man came out with a bow and arrow as he glared darkly.

"It's cowardly to keep a child as a captive." He growled angrily as he watched the man. He had several wounds but didn't let them bother him.

"Unless of course you have a plan for the said victim." The other man commented coldly. "Something to ensure victory." He smirked darkly and the young man narrowed his eyes.

"You plan to kill everyone off or have them kill each other off, then you'll kill the boy because he's easy prey... killing him in the end and ensuring a victory." He figured and the older man chuckled darkly.

"My you are more perceptive than I thought." Megatron observed with amusement as he stared at him. "You don't appear to have the qualities of an intelligent individual." He smirked and the young man glared.

"You're right. I'm more of the distraction type." He said and the other man glanced over just as a bigger stronger man tackled him. The archer grabbed the boy and ran off with him. He held on to him and untied him as he ran then put him on his back.

"W-who are you?" Rafael asked as he held on to him and buried his face. The man kept running and dodging things as he smiled a little.

"My name is Bumblebee." He said gently. He glanced at the bigger man as he came up beside him, while they ran. "And this is my friend, Grimlock." He smiled and the bigger man grinned at the boy. Raf smiled back as he felt safe with these two. They quickly went towards their hiding place, knowing they'd be safe their.


The area was still and almost dull looking. The gray color was everywhere as the sun slowly set on the horizon. It was beautiful, though the mixing colors and them becoming one made it a little boring. At least for one individual. The figure slowly walked around and sighed as it felt along the tall, massive gray shapes. It knew what they were but it felt that this time of day made everything so dull. Another figure walked over and frowned deeply as it looked at the former and moved closer.

"What are you doing, Sideswipe?" the figure asked and he looked at them as he sighed and ran his servo along the metal building.

"This place is so dull. It's not as colorful." he sighed and looked at them sadly. "I preferred not being here, Strongarm." she rolled her optics and smacked him in the head then led him from the depths of the city.

"There isn't 'color' because you're way down here." she huffed and glared at him then continued walking up to the surface. They eventually got there and headed into a building where Fixit was typing away and staring at the computer.

"Any luck?" Sideswipe asked as he came in and glanced around their headquarters. The mini-bot glanced at him, but didn't say anything right away as he typed again. Strongarm looked around the room and stared blankly at the screens. She sighed and glanced over to Fixit as he came to a stop with his work.

"No... but I'm not giving u-u-up. I also have the Elite Guard helping me out and looking for the others..." he explained. He sighed and hung his helm as he thought then looked at the map again. It had several marks and notes on it where they had searched and failed to locate the missing teammates.

"Where are they?" Strongarm asked no one in particular as she stared at the map. She sighed and looked to the other two then rubbed her faceplate. "I'll... keep looking." she huffed and left the building again. Sideswipe became a little more serious and watched the mini-bot as he worked and stressed.

"Where are you, Bee?" he asked as he stared at the map then the screen where they were monitoring the Elite Guard. He sighed forcefully and left the building to go for a drive. He hated waiting. Worse, he hated to wait for the guard to find his friends.

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