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C H A P T E R 04: A Foggy Night

[Please excuse my grammatical/spelling errors.]


You see, I'm not really that kind of person who talks to people normally without me being a total dork and all.

I'm this socially awkward person that can't socialize with people without making an idiot out of me. With that being said, my mother here wanted me to go to Jenna's party, and I'm pretty sure that she knows how we hate each other's guts but still, she forces me to go.

How my mom knows you ask? Well there's this time when my parents threw a party for my brother's thirteenth birthday and family friends' were invited - and yes, Jenna's parents are very close to mine. But unfortunately, Jenna decided to pour lemon juice inside my shirt when I was playing with the dogs, we were fifteen back then and she's already been a bitch to me. Basically, my mom saw what happened and decided not to act like a crazy mom in front of Jenna's parents and instead she just acted like she didn't noticed it, still she didn't want Jenna to be around me since that day.

Anyways, back to present Lenox. As i said earlier, my mom's forcing me to attend Jenna's party. But of course I objected, yet she found a way to get me going and dress up for Jenna's stinking party. "Now, if you really want that new car, might as well go to that damn party." Right now I just really want to smack my mother's head; I really thought she would agree about me not going to that party. "Mother dearest, what if there's alcohol in that party, huh?" I asked shoving back the outfit back to her arms.

"No, I'm pretty sure that Jenna's parents wouldn't allow kids being intoxicated. Especially their daughter, and there'll be punch and other drinks I'm sure. Now go on and change." She replied placing the tiny skirt and crop top on my bed, I'm pretty sure that outfit won't cover my body at all. I will not wear that outfit in this kind of weather. I glared at my mother.

"Well, in this generation there's this thing called putting alcohol drinks into a bowl of punch, those drinks could be spiked. Now you don't want your own daughter to get drunk when she gets home would you?" I said letting her feel guilty.

"Fine, bring your own juice then." She said and walked out of my room but then she continues, "I called Zoe and she's coming to pick you up. I'm not taking no for an answer young lady." We will need to have a talk when I get home.

I made a muffled scream on my pillow, "You look totally pissed off." I looked up from my pillow and saw Zoe grinning like a mad man. "And you are so enjoying this." I replied glaring at her.

"Okay, before you pounce at me and strangle me with your own bare hands. I just want to tell you that Clinton will be there." She sat beside me wiggling her eyebrows. Obviously she's teasing me to come because Clinton Haynes may or may not be the guy I'm crushing on since I was in seventh grade. I met him when Jenna and her cohorts were teasing me about my fat thighs. Basically I was wearing my bathing suit since we were at the public swimming pool in our town. Clinton was kind of my Knight and Shining Armor when he pushed Jenna's cohorts into the pool. And for that, I was love struck. I don't know really. Stupid I know,

"So?" Zoe asked stretching the word.

"So what?" I replied cocking an eyebrow.

"Are you going? Because we're going to be late." After debating with myself on going to the party, I finally decided to go since I have nothing to do later on, even though I could just curl up in a ball and watch Netflix all night long. I took the clothes from my bed and went inside my en suite to get ready for the dreadful party.


I have a question, sometimes; do you ever feel like having this huge thing inside your stomach that really hurts when you're nervous or even panicking? Like something erupted inside it that you just want to vomit all over the place? If you have, then welcome to my world. And the weather isn't even helping it to go away; it's actually making it worse.

Either way, I'm glad that I changed into some much more comfortable clothes than what my mom pick out for me, thank god that I found a pair of light denim ripped skinny jeans, a white V-neck, and a black leather jacket to keep me warm from the foggy night.

"You look like you're about to throw up and curl into a ball." Zoe teases poking my side. When I was about to really gag I heard my name being called.

"Lenox, hey." A voice with a very strong British accent,

I stopped on my tracks and looked to my left side where Clinton was standing with his charming smile. I may or may not gave him an idiotic smile but still, the guy who has been my crush is now standing in front of me.

"Hi, we were just going in." I said too perkily. I stared at his beautiful face for a good 20 seconds just to memorize his shaggy dark brown hair, his piercing hazel green eyes, his oh so sharp jaw line, and those lips, oh god.

Zoe nudged my side which pulled me out of my trance; I blushed madly when I see Clinton smiling wildly, oh my god. He just saw me checking him out! I mentally smacked my own head and tug Zoe's arm. "You looked like a total idiot back there." She teased and grinned like a mad man.

I gave her my death glare which made her shut up. "I actually thought you weren't going to come. Since you know, you and Jenna aren't really in good terms?" Clinton said walking beside me. Thank god it's getting dark and he couldn't see me blushing madly.

"Yeah, well my mom forced me into coming or else I won't really get my car, so maybe an hour or two and Zoe and I will go home."

Zoe and I exchanged glances, but the difference was, she was smiling like she'll have an amazing time, and I was grimacing. This is a total mess even though it hasn't started yet. "I'll just look for a place to sit." I said seeing that she'll be having a good time while I mope in a corner where nobody would see me, hopefully. She frowned and said,

"Oh c'mon Lenox, we're in a party with a bunch of hot guys. But obviously you've got your man by your side so dance and have fun!" Zoe held my hand and I looked at her face with happiness and enjoyment. Since I was her best friend and I don't want her to be mad at me just because I'm a party pooper I smiled.

"Okay fine, but if they complained about my dancing skills I'll tell them you taught me how to dance and I learned my moves from you." I teased and I earned a full grin out from her. Zoe pulled my hand through the grinding crowd, as we both dance on the floor, I felt loose and a little bit wild for a moment, like a real teenager having the time of her life.

Let's be honest, I don't really have the moves of a sexy grinding girl but I did had dancing lessons when I was like four. Does that count? No? Well, when Zoe and I were dancing we kept grooving and swaying to the music's beat, I'm sober yet I feel that state of euphoria. Do people feel that? When they get loose and enjoy the moment? Because i myself over think everything. That's why I really don't often do things like this.

I could already feel the sweat coming off my back; chest and neck, Zoe and I were still dancing like maniacs. There was a boy trying to get a hold of Zoe's waist but she swat and pushed them away. I snickered; I can't believe Zoella Patrickson is refusing a hot guy to dance with her. "Why decline a hottie Zoe?" I teased seeing her annoyed look when Mister sandy blonde hair couldn't take his hands off my friend.

"Too grabby." Her simple reply made me laugh even more.

Eventually when the music became slower we both decided to take a break from dancing and head over to take a drink. All that dancing made my throat dry.

"To be honest Lee, I never thought you could ever like that." A voice said while Zoe and I walk ourselves to the kitchen filled with people either making out or drinking beer. I turn around to see Clinton grinning, which was hot by the way.

Stop Lenox, focus.

I blushed, "Uh, I learned from the best." I replied taking a bottle of water on the counter which hopefully haven't been open or anything.

"I actually thought your type of dances is tango or something." He jokes which made me laugh. Tango? Nah, i don't think so, I can't even slow dance without stepping on my own foot.

"Nope, I'm more of like a party dancer." I said before I even think about what I just said, really Lenox? Party dancer? Is there even a term? I mentally face palmed and made a forced laugh. But thankfully Clinton laughed with me and I didn't look much of an embarrassment.

Psh, who am I kidding?

I sat on the stool and Zoe did the same, "Well, what we shall do next?" She asked gulping the water. I shrugged and looked over Clinton.

"Hey Zoe, can I borrow Lenox for a minute?" I stiffened. I looked at Zoe to see her smug smile; I feel this tingly sensation over taking my body. Clinton wants to talk to me. What could it be? I mean we could talk here with tons of people and with Zoe drunk as ever. My stomach made somersaults and I want to shriek but i can't because if I did Clinton might take back what he just said. "Oh sure, just don't murder her while I'm away. Okay? She's very important to me." She said winking at us. I glanced at Clinton who's face is flush and cute, oh god.

I glared at her retreating back and I hope she feels the burning holes on her back while I murder her in my mind. "So, how about we take this talk outside?" Clinton said holding my hand. I kind of made a small squeak which thank god he did not hear. I let him drag me along with him until we reached the backyard part of the mansion.

Did I mention that we're in the middle of a forest? No? Well, now I did.

As we stood there Clinton removed his jacket and placed in on to the ground. I'm thanking the night for not letting him see me blush madly.

"Thank you." I said as we both sat down on his laid denim jacket. Nobody talked, but all I could here were owl's wooing and the wind brushing every pine cone trees.

I turn to look at Clinton who was being eerie; he was staring out of nowhere, like something was going to come out of the forests shadows. A cold shiver ran through my spine when he looks at me with his deep pair of hazel green eyes. Something wasn't right, his eyes were full of worry but I ignored that, what was wrong? He was looking at me like I was in trouble and a look of pity. I couldn't bear to see his gaze so I asked him,

"So what do you-?"

I've been cut off by a growling sound near us. He puts his hand over my mouth and laid his index finger on his lips, his sign to silence me. I stiffened when Clinton stood up and yelled,

"Lee, run now. Get inside and go home." It did not registered in me first but when the growling sound went louder I got to my feet and looked at him with fear. "What's happening? What is that?" I asked, feeling myself shaking. This is wrong, everything.

He stood there looking at me with pity in his eyes, I don't understand. "You have to go; I'll talk to you later." He demanded I jumped behind him when a huge tree branch was thrown in front of us. Clinton stood where he was, shielding me.

"It's too late. Stay here, don't make any noise." Clinton held my shoulders looking at me with worry, and the other I cannot pin point. He gave me a warm smile and said,

"I'm sorry; I shouldn't have brought you out here. I just wanted to talk about something important." He gave me a reassuring smile and ran into the woods. I yelled his name because I am completely in utter shock when he is nowhere to be seen. What was that growling noise? When I heard a sound that was something like trees being chopped off and falling I shiver. I walked slowly until I reached the border line of the forest. "Clinton?" I yelled and my voice was shaky from terror.

Oh god, what if it was a wolf? What if Clinton was bitten? I mean, we could've ran back to the house and called for help rather than him being in this woods. I can't make out the things that were happening since everything seems to be extra dark. I cursed in my breath; I walked back but halt into a stop when I heard a person walking. "Clinton?"

But there was no answer. I faced the woods again and I saw a human figure running towards me,

"Lenox, get out of the way!" Clinton yelled as he ran for his life, my eyes widened and I couldn't process the words he was saying when a huge dog-like creature with penetrating red eyes, sharp teeth and hoofed feet was chasing Clinton. I stood here not knowing what to do, I feel like fainting but a part of me wants to stay and see what happens next. But a huge part was saying to run and get the heck away from here.

But before I could run for my doomed life I felt a tugging sensation in my head, I feel dizzy and the world surrounding me is spinning like a disco ball. I feel like falling, my eyes looking for something to hold on to.

Yet the last thing I saw was Clinton sending the dog-like creature hurtling towards a tree and using an object to slash its throat out, and the black-green gooey substance coming out of the creatures' throat is the remained image in my head.

I shut my eyes falling into a deep sleep.


New book cover for The Eximius! Yey, what do you guys think?

Credits go to @Halfbloodvernice on Instagram, check her account she has awesome edits of lots of book fandoms.

Thoughts in the chapter? Comment below! Unless it's rude or offensive then you can keep it to yourselves. *wink

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xx patty

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