Chapter five S-Class mission completion

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3 hours after the Confunction with Lyon

It has been 3 hours since gray has confronted Lyon and it did not end well Lyon put the smackdown on gray.

Natsu was barely able to help because he was frozen by Lyon. But they decided to retreat back to the Village only to come face-to-face with erza with a terrifying expression on her face.

Her hair was casting a shadow over her eyes but you could still see her eyes. Glaring at them giving a look that would make the Reaper cringe in fear.

He looked over to see Lucy who is sat in a chair lock down to it buy chains shaking in fear.

He felt jealous of gray he was already knocked out so he was giving the privilege. Of not having to deal with this not having to face erza wrath.

With Natsu who was practically sweating bullets but it turned into him practically raining sweat when he looked at his right and saw this.

( not my picture and it's just a face)

Yeah Natsu about to pass out. Having to deal with erza terrifying face was already making him Regret Life. But seeing (Y,N) was that sadistic look on his face was terrifying.

You would never say this out loud but right now (Y,N) was 20 times more terrifying than Erza this time.

Erza: natsu

Natsu turned his head to face Erza after laying gray on the ground.

Natsu: y-yes e-Erza

(Y,N): we're leaving.

Nazis faced turn to one of pure shock and then he steadied himself putting away is fear ready to say his mind.

Natsu: we can't do that there are people here who need our help we catch just up and abandoned them.

Erza look about ready to explode but (Y,N) just looked on curiously. Why would someone rest their own being just to help others Maybe it's due to their origin of Fairy Tail?

Erza: FOOL do you know the risk you take taking this job look at Gray he's in a state of critical condition you could have died. We're leaving and that's final.

Natsu: I refuse there are people on this island who needs our help Fairy Tail mage's are supposed to help people out I'm not leaving until I finish this job.

(Y,N): hahahahahaha oh that's a laugh you know what you clearly look like you need help and this is amusing for me so why not I help you out.

Natsu: really (Y,N)

Men Natsu sound like a child.

(Y,N): why not the main reason why I decided to join this Guild is to see how humans have improved over the last four hundred years. And willing to put up with someone stronger than you willing to put yourself In Harm's Way just to help others out at the expense of yourself entry to me truly I have never met humans like you before.

Natsu could only think him Erza on the other hand was not happy.

Erza: (Y,N) we can't do that they're not as cause mated and they weren't even supposed to be on this quest to begin with. We need to take him back to fairy tail now!!!

(Y,N): wasn't it you guys who said on that mountain that you guys operated differently than other humans. That is someone was in trouble that you stick together like a family but you help others at the expense of yourselves is what Fairy Tail stands for. I might have only been here for a less than 5 weeks but I know you humans operate a lot differently so why not help these guys out help them and end their suffering.

Erza wanted to protest but she knew she couldn't change (Y,N) mind. With gray and Natsu she can just beat them into submission but (Y,N) an elder dragon he stands above gods so there's really nothing she can do.

Erza:* lets out a heavy sigh* fine  if me must do this. But don't think they would be punishment when you get back to the guild.

Natsu just started to sweat. Along with Lucy who decided to be quiet up till now.

Lucy: so you're going to help out!!

(Y,N): yeah seems interesting.

Erza started to ask Lucy questions and while this was going on I notice natsu sneak out of our tent into running towards the temple.

Erza: ok thank you Lucy Now where's Nat- where did he go.

(Y,N): towards the Temple he snuck out while you were looking away.

Erza: you saw him and didn't try to stop him!

(Y,N): well the situation amuses me I want to know where it goes.

Erza: amusing he can get himself killed

(Y,N): you know you should have more faith in him. If they got this far on their own then I'm pretty sure he's fine.

Erza: fine *walks over to Lucy and lets her go* we have to catch up with that idiot.

With that the three mages pluse happy left for the Temple.

About 16 minutes of walking the three pluse happy came into a dense part of the the wilderness.

When they were there (Y,N) felt the presence of multiple people around 30.

Erza cot on as well as she pushed lucy out the way making her doge a enemy mages attack.

Being found out the enemy mage's came out of the woods and started to surround Erza Lucy (Y,N) and happy.

Erza was quick to summon a sword in her hands and told (Y,N) and lucy to chuch up with natsu so the two an past erza and left the poor mages to feel erza's wrath.

the two reached the temple to see it was tillted, then they started to hear foot steps behind them to see erza emerging from the bushes.

(Y,N): that was fast.

erza: they went strong so they were easy to get through. But what happened to the temple and why is it tillted.

(Y,N): My guess it natsu.

happy: aye sir

erza: lets get to the fool before he gets himself more hurt.

(Y,N) could see that it was startimg to get dark because the moon was starting to come out and that means that the moon drip ritual was going to begin. And that means that deliora was going to be revived.

The three pluse happy went into the temple and could hear natsu start destroying the temple even more. the three mages could only sweet drop has they were hearing natsu yelling and smashing things.

they started to go through the temple then they heared voices.

???: you think your pitiful magic can beat me!!!

natsu: Im not fighting for just me im fighting for my friends and for fairy tail!! 

???: such pathetic things is not a consern for me. I will be the one to surpass ur and if you stand in my way then i will remove you from my way. But your already to late the The ritual will be completed and i will finaly surpass UR.

(Y,N): Shit erza take you and lucy and happy with you can stop the ritual I'll help natsu with lyon.

all: Right

so the three split off into two grops and when off in diffrent directions.

(Y,N) was getting close because he could hear natsu and lyon fight he then used his controlle over the air to sence there location. when he did he stoped moving and put his hand on the wall before giving it a light puch which caved the wall in. (YN) looked through the wall to see natsu and lyon stop fighting and look at him.

(Y,N): Hello there.

no pov

Natsu and lyon looked over to see a new person standing there natsu was happy and lyon was angered by this.

lyon: who is this peasant

(Y,N): *narrowed his eyes at lyon* Who are you calling a peasant you pathetic human

(Y,N) voice changed to a more dragconic voice  that set a chill Lyon spine.

(Y,N):*start your charge up a blue water orb on the tip of his finger* you human need to learn that you're not above the gods.

Lyon: I'm not scared of you what can your pathetic magic even do to me.

With that (Y,N) smirk before firing the beam of water to the left of Lyon. The result shocked everyone except for (Y,N) there was a massive a** hole in the side the wall is that what it connected to Lyon his body would have been ripped pieces.

Now lyon was trembling in fear of this new man that has arrived. The dragon slayer was no problem but it was this one in front of him that scared him.

(Y,N): now it's time to-

???: (Y,N) stop I will be the one to fight him.

Natsu and (Y,N) both turned around to see Gray standing there in the opening were (Y,N) made.

(Y,N):*starts chuckling* are you sure you can win this.

Gray: yeah me and him have a score of the settle.

(Y,N): Fine

once I was said they started to feel the temple start to shift back in place the other two majors were shocked while
(Y,N) looked like he didn't give a s***.

???: Cold emperor I have repaired the temple.

A new person with a red looking mask appeared in between the four of them.

Lyon: zalty where have you been this entire time.

zalty: forget the rudeness cold for I have just been repairing the damage of that fool.

Natsu: hey how dare you repair all the damage I caused!!

zalty: cold emperor please let me deal with these two fools.

Lyon: very well I'll let get with them but be back in time for the ceremony when I defeat Deliora.

zalty: yes cold emperor.

With that zalty ran off into the temple with a screaming angry natsu chasing after him. (Y,N) let out a sigh before chasing after natsu something strange caught his nose that man smelled like a woman. Maybe that some kind of disguise magic or something anyways he was going to get answers.

(Y,N) arrived in Deliora's chamber where he saw natsu fighting Zalty.

(Y,N): natsu leave go back to gray and stop that fool from doing anything stupid.


(Y,N) eyes turn to his dragon eyes as he glared at natsu there was no room for negotiation. So natsu just gave a scared aye sir before leaving.

Zalty: was it wise have your friends leave you here all along with me.

(Y,N): stop with the pathetic disguise I already know you're not who you claim you are show your real identity.

Zalty: fine I'll bite.

Zalty body began to Glow before it changed into a body more feminine.

(Not my picture)

(Y,N): what's your true name or what should I just call you.

???: You first tell me how you're able to see through my disguise.

(Y,N): Natsu might have the nose of a dragon but my senses are stronger than his. I could tell you're a woman from the minute you're sentient my nose. That answered your question tell me your name.

???: My name's ultear.

(Y,N): my name is (Y,N)

Ultear: well (Y,N) you're quite the peculiar you were able to catch me even with my disguise go on it makes you want to know who you really are.

(Y,N): who i really am.

Ultear: yes I can tell when someone has a secret that they're trying to hide so what's yours.

(Y,N) smirked this human was really amusing.

(Y,N): well if you want to know I'll tell you but keep it a secret k just between the two of us.

Ultear: fine

(Y,N): *smirks* I'm not a human.

The answer throughout ultear for a loop he wasn't human than what is he.

Ultear: if you're not human then what are you.

If you were wondering why she isn't scared it's more because he has peaked curiosity it's not everyday you come running across someone who claims to not be human.

(Y,N): you want to know who I am very well then.

(Y,N) let out his aura it was white and light green in color but then it started to swirl around him before it started to form his dragon form above him as the image. Let out it's roar shaking the entire cave. Ultear couldn't move she was paralyzed with fear of the image that she was seeing terrified her no end he was a dragon in human form.

In a blur (Y,N) appeared in front of ultear and put his hand under her chin making her look into his eyes his green slitted eyes. That instilled a fear inside of her so great she was shaking as she looked into his eyes. he brought his head down and whispered into her ear.

(Y,N): Now run along I have other things to deal with but if you get in my way and... No one will find your body.

Ultear could barely keep herself standing the fear she was feeling made her legs wobble so much it was hard to stand. (Y,N) let go of her before walking out of Deliora's chamber leaving a stunned and feared ultear where she stood.

On his way back he could hear Natsu yelling a gray for about to use I ice shell.

When (Y,N) got there he decided just to observe the fight between gray and Lyon two old rivals back at it again. To with contradicting believes one of sorrow and one of pure arrogance. It was like a yin and yang as a two did battle with each other.

Eventually gray was able to get the upper hand on Leon due to the unstableness of Lyon one-handed ice magic. And gray was finally able to beat Lyon.

But was shocked everyone was the loud roar that was heard from underneath the temple. Deliora has been revived fearing the worst gray rushed off towards the chamber.

With Natsu and hot pursuit. (Y,N) decided to move a little bit faster than he usually would and in a blur he was already in Deliora's chamber.

Natsu and gray arrive to watch Deliora trying to break free from the ice.

(Y,N) watch as deliora finally broke free and let out its monstrous roar that shook the entire island.

during this Lyon came crawling into the cave saying that he would be at the demon.

Natsu just knocked him out as Gray got in front of everyone saying deliora needed to be resealed. But Natsu had other plans he stand in front of gray as he was preparing Ice shell.

Natsu flat out told Gray to stop trying to kill himself that taking the easy way out is not the fairy tail way. As he was about to fight the demon they could feel the wind around them Rush past them they all turned around to see (Y,N) in the air it has some strange sphere in his hand.

(Y,N): I agree as well death is not a way of atonement if you really want to live up to your Master's expectations. Then live and become a greater ice mage she would be proud of. You all have showed me that humanity actually as hope that they were not the broken being we thought they were 400 years ago and for that I am thankful. So let me do something for you Gray let me get a rid of your nightmare for you.

(Y,N) through his hands forward and the sphere in his hands shot out into a gigantic beam of magic completely engulfing the massive demon. The beam flew out of the cave and could be seen for miles away.

When the light died down and everyone was shocked even Lyon because of the damage he is just caused.

Absolutely nothing remained of the demon and there was a giant crater that went on until the end of the island.

(Y,N) floated down to Gray before putting his hands on his shoulder.

(Y,N): you listen to me no matter what anyone says you are by far a student ur would be proud of. And now that she's free from the ice she can watch you from the heavens. so keep this in mind when you feel like killing yourself that there's always a family for you and that your teacher will always be smiling down upon you from the heavens.

With that (Y,N) walked away from the stunned mages as he walked out of the giant hole he made in the chambers.

Gray: Thank you (Y,N) for everything and ur I hope you're proud of me too.

He said this as a tear extreme down his eyes.

In the Forest not too far away from the massive crater.

Ultear was not in her disguise as she held up what look to be a lacrima.

???: How did the mission go ultear.

Ultear: not too well deliora was killed by that mysterious mage from fairy tail.

???: You mean the one that people are  calling the white tempest. Or the dragon of the storms wrath.

Ultear: yes that one is extremely powerful he could prove to be a hindrance to our plans.

???: Yes but he won't be able to stop me. In the end because once I revive zeref there will be nothing to stop us from making a new world.

Ultear thoughts: such an arrogant fool thinks he can go up against (Y,N) if what he told me is true and from the power he's just demonstrated he could be a useful Ally for master Hades.

???: I'll see you when you repair the village.

Ultear: same goes for you.

With that she deactivated the lacrima.

Ultear: you're a very interesting individual (Y,N) but I wonder if you can be useful for me in the future. I guess it's time to go repair the village now.

Back with fairy tail

It been about 5 minutes in the fairy tail group regathered at the now mysteriously repaired village. (Y,N) thanks this is the work of ultear due to the fact that her magic was clearly to do with that of time.

anyways his favorite part of his quest was when Lucy asked how old a destruction was caused. To which (Y,N) replied with "oh I full of blowing some steam so I use one of my weakest magic skills I had."

The expression on her face made (Y,N) and natsu laugh she was practically freaking out about it even Erza was slightly shocked about it.

But Erza wanted to clear something so she had every villager group together.

Want all the villagers were assembled she began to ask her questions.

Erza: village chief if you were going through this and why didn't you do investigating on your own.

Village chief: we tried investigating.

Erza: well did you think of going to the temple.

Village chief: we tried many times but every time we tried to get to the temple you would always be sent back to the village every time. We tried many times but the results were always the same.

Erza: As I thought

Village chief: thought what?

Erza: we're going to fulfill your request we're going to destroy the Moon.

All the fairytale mages except Natsu and (Y,N) had there eyes bug out of their skull and screamed what.

Erza went to the top of a hightower with not to behind her who was more than eager to help her. she then proceeded to change into her Giants armor with a large spear.

(None of the pictures are mine and the spear is not flying off to the distance it's in your hand)

Erza: this is giant armor it will increase my overall throwing capabilities and this spear is De-Malevo it is a spirit that repels evil. now Natsu when I throw the spear into the air I want you to hit the back of the spear got it.

Natsu: Ya

Erza then proceeded to get into form as she aimed the spear up into the sky at the Moon. She then through the spear with all of her might and natsu use his fire dragons iron fist on the back of the spear sending it flying into the sky.

the spear flew up into the sky and looked like a cracked the moon shocking everyone on the ground except for (Y,N) who already knew what was about to happen.

The spirits and proceeded to shatter the Moon wish they revealed the real moon up above the sky in the same place as a fog like Crystal receded to fall into disintegrate in the air.

Lucy: what is that.

Erza: during the moon drip ritual it created a crystallized substance in the atmosphere which then proceeded to harden creating a dome around the island which turned the moon purple. Now the villagers should go back to the way they were.

But literally nothing's changed they were still in their demon forms.

Gray: shouldn't they have changed back already.

(Y,N): stupid this is therr real form.

Fairy tail (except for Erza and (Y,N)): WHAT!!!

???: That's exactly right I was glad I put my faith in you.

That voice caused the fairy tail mages and The village to turn around and look into the air to see Bobo their sailor flying in the air laughing.

Gray: I thought you died.

Bobo: getting stabbed in the chest hurts a lot but it takes more than that to kill a demon.

At this point the village Chief could not contain his emotions as he flew into the sky and hugged Bobo with tears pouring out.

The rest of the villagers soon followed as they hugged in the sky.

In the Forest

In the forest ultear wasn't talking to the person same person she was talking to someone completely different.

???: Ultear why have you contacted me.

Ultear: Master I have found something you might want to now about.

She then preceded to show him everything that happened when she had the conversation with (Y,N).

Once seeing the footage he could tell that this mage that was most definitely not to be trifled with.

???: You're playing a dangerous game here ultear this mage is extremely powerful and has the aura is that of a dragon. If you should make him angry you won't survive his wrath.

Ultear: I know Master but he might be helpful for achieving our goals.

???: that is true of being like him could have secrets beyond our mortal comprehensions to help us reach our goal faster try and gather as much as you know about him.

Ultear: as you wish Master I'll be off.

She then cut the communication between the two of them and she was not left all alone to her thoughts.

Ultear thoughts: just who exactly are you (Y,N) and why would you be with that guild in the first place. If I could bring you over to our side then you could prove to be a most useful Ally I can't wait to see what the future brings me.

And there you go I am super sorry for the late upload I've been having a lot of stuff going on with me and I know I haven't updated this story and I'm going to be updating it I'm just sorry.

Anyways I thank you for sticking with me up to this point bye-bye

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