The Antagonist

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Chapter 15

"I cannot take this anymore!" Kourin angrily said as she broke the wooden arrow with her hands and threw it on the ground.

"How many times is this going to happen?!" She continued to yell and glare at Takuto who was drinking his usual coffee. It seemed like he didn't care as he just acted like it was a normal day.

"Takuto!" Kourin slammed her hands on Takuto's table and the king jolted in shock and looked back at Kourin.

"Kourin, I understand. We're going to have an investigation, and I would like to borrow your blue knight for that." Takuto said.

"Aichi?" Kourin responded.

"Yes," Takuto gave a nod. "Aichi. As he is a great leader and he knows things about this. And he agreed to do so."

"And no one told me?" Kourin asked.

"I wanted to keep that as a secret, my princess." Aichi said as he appeared behind Kourin and gave her a smile.

Kourin frowned and looked away, which made the young knight seem confused. Aichi blinked for some time and he looked at Kourin.

"I'm sure you're fine with that, Kourin." Takuto said to the blonde princess, and Kourin didn't give a reply.

"I guess that silence means yes," Takuto sighed and looked at Aichi. "Young knight, I will make you start the investigation at noon. Make sure to be on time."

"Yes, your majesty!"


As they were walking by the hallway after breakfast, the engaged couple spoke.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kourin asked; though anger was present in her voice, worriness was also present.

"I wanted to keep that-"

"As a secret, right?" Kourin interrupted and looked at Aichi.

Aichi realized how worried she is, and he gave her an assuring smile. "It's only an investigation, my princess. It won't hurt me."

Kourin still frowned at that, she only gave a disappointed sigh and continues to walk on the hallway with Aichi.

"I'll make sure to protect you, my princess." Aichi told her.

"Alright, do your job." Kourin said to him.

By the blue knight's perspective, it seemed like the princess was totally shocked by the fact that he will leave her for a bit. He had a thought that she might feel lonely, and he wanted to know that. So he asked her.

"Princess, are you going to feel alone when I leave?"

The blonde princess froze in place; how did he know? She asked herself. The knight must be a genius, for he could read her thoughts. She wondered this ever since the previous night, and she might think that the young knight has a supernatural power.

"Princess?" He called.

"That is none of your business," she replied and continued walking.

"I have a right to know, I am your future spouse!" Aichi told her as he followed her.

"I said it's none of your business! And I don't care if you're my future spouse! Leave me alone!" Kourin yelled at him.

"But princess-"

"It's an order!"

Aichi only gave a sigh and looked down while Kourin walked away.


Aichi kept on sighing as he walked throughout the town. The Kagero leader, Kai had noticed this.

"You seem to be so down, Aichi." Kai spoke in a calm demeanor.

"I guess I am," Aichi replied and looked around.

"Is this because of the princess?" The Kagero leader asked.

Aichi nodded, "She was mad at me for not telling her that I have to help the investigation about the mysterious attacks."

"And why didn't you tell her?"

"Well, when the king told me about the investigation I accepted it. And even if I accepted, I knew that the princess might not let me go for some reason. Also, I didn't want to ruin our mood last night so..."

"Last night?" Kai looked at Aichi and he blinked. What could this young leader be doing with the princess?

Aichi stopped in his tracks and his face turned red from fluster. He looked back at Kai and he gave an awkward smile.

"It's nothing!" Aichi spoke, "I mean it's just that..."

"Alright," Kai sighed and pats Aichi's head. "I understand."

The young knight nodded, he still don't know what to say to apologize to Kourin.

After a while, their investigation started. Royal guards and other members from Aichi's clan went to help, and some from Kai's helped too.

As Aichi noticed something suspicious on an alleyway, he looked around it and he went closer. But then...


The others looked at the young leader, and they found him got hit by an arrow on his stomach.

"Leader!" They all exclaimed, some went to him and the others watched in shock.

Kai saw the scene and he hurriedly approached Aichi. "Hey! Are you alright?!"

"Y-yes I am, Kai... it's just..." Aichi winced in pain as the arrow is still on him. Kai noticed a strange liquid on the arrow and he quickly realized what it was.

"Take that out quickly, Aichi! There's poison in it!" Kai said.

"W-what?!" Aichi pulled the arrow out and he felt the poison slowly coursing in his body with his blood flowing down.

They all heard a laugh and they looked, the guards and other soldiers became alert for the upcoming danger.

Kai gave a menacing glare as he found the culprit.

"Hello there, Aichi and Kai!" It was Morikawa.

"You sick freak..." Kai glared even more.

"How am I a freak? I just came here for revenge on this stupid leader, Aichi!" Morikawa yelled and gave a grin when he saw how Aichi got hit.

"Re... revenge?" Aichi spoke. "What have I even done to you?"

"You dense idiot! You took the princess away from me!" Morikawa exclaimed and then he used magic to let arrows appear.

Kai went to attack Morikawa, making the spiky raven haired man fall down. "You delusional dirtbag! The princess was not yours in the first place! Kourin is Aichi's!"

Aichi smiled at Kai while he continues to struggle from the pain.

Morikawa smirked though, he stood up from the ground and said, "Well I'll get rid of you all to make princess Kourin mine!"

They all got surprised when he showed a very powerful magic power. And all of a sudden a huge blast was heard throughout the whole area.


End of Chapter 15

A/N: I really am sorry for not updating! I'm too busy with my school projects that I don't even know how to continue my stories! I'd love to write more and more AiKou stories when I have time! For now, I'm just reading fanfics and analyzing my own stories to see if everything is still fine with the plot. But fear not, I will not stop writing. I'll only stop when I really need a hiatus.


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