Chapter 15

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Waking up had once again been hard for the Ghost Boy, who had somehow phased and rolled to the side of the couch curled next to Tucker. No matter how long he could practice control with his powers, sleeping was another problem. Danny opened his eyes the same moment as the other boy, making them both fling each other away.

"Dude, personal space," Tucker looked straight into his eyes saying it. "Ever heard of it?"

The two rose to their feet, cracking their stiff joints. Tucker looked around as he did so. It seemed a few people were also awake, or in the process of waking up. The adults were already in the middle of a conversation and Ghost Writer seemed to have never gone to sleep in the first place. The writer had no time for sleep, even if he had been alive, because then who would ever be the one to record the events unfolding as cheesily as a fanfiction picked back up after months.

A deep rumbling came from Tucker's stomach and Danny looked him knowing what he wanted. Food. They walked towards the overweight teacher and Fentons with the intention of asking if they could get food from the Speeder. They pointed out some of the other members of their class around them as they walked. Some people that hadn't woken up yet were in ridiculous positions, and they were near cackling at the strange contortions their classmates slept in.

Danny had gone into a sudden stop, making Tucker crash into his friends unmovable wall of a back. He rubbed his nose as he looked to his friend in concern.

"Hey man," Tucker placed his hand on his Danny's shoulder firmly, trying to break the raven haired teen from his daze. "Are you okay?"

He turned him around, trying to meet Danny's eyes. He was about to wave a hand in front of his face until his friend's blank face twisted into one of fear and worry.

"My mom made a wish." Danny finally locked eyes with Tucker. "She made a wish, and I think it just came true."

Tucker broke the eye contact to look over Danny's shoulder. Maddie was on the floor. She was clutching her head tightly if the tension in her hair was anything to go by. Dani, who must have woken up a while ago without their notice, flew from across the room. Forcing his eyes away from the scene, Tucker clearly choked out his next words.

"Danny. Danny, come on," Danny's eyes had glazed over again, and Tucker was shaking him to try to snap him out of the haze. "Danny, I need you to listen to me."

His blue eye were sluggishly opening and closing, but he still nodded at his best friends words.

"Danny, I need to know what your mom wished for, and why you think it came true."


"Come on man, it's okay take your time."

"Tuck... I heard..."

"... Yeah?"

"I heard Desiree."

A sharp inhale of breath. Tucker could see Danny swaying in his feet, and brought him back to the couch they slept at. Sam was still sleeping, but they were already talking in hushed voices, and there was no need to speak lower. "What else? You heard Desiree what? Say the whole so you have wished it so it shall be thing? After your mother made a wish?"

Danny's tongue wasn't cooperating. Suddenly the courage he'd gathered from the years as Phantom, and even the shy stutter he'd sometimes have when trying to avoid revealing his secret, was all gone. Nothing was in his head by what the meaning in his mother wish could lead to. Fear that was both justified and unjustified in his head pounded in his temples. But he swallowed some the lump forming in his throat and sucked it up anyway.

"I heard Desiree, and... and I heard my mother make a wish right before it." Tucker nodded his head to let his friend know to continue. "My mom, she... she wished to remember what she'd forgotten, or felt like she'd been forced to forget." His voice was steadier than he expected minus the pauses.

"Tuck, I think she meant from Freak Show's world warp. I think she remembers my secret. And... I think I'm scared what she'll think."


Maddie didn't have a good night's sleep. She didn't have a good night's sleep, she woke with a pounding headache, and the feeling that there was something missing.

She'd had this feeling before. She'd felt like there was something that had been plucked from her memory, wiped, erased. As if it never existed at all. But there was something. Something from the past few years that she should know and would know if only there wasn't a wall blocking the answers.

It was worse today though. That pounding headache was usually a small itch in her mind, and right know she wanted to bang her head against a wall or something if it would relieve the pain.

She curled up closer to Jack, but he chuckled and started to get up. His arms were wrapped around her to keep her from falling while they slept, and all he had to do to get her up was sit upright. She groaned as the blood rushed back to parts of her, arms and legs gaining feeling once more.

Maneuvering around, Jack stood up from the couch, turning back around to princess carry his wife. He walked them over to the bald teacher, the man on the ground face down. Must have fallen in the night.

Sitting Maddie on the couch, Jack grabbed the collared blue shirt on the unconscious man and pulled him up of the floor, hanging him in the air by his hand. Maddie let out a small smile at her husbands antics, as Lancer woke with a startle and squirmed at not being on the floor. He looked around for a second before realizing what had happened at let out a begrudging sigh.

Lancer looked right into Jack's eyes, the man smiling as if the morning was the best time of the day. No, Jack. No. The morning is a curse. An annoyed scowl appeared on the teacher's face as he said, "You Fenton's are the worst at waking people up." The Fenton parents could only share a look of confusion. Lancer rolled his eyes. "Can you put me down?"

The man still had the dignity to look sheepish as he put him back on the ground. Maddie felt another wave of pain and tried standing to be next to Jack. She stumbled on the way over, and Jack was only hardly able to catch her. "Maddie! Are you okay?"

Lying would have been to much of a hassle. "No, Jack sweetie. But I'm just a little dizzy and a bit of-" The pain increased tenfold, making her cut off her sentence and fall out of her husband's grip to the floor. A faint ringing was present with her headache, making it worse by the second. Flashes of images she couldn't make out flew through her mind.

She was grinding her teeth, holding in the scream on the tip of her tongue. A voice whispered in her ear, taunting her.

Make a wish. Do it. Wish the pain away. Wish the knowledge back. Just make a wish and all will be better...

And so she did. She vaguely felt her hands pulling at her hair, or the way Jack was holding her and trying to get her to calm down. Maybe she said it in a whisper. Maybe she was finally shouting.

The words, "I wish I knew what I've forgotten." still left her mouth no matter the circumstances, and the small voice left her head with a so you have wished it, so it shall be.

Hey... it's been a while. So I'm sorry for the very long wait, but I lost inspiration and life got in the way. I know these are excuses but please don't be too hard on me. I'm going to be honest, I don't know when I'll update next. Hopefully soon. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.



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