Goddess ship (Gray X Juvia)

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Request by SylveonPink and also RyanReeta

P.s. I don't know the right title for the chapter-_-

P.s. there's a little surprise on this chapter

P.s. YAY!!!!! THE EXAM IS OVER!!!!!

P.s. I some kind of changing my writing style

P.s. this is long

P.s. wow too many p.s.

It's a beautiful morning for Magnolia today. Warm, sunny, peaceful, and also quiet...


Oh wait, never mind.

Everyone must know who's the one that shout the famous stripper name. Yup, it's the one and only our cute but sometimes can be badass water girl, Juvia Lockser. She is hugging a raven haired male, the male only wearing a boxer.


Anyway, the rain woman is confessing her love today, you know like always, it's her routine. But it seems like her love interest doesn't react to her love too much. For some people this kind of couple, it may seems hopeless. But for other people, it's a God ship. But nah, who know. After all this world is full of endless possibilities.

Now let's back to this cute and weird couple.

"Let me go Juvia!!!!" the raven boy trying to get the blue haired girl off from him.

"Why?! Why gray-sama is so mean to Juvia?!!" the girl dramaticaly ask the boy with a pair of watery eyes. Still stick to the boy waist, not letting her boy in her dream go.

"Juvia, I just gonna do some request! So for god sake dammit, please let me go!!!!" the raven haired boy still doesn't managed release from the wrap of the obsessive bluenette girl.

"Then, let Juvia come with you!!!"

"Juvia... I just gonna go for a while. I'll promise I'll get back soon as I can" the boy now is trying to comfort the bluenette girl, so he can be free from the jail of the mighty obsessive bluenette girl hug.

"P-pinkie promise?..." the girl question interrupted by her sobbing, while showing her little pinkie finger.

The boy sigh and show his own little pinkie finger too, "pinkie promise"

"Now can I go now?"

The girl hesitately nodded her head, she let go of her love interest and look down sadly after it.

"Don't worry Juvia, I already promise you and I will fulfill it" the boy stroking the bluenette girl hair.

The girl look up and smiled, "Juvia believe in Gray-sama"


The same bluenette girl from today morning is walking through the river bank. Look down with a saddened face.

"No Gray-sama, Juvia day is so boring" the girl says to herself.

The river flows calmly as the sun moving to the top of the girl head. The day isn't too much hot because it was spring season, but the heat can still be sensed by the skin.


A sudden shout making the girl jump a bit, "who's the one asking for help?".

She look around and her eyes landed to a drown figure in front of her. "Don't worry Juvia will help you!".

The water mage using her magic to control the water, use the water to bring the person to the river side.

The person which turn out is a girl, release a big exhale and then next a heavy breathing. Somehow her body is moving like when a fish come out from the water :v

The water mage scanning the girl in front of her. Long aqua green twin tail, black skirt with blue stripe, and there's a weird thin ribbon float in place on her twin tail.

"A-are you alright?"

The mysterious girl blinked her eye for few times to adjust from the sudden light. The girl get up with a weak leg.

The girl do like when ever a dog or a cat is wet, she shook her head till the water all drop out.

"Thank you!" the girl cheerfully said to the blue water mage. The blue-green haired girl staring at the water mage, her gaze is stop at the chest area.

'big....' she thought, then look at her own one. There's a few tear, I don't know if the tears is real or fake, but let says there's liquid flow out from her eye.

"I-is something wrong?! Did Juvia make you cry?!" the water girl panicked. The younger girl look up to the older girl, interested of her name.

The aqua green haired girl smiled, "nothing, so your name is Juvia right?"


"My name is Hatsune Miku, you can call me Miku." the twin tail girl introduce herself.

"It's nice to meet you Miku."


- timeskip by the author and yeah Miku is here :p -

From far the guild is visible to view by a raven haired boy. The boy smiled toward the figure of the guild from distance.

"What's wrong Gray?" his blonde friend ask.

"Nothing, it just I already promise Juvia to come back soon" he answer his friend.

"Ah, I see~" the celestial mage says with teasing tone.

"You like her" a blue flying cat whisper to his ear.

The raven haired male blush 20 shades of Karma. Meanwhile in the background, a salmon haired boy raise up a thumb nail, "good job there Luce! Happy!"

The gang open the guild door and what they only see is the guild went crazy. I know the guild is always crazy, what I mean is double crazy from usual.


The boy turn his head to the source of the voice, the girl he made promise before is standing on the stage with a familiar iron dragon slayer holding a guitar and a twin tail girl he never saw before holding a mike.

"Gray-sama this is Miku" the water girl introduce the twin tail girl.

"Yo! The one over there!" she pointed at the ice mage. "Show your talent!". The ice mage confused of what the aqua green haired girl says. The girl give him a face palm, "just dance".

"What?! I don't know how to dance!"

"Then Juvia-chan!" the spot light to moved from the twin tail girl to the blue haired girl. The blue haired girl was also confused, what is she dealing now?

"Teleport!" the ice mage suddenly appears in front of the water mage. The twin tail girl push the water mage so the water mage lip is touching the ice mage one. "Teach him the love dance~"

A different light from up there is shine bright over the twin tail girl, as well the twin tail girl is slowly floating away toward the light. "Finally my ship is sailed" and with that she dissappear into the light.

The girl left the whole guild with a WTF IS THAT? face while the ice and water mage is still enjoying the kiss.


I don't know with this one-shot



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