Chapter 14

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Danny woke up feeling as stiff as a rock. As appealing as the couches had seemed when the many kids and adults payed down, it didn't stay that way through the night. He opened his eyes to see Sam curled into a ball with his arms wrapped around her, Dani hanging off the side of the armrest, and Tucker sprawled on the floor at the couch's foot. Even with the uncomfortable couches, Danny was tempted to stay curled next to his girlfriend. Yet the day had to start at some time, and the ghost boy looked around before phasing his arm out from under Sam and flew off the couch.

He silently landed next to his friend's sleeping form. Blue eyes scanned the room for a certain overweight teacher. In a few seconds, Lancer was found with a book on top of his face, alone on a couch in a corner. Danny crossed the room, flying to not make noise. He had questions that he needed answers for. Maybe not groundbreaking discovery questions, but questions nonetheless. Somethings just weren't adding up. He whispered Lancer's name repeatedly and the teacher groaned and turned the opposite way. The ghost boy decided he would take it to dramatic measures.

He whispered next to the teacher's ears, "Mr. Lancer, the books are burning."

The teacher shot up, and must've gone to fast because he put his hand to his head and groaned in pain. He groggily looked around the room, then looked to his student. "There are more efficient ways to wake me Mr. Fenton."

A small, innocent smile snuck its way onto Danny's face, but it fell as quick as it came, and in its place instead came a look of complete seriousness. Laughs later, questions now. "Lancer, I need to ask you something." His eyes scanned the room once more as the overweight man waited. "I need to know what was the point of this trip? How much did you know of the whole, you know, educational purpose of this?"

The few second that Danny had been talking, Mr. Lancer had rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Now fully aware of the question, he searched his mind for answers. He sat up before answering the boy, the book that had been on him falling to the side of the couch. "Well you already know that our world is constantly overrun by ghosts," he paused for a second, and Danny nodded for him to continue. "There was some debate of this at first mind you, between whether this was safe or for the good of science. There was also whether more than just my class would go, which now that I think of it was a yes... and then there's the fact of... Daniel?"

The teacher had drifted off from his rambling, and turned his head back to the ghost boy from when it had tilted off, staring into the distance. Danny's eyebrows scrunched up and his eyes widened. Right when he was going to ask what, Lancer interrupted saying, "Mr. Fenton, I have no idea what so ever the purpose of this trip. I suspect that this might have been planned by an enemy of yours as an easy ploy to get to you. You do seem to be awfully protective of the many people in this town."

Danny's eyes couldn't have gone out of his head any further than where they already were. "FU-"

Mr. Lancer's eyes sent to boy a daring glare, challenging him to finish the word.

The word became a drawn out uh until he finished with, "N is not this situation, say I." Lancer nodded his head in approval, and Danny slumped over. He realized exactly why the trip occurred now. If not, he had a pretty good idea at the most. It had to have been him.

"Hey did they have any requirements that the class had to have, like if my parents were supposed to take notes or observations at the least on this trip?" Danny asked his long time teacher. Lancer only smacked his lips, answering, "Daniel, as far as I can tell, this trip had no educational purpose other than being a human bait experiment, perhaps made by the government."

Danny sighed, his fears confirmed. Had Lancer answered that his parents were meant to gain information for the government (even if he could had given it to a certain few scientist that really helped him during the Disasteroid first had they asked), then maybe the situation wouldn't be as dire. This though, this meant that he probably overshadowed their mayor (something that could be easily done by a ghost as powerful as him) and planned to bring Danny into a situation that would only succeed to make his life harder. "This is only a week long trip right?" he found himself asking without thinking.

Lancer still couldn't understand where the boy was going with his train of thought, but answered anyway. "Yeah, I believe the staff would only agree to a week per class-" a groan of complaint interrupted, but he continued on, "but I don't understand why this is relevant."

Danny's eyes closed as he spoke. "Didn't we tell you? It's Dan, it has to be Dan!" he wanted to yell, he really did. Everyone was still asleep though, other than himself and Lancer not to mention their oh so hospitable host, and yelling out profanities even if his teacher approved wasn't on the top of his list. "You remember all the ghost we told you about, right? You'd be able to help my parents make good decisions on destinations?"

The older man nodded. "Daniel, go get a bit more rest. We've been pretty silent in the Phantom department, but that doesn't mean he won't be needed at all with your luck."

"Thank you, Mr. Lancer"

(GRR this is so hard got a huge brain fart >.< writers block is evil. Only 975 words.)


By the time flew back to his friends, about fifteen minutes had passed by. He only knew this because Tucker's watch silently blinked the time 8:13, and it had been around eight when he floated off. Danny went intangible once he knew the coast was clear, and went back into the same position he had been before, arms wrapped around Sam's waist.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the room, talking in hushed voices were the Fenton parents. They had left the weapon in the Speeder, not wanting to seem like they were threatening to the Ghost Writer. So they instead talked of their biggest fear of this trip.

"Maddie, we need to continue here in the Zone. What would the government do otherwise?" Jack's face was scrunched up in concern and worry, looking like his son. Maddie looked to her husband in disbelief, wondering what he could possibly be thinking the government could do.

"I'm serious Maddie! So maybe our world is the mirror dimension to this one, that doesn't mean the won't try to blow it up again! You remember how stubborn the Guys in White were when Phantom first proposed his idea to turn the Earth intangible. Knowing them, the minute they find out there is a killer ghost on the loose, they'll probably try to blow up the Zone anyway. Even if we're still in here, and they wouldn't take a glance at the other ghosts, good and bad!"

Jack's hands had been waved around frantically, while the blue clad woman sat as still as could be. She listened to him ramble on, and when he stopped, she stayed quiet still. A few silent seconds followed, until she broke the silence, her voice the only thing that could be heard had anyone else been awake most likely. "Well Jack, we'll get there eventually, but let's just rest for now." She pulled him back down to lay the couch they were both on. It was another restless sleep, for the both of them this time.


Woo i actually got 100 more words than i needed. Nice. well happy almost turkey day. So up around the top, there is actually a part that says there were scientist that helped with the disasteroid. This idea gets full credit to Fkdksjxkx who actually thought of this a few chapters ago. I asked to use this in the story, and this is my mention. It will most likely make another mention later, but i was just introducing this. If you want to know the full idea/ headcanon, you have to look yourself because i don't even know myself and i don't feel like looking (actually it's in the important information chapter). And remember you can recommend your own headcanons as long as it isn't super big and requires a whole change in plot.

(and an annoying shout out to my bro who won't shut up to making me tag him so people will check out his profile and read his new story-tuedat )




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