Not Ready

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She bit her lip nervously as she gave Logan an answer.

"Yeah, that would be great actually. I'll go get my purse out of Zoey's car." The girls both headed out to the car, and Zoey didn't say a word the whole walk there. "Zoey...can you please pray...just that this isn't real, I'm still in shock." Zoey nodded, but still didn't say anything.

Once Margo grabbed her purse, Logan pulled up in his red sports car, like almost as nice as a ferrari. "That's a nice car." He shrugged his shoulders as she said this to him. She felt wrong for driving alone with a young man she hardly knew, yet despite everything that her mind kept telling her, her heart told her to go with him. It was as if someone told her to trust him.

"It's actually an old car, I just spruced it up a bit," he replied casually while combing his dark hair out of his eyes. She felt herself wondering what it would be like to run her fingers through his dark locks. She shook her head whilst blushing. She turned her head quickly before he took notice.

He got out and walked over to the passengers side where Margo stood. He gave her a casual smile and opened the door for her. Margo quickly gave Zoey a hug, and hopped into Logan's car. She was a little leery of letting him take her so far, but somehow she knew he was a good person with a good heart.

"It might take awhile to get there because I tend to drive slow, especially when I know an accident has occurred...if that's alright with you?" He looked over at her as he said this. She glanced over and nodded.

"Yes of course, thanks again for taking me...I don't know of anyone that would take a random stranger to see their... boyfriend in the hospital." Her words came out soft and crackly, and dry tears welled in her eyes. "Thank you. Zoey is in shock right now, and her parents are strict with how far she can drive at night, so I probably would have had gone by myself, and I don't think I could've done it."

"You're not a random stranger, I've known you for years...ugh I mean it seems like I've known you for years because you like to talk a lot during chemistry, and I talked to Bryan before, he seems like a decent guy, or at least that's what I thought." Somehow he seemed to know way more about her than she realized. His last comment about Bryan made her think that, maybe he was her angel? She almost laughed out loud at the thought. Why would she be given the privilege of having such an awesome guardian angel anyways?

"What're you thinking? You looked like you wanted to laugh?" he asked her with a genuine interest. He gave her a slight smirk along with the remark.

"Well...don't laugh but I feel like you are truly an angel sent from above to help I'm being serious," she barely said to him and a shy smirk came about his face. "I don't know why but I just keep getting that feeling."

"Well...that is very flattering that you think of me that way...the funny thing is that I am," he replied quite casually. Margo began to chuckle a bit. "I'm serious, Margo. I am...well was your guardian angel...but I fell for you." His face twisted into an awkward smile, and she smiled.

"I think that was one of the cheesiest pickup lines I've ever heard, and I have heard plenty," she laughed as he frowned. His face resembled that of a sad puppy at a dog pound. She was puzzled because he grew slightly upset after that comment.

"I guess you're not ready to hear it." What the heck did that mean? Was he deeply in love with her or something, she thought. She barely even knew him, and he was already talking to her as if they've been friends for years. She felt the air around them grow tense, and then, Logan took a deep breath and began talking again. "I'm sorry about that, I just ... nevermind. Anyways how is your dog doing?" How did he know she had a dog, and why did he change the conversation so quickly?

"Um...Yousef is doing great actually...he keeps my heart happy which is good, and he recently became friends with the neighbor's dog, Fifi. How is your ....well uh do you have any pets?" She was still trying to figure out more about him, and what he meant by the strange comment about her "not being ready".

He took a turn onto the ramp leading them off the highway, and they proceeded to the hospital. "No I don't have any animals, I just remember you talking about your dog in class a couple times," he replied. How did he remember that?

"You have a good memory. Um, when did you move here? Like did you just move here this year?" She wanted to ask him more but decided not to bombard him with too many questions, afterall, he was taking her all the way to the hospital to see her boyfriend.

He nervously clenched onto the steering wheel making Margo feel slightly anxious. "I uh.. moved here this past summer around the third week in May. My family and I had to move out of our home. It's only my sister and I, my parents aren't with us anymore." The tone of his voice made her feel as if he were telling a lie and didn't want to tell the truth, he was hiding something from her. Unfortunately her expression gave away her thought. "Why are you giving me that look, as though you don't believe me..."

"I think there is more to your story that you aren't telling me...but I'm not saying you're a liar. You just aren't telling the whole truth...I tend to sense things like this a lot," she jokingly replied to him, although this time, she wasn't really joking.

"Yeah I know...I ...uh...mean I can tell that you can sense I'm not telling the whole truth, which I'm not, but like I said're not ready," he lightly smiled this time. His smile made her feel at ease, but she still needed to know what he was hiding from her and why.

"Oh okay...why am I not ready...what am I not ready for?" she questioned as they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

He interrupted her continuum of questions."Looks like we are here...would you like me to come in with you or wait out in the car?" He was truly the kindest person she had ever met, and probably one of the best looking too, but he still didn't answer any of her previous questions.

"I think I'll be okay by myself ... but if you want to come in you can." She grabbed her purse and walked into the hospital, up to the receptionist desk. She stood there waiting for one of them to look up from their computer screens. After about a couple minutes one looked up and smiled.

"Hello, what can I help you with? Are you here to set up an appointment?" Her voice sounded too processed as if she were the computer herself.

" There was recently a car crash by my school, and I'm looking for Bryan Deggan. He was reportedly taken here, and I heard one of the two young men taken in here is in critical condition. I need to see if he is okay...I have to, please." She began crying, tears streaming down her face once again. The lady gave her an expressionless face.

"I'm sorry, but I can only release information if you are a close family member of that person. I did see two young men being brought into the emergency room on stretchers about an hour ago. The family for one of them is in the lobby, but no one showed up for the other...I can leave a message for them or the doctors if you would like." She seemed genuine and, quite frankly, appeared tired from her long day here. Margo quick grabbed a nearby pen and slip of paper and wrote down her note. It basically read that she came to visit and is praying that he is okay. She wrote down her phone number so the hospital could reach her if any news was brought up.

She knew the other family there wasn't his, his family usually wasn't there anyways. They probably didn't get the news about it yet, either. Bryan's dad was an alcoholic and tended to just go to work and come home and drink, while his mother was too busy with his other siblings and his sick grandma.

Margo handed the receptionist the note and went outside to find Logan. He drove up with Taco Bell in his hands and the same shy grin on his face as before. Once she got in the car he gave her the bag of food. "I got you a chicken quesadilla...with no that okay? Oh and a Dr. Pepper...just cause I felt like you liked this." This was what she always got at Taco Bell with Zoey. He definitely had done some hardcore stalking on her facebook profile and Instagram. She opened up her quesadilla and puzzled over this strange boy.

"How did you know this is my usual Taco Bell meal?" she questioned him, nicely. He shrugged as he held up a taco and began eating it. He turned his head away as he ate his taco, slightly crunching it with each bite. He knew she was watching him, and so he quickly wiped his mouth and smiled at her.

"Just had a feeling... I was going to get the sauce on it but the sauce is gross, I figured you didn't like it anyways," he replied way too casually for her liking. "How was he doing? Did they let you see him?" He pulled out onto the highway back home, and she waited to respond back to him.

"No...they couldn't tell me any more information, but she said if I write down a note for him and the doctor, they would get back to me about it." He nodded as if he knew the answer . She didn't understand him, and how he magically appeared when she needed someone the most. She felt fluttering butterflies in her stomach around him yet very insecure not knowing if she should put her trust in him. Nonetheless, she had to figure out more about him, but first of all, she had to make sure Bryan was going to be okay. Even though she really liked him, she did feel a twinge of relief, knowing she wouldn't have to worry about breaking up with him. She didn't want him dead, not at all, just not her boyfriend anymore.

"Can you please eat so I won't worry anymore?" Logan asked, impatiently awaiting her to eat her quesadilla. "By the way, you left your phone in here and Zoey called and left a message.." She nodded as she took a quick bite of her food and a sip of her soda while pulling her phone out. She listened to Zoey's message and it gave her a strange feeling.

"Margo, hey, I uh had been asking about Logan to others on my way out of the game, and most don't really know who he he one day just showed up to school and as well as this girl in my Algebra class, Kira...that is supposedly his sister, which by the way looks nothing like him. I just was calling to make sure you were okay, and that he isn't some creeper. Okay...well I'll see you tomorrow, we will talk more...keep your head up girlie, love ya!" The message ended just as he pulled into her driveway.

"Hey thanks again for being so awesome and taking me to the hospital and buying me dinner. I really do appreciate it...oh and here... for the food you purchased and gas." She handed him $20, and he pushed it away. "Please take will make me feel better." He shook his head.

"No, you keep it, I wanted to do this for was a privilege to take you and spend some time with you. You're a special person, Margo. Have a good night, and if your parents want my number for emergency purposes, here. I want to make sure they're comfortable with me driving you tonight. Get some sleep tonight. Goodnight!" He gave her two slips of paper, one with his name and number and a small note for her parents and the other written just for her with his phone number, saying, "When you're ready... call me and I'll be there." Ready for what?! She was so confused as what he meant by that small but significant statement.

"Ready for..." she started asking, but he drove away. She stood there watching his car drive down further her road and take a left turn at the stop sign. She knew it; what he meant. He really was her guardian angel...he had to be.

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