Chapter Six: The Origin of the Asylum

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I'd gotten comfortable here at the ward. The activities, food, and fandoms are all really cool. Well, except for Twilight. They roam the halls at night and attack any other unsuspecting fanees (slang for fangirls and fanboys) that happen to be wandering the halls at night.

One day at breakfast I decided to get some Train music and return my Green Day track.

After I escaped from the music ward, I entered the ward for the FIOS. As I got my CD, I looked around. The people seemed a bit more stiff, like something bad had happened. I looked around and noticed the girl that had helped me  -Jordan, I think-  was gone

"Hey, where's Jordan?" I asked a boy listening to a CD.

"Oh. Yeah, Jordan. She, uh, she went home."

"Home? Why?"

The boy took off his headphones. "You haven't seen the tape for the building, huh?"

"What tape?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. He just took a CD off of the shelf and beckoned me to follow me into a dark room. Hesitantly, I followed.

I immediately was surprised by how huge the television was. It was at least twice my size, and has every type of game station you could imagine. The boy shooed the couple who was playing Just Dance out of the room.

He put the CD in the tray, pressed play, then at on the sofa. I sat next to him while the screen showed a pack and white image.

The screen showed a middle-aged man standing in front of a building. The building sort of resembled the fandom hospital, except for the fact it was a lot smaller, and the white paint looked new, not chipped.

The man looked like he was in his mid forties, with a mustache and black hair. His hair was neatly combed, and his teeth were white and straight. He cleared his throat.

"Hello, my name is Professor Charles Franklin Sparrow," he said, with a voice smooth like honey. It was almost hypnotizing. "I'm a psychologist, who's only care is to help your children."

"Your child may have been introduced to the Hobbit. If so, they have most likely become obsessed. Recreating events from the book, pretending to be the characters, becoming overly emotional at the mention of a character, and worse."

"What's so horrible about being a fanee?" I asked. The boy shushed me.

"Here at our mental institution, we help your child overcome this struggle. We will convince them that this fantasy world is not reality. Take a look at our latest success."

The screen cut to a boy dressed like a character from the Hobbit. He had fake elf ears, a fake bow and arrow, and was clutching a book.

"As you can see, this child is suffering from fantasy prone personality," Professor Sparrow announced.

"Fantasy prone personality?" I resisted the urge to punch the tv.

"Now watch what happens after he spends a month in our facility." The screen changed to a boy that looked exactly like the previous kid, except for the fact that he no longer had elf ears, or the arrow.

Professor Sparrow offered him the Hobbit, and the boy looked at it in disgust and pushed the book away.

"As you can see, he is no longer interested in this disorder-causing book," he said, tossing the book behind him. "Completely cured."

"Now don't assume that this is the only book that causes this disorder," he said, "With authors writing more and more books appealing to your teenagers, they are bound to gain FPP. So please, contact us at-"


The boy had turned the TV off. "You see? They basically brain-wash you then let you go. Then you never hear from them again."

"Can't you call them or text or something?"

He shook his head. "Once you leave, unless you get 'hooked' again, you can't contact the people in here. Afraid you'll get their 'patients' to be sent back or something."

After that, he took the CD out and walked away. Britt he closes the door, he added, "If you want to know more, ask Luke. He's the professor's great-grandson."

"Who's Luke?"

"You'd think he'd have mentioned Luke to you by now," he muttered.

"Who would?" I asked, my curiosity growing.

"You know him," he said, closing the door. "Luke is Greg's Stepbrother."


Hey patients! What do you think about that plot twist? Sorry for taking so long to update, but between school and my stupid writer's block, it's been hard to finish this chapter. But I finally did it! Anyways, see you later, and tell me what you think below!

~daughter of Hecate, signing out

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