Little Miracle (Sting x Lucy)

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Request by RyanReeta

Many noisy sound echoing in the arena, as a blonde celestial mage in a unconscious state. Her wet body is covered by swimsuits and bruises.

All the friends of the celestial mage gasp in shocked and anger. Two boy run to her, as they catch the girl who fall to the dirty ground...


A girl open her heavy eyelids slowly, the first thing on her caramel view was her friends gathering all around her.

"Ugh, e-everyone sorry..." that's all the words that slipped out from her mouth, with her small shaking voice.

"I-i did it again..." she try to cover her self with a blanket. Ashamed that she's failed to take her beloved guild to the first place.

"What are you talking about? You were second place! 8 points!" a raven haired boy try to comfort her.

"Yeah, you did great," a female in armor added.

"K-keys, m-my keys..."

"Here you go," a blue cat hand over her a little pack. The blonde hair owner take the little pack from the cat and hug it tightly.

"T-tha-thank goodness..." her shaking voice sound more relieve than before.

Clutching her little pack, closing her own brown eyes. She went to her dream land.


The girl open her beautiful blurred hazel eyes, gazing at the ceiling.

It was night at the time the celestial mage wake up. She keep staring at the blank plafond, thinking about tomorrow big tournament.

She try to get up from the comfy mattress and go for a walk. Even though with those bad injuries all over her body, she somehow manage to stand up with a pair of swaying leg.

She get out from the sick bay and go walk on the long dark hallway. With unbalance steps she keep walking through the hallway, search for a place to take fresh air.

Soft foot step noise echoing through the hallway. She saw delicate light at the end of the hallway.

She keep walking and walking till she finally reach her destination. It's a very clean balcony, the cold breeze of air touching her pale skin. She look up at the sky, shining starry night. The night is clear without any single cloud, the moon and stars is visible to view.

Her blonde hair blow in the air, she still gazing at the beautiful scene on top of her.

"What are you doing here?" a male voice out of no where ask her. The celestial mage look around, wondering who's the voice owner.

When she look behind her, she saw a boy figure with blonde spiky hair. The girl give the figure a glare, a dominant glare.

"Why should you care?" she ask with cynical tone.

The figure take few steps closer to her. The light of moon make his face is even clearlier to see.

"Because a wounded girl is wandering alone on a dark place?" he said while teasing.

"So what?" the blonde haired girl ask again.

"Aren't you scared?" the boy give her the answer with a question.

"Scared of what?" she ask AGAIN, start to getting more annoyed.

"I don't know... like a big bad wolf?" he said while touching her shoulder and whisper it to her ear.

The blonde celestial mage push the blonde male away, anger is abviously taped on her face.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" she yelled in demanding but yet also in shaking tone.

The blonde spiky boy take few steps away from her, from the distance he stand right now he watch the blonde haired girl suffering.

The brown eyes of the girl is teary, her leg is trembling like she gonna fall to her knees any minute now. Cover her start to crying eye using her own bare hand. The dominant glare was already gone, replaced by a pair of watery brown eyes.

"G-go away..." her soft small voice said to the male. Few tear escaped from the corner of her eyes. The male look down and back away, slowly taking steps to go.

"I'm sorry..."

That voice is small but still can be caught by a pair of ear. Now, the figure is gone, no sign of him. Like he is devoured by horrific emptiness.

The blonde haired girl can't lift up all the load by herself, she finally fall to her knees. Her tear streaming down on her face and fall, decorating the floor beneath her.

"If only..." she murmured to no one but herself.

"If only the situation is different... we might still have chance..." she keep murmuring the last part to herself too. The wind once again hit her like before, dry out the trailing tear on her pale skin.


Flower bloomed, sun and moon up and rise again, many things change with just a single time pass.

Even people... even people hearts.

It may sound ridiculous, but all we need just a little miracle.

Little miracle to change a life, your life , OUR life...

The friendship between fairy and tiger was finally created at the of the great magic game tournament.

Is like a little miracle, change everyone future forever. But the one or should I say two who got affected the most is...

"Hey..." a male voice concern a blonde girl who is sit down on a park bench and gazing at the blue sky.

The blonde turn around to see the same figure she saw at the some certain night standing on her view right now. But there's something different from that night comparing with this day.

A warm beautiful smile painted on her face.

"Hey," she greet him so casually. The male smiled back to the female. The female stand up and walking to the male.

"So... Sabertooth new master?" she start with a small talk. The blonde spiky boy nodded with a happy grin.

"Good for you," she said with a warmer smile, small taint of blush on her face.

"Well, good for you too," the male said as he lean closer to the girl and landed his lip on her. The connected lip is become heater, heater and heater follow how long the kiss pasts.

The two of them parted away after the time has passed. The both of them smile to each other like it was the best moment of their life, or it was...

Two blonde soulmate rest on a park bench, as the wind slowly passing them...

And I'm done

Hi RyanReeta

I hope you like it, my writing is bad and it may contain many typo and grammar mistakes.

But still hoping you like it

The next one is the most populer ship in the fairy tail


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