Chapter 18 - The End

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A song i listened to too get into the feeling for this chapter. Enjoy guys. It's the last chapter :)

Minor warning of violence, no graphic scenery of blood and gore, minor suffocation.

It was... dark. That was it. Not like a there's-no-light-on dark but a void dark. The kind that sucked you up and your emotions. He knew he was just sleeping but it didn't feel like a dream. It was a could be.

A might be, should be, but won't be. Not if he could stop it. This would not be the end of the world over his cold dead body.

He would make sure. Danny wouldn't want it any other way than the way where the only one getting hurt is him. He was a hero and he would do his damn job.


"Danny. Danny, come on, get up. It's time to go." The voice was soft. Nothing touched him but the blanket around him. He had fallen asleep in the cockpit. "Danny, please. No one wants me driving you should really get up."

His eyes felt crusty, and opening them was a bit hard. When Danny finally managed to, his dad was hardly a foot from his face. A half hearted, dopey grin took up most of the space.

"Come on, Danny-boy. I just got in contact with Jazzy-pants back at home. We're expected back home by the time school ends." Jack still looked tired despite the cheerful tone he forced into his voice. Neither of them had gotten much sleep these past few days. None of the students had either. Lancer hadn't slept at all last night. He was the watch guard.

Danny's back popped as he stretched, and as he bones got back in place he yawned. He wasn't truly awake yet, and his mind was still in his dreams. "Morning, Dad. What time is it?" His voice sounded a bit raspy and was still heavily laced with exhaustion.

"It's about six thirty right now." The large man turned around and grabbed something behind him before turning back. He had a few granola bars and what was hopefully normal water. He took it with a thank you and had a tentative sip. It was water. "I've used the Fenton Finder to track our portal! Did we ever tell you Danny-boy? Your mom and I had just made the Finder, and when we were testing it out, we found out it had its own signature! Isn't it fascinating?"

This was the most genuine happiness Danny had seen on his Dad's face in a few days, so he played along. He'd actually known for a while, but his dad didn't need to know that. "Really? That's cool, Dad."

The past few days had been spent at Dora's kingdom. Seeing how her people had been practically slaughtered like sheep... they stayed for their safety and to comfort the Princess. It wasn't an easy time for her. It wasn't an easy time for anyone in the know.

He munched in the granola bars as he got ready. He had fallen asleep in his regular clothes, but he hadn't brushed his teeth and his mouth tasted like something died in it. He hadn't meant to fall asleep in the front, he had just been working on setting everything up for the last day in the Zone.

"I think your mom will be waking up soon," the large man spoke again, stopping him in his tracks to the Speeder's bathroom before continuing, "I've noticed her hands twitching today and yesterday." He held so much hope in his voice, and so much love.

Danny was relieved, he really was. He even let out a large sigh of relief. But something inside him couldn't help but feel fear. It was so irrational this fear at this point. The Fentons didn't hate Phantom. People that knew his secret were supportive and trustworthy. His mom knowing... probably wasn't as big of a deal as he was making it sound. His dad would be the same, more likely to be asking him questions of ghosts than caring about the why.

His mom was probably going to wake up knowing. Maybe it was time to tell his dad too. He took a deep breath, and turned around from the doorway he never left. "That's really great news, Dad. I'm happy..."

The words were stuck in his throat, trying to fall off the tip of his tongue but unable to be said.

"I'm really happy."

He turned around and kept walking to the bathroom. Wow, was he a coward.


Walking back to the cockpit had him feeling weightless. He felt like his mind was splitting in two worrying over everything. Dani was going to stay with Dora, to comfort her and help her with the kingdom's recovery. That left one ghost dog and half a ghost boy to fight off against an evil, older version of said half ghost but only now to be full ghost. That is if he were to attack. Danny wasn't looking forward to much now that he fully awake.

"Hey, Danny-boy! Ready for take off?" Jack's cheerful voice worsened his headache, worsened his heartache, and lifted his spirits all in one. Danny would tell him eventually. It wasn't a priority.

He plastered a smile onto his face, finding it easier to do than he expected. "Ready, Dad. Is everyone on board? Who's in the crows nest?"

Jack took in a deep breath ready to answer before his cheeks puffed comically as his eyebrows scrunched up. "I think we forgot your teacher. I'll be right back," he rushed out of the Speeder on a search for an overweight man. He let out a huff of a laugh and went to check on the students and crows nest himself.

From what little he knew, Casper High was using their class as a test run. For what, he had no clue. Danny didn't know if they were even going to send more classes after. All the kids here today volunteered or weren't given a choice by their parents. So looking at the class roster for the students names, he tried his hardest to match a name to a face for those he didn't really know. Here he was three years into high school, and he still didn't know his junior class.

Sam was the only one he couldn't see in his immediate vicinity, and he guessed that just meant she was either in the crows nest or coming to the Speeder as he waited for her. That answer seemed to be the right one as he saw her with his dad and Mr. Lancer. They shared small smiles but no words: they wanted to leave the Zone as fast as they can.

"We ready now, Dad?"

"You betcha, son," the larger Fenton gave him a hearty pat on the back and buckled down into his seat. Lancer did the same behind him and he was quick to do so himself. He felt tense and unready to leave. A spur of the moment question left his mouth.

"Hey, Dad?" Jack looked to his son, confusion and curiosity being the most prominent emotions on his face. "Do we have a PA system in the Speeder?"

His father paused for a second to think, but shook his head saying no. Darn. He wanted to do the principal's morning intro from school. A light joke to lighten his mood.


As the Speeder made its way back to the school, the nineteen teens left in the back were beginning to feel elevated again. Boredom and fear had begun to mix in a terrible combination after the arrival at Dora's kingdom. Being on the Speeder this last day meant only good things. For example, seeing family, friends, fast food, WiFi... They're sixteen/seventeen year-olds, did you expect more?

Alas, they didn't have WiFi yet, most of their phones and back up batteries long since dead for pointless minigames, and most conversation topics used up or too depressing, leaving the ever classic card games to make their grand appearance. Go Fish turned into Crazy 8, then Uno, Black Jack, even Poker until Lancer came to check up on them and shut it down. They were currently back to Go Fish.

Those that weren't playing cards found other ways to occupy themselves. Some chose to read, draw, or sleep. If you weren't doing any of the above, you were too bored out of your mind to even try to do something. This generation, oh so reliant on the convenience of technology. Back in my day, if we didn't have something to do, we made something to do, hunkering down to write something or make up a game-

"Holy-! Mark, we forgot about Fenton's ice trick!"

"Oh shi-!"

"Mr. Fishbach, finish that word and the first thing you get when we get to the school is detention!"

"Sorry, Mr. Lancer!" A minute passed before the trio in the back decided to talk again. They spoke in hushed words. "How did we forget about that?"

Ethan straightened up from where he was becoming one with the seat, a figurative lightbulb above his head. "That weird light remember? But he did make that ice himself, right? There was no way that was some 'magic trick'."

The three agreed on that: the dog made of ice is not some party trick. There were too many factors that stopped that theory. They sat in silence as they thought about possible answers, 'Go Fish' echoing around them. The silence was broken by Tyler, a far away look upon his face.

"Anyone else think that the dog Fenton made kinda looks like Small Bob, Phantom's dog? Like, remember when we were at that Dora's kingdom and we heard Phantom talking to the Princess about how it was a new pet or something to get her to cheer up?"

The few days in the kingdom, the teens had been allowed to explore and do whatever they wanted. As long as they were causing trouble that is. As the three of the had wandered through the gardens, they had happened across the Phantoms, Manson and Foley, and the Princess. What had drawn them back was the sound of a dog barking. Would could resist a puppy? Hearing everything else had been an accident after that...

"Hey, wait up, say that one one more time," Mark began to run his hand through his hair, making the large floof messier than before, "I just thought of something, say it again."

Hesitantly, Tyler began again. "Small Bob looks like the ice dog...?"

"No, no, nononono." The no's blurred into an indistinguishable mess as he waved his hands around. " Say it all again, the first thing you said."

"Anyone else think that the dog Fenton made kinda looks like Small Bob, Phantom's dog?" He asked again, still uncertain if this is what he was being asked.

"Yes!" Mark's hair looked like an explosion by now, floofed to infinity and beyond. "Yes, that! The dogs look the same!"

Tyler's confused sounds of why he had to repeat it all for that got covered up by Mark getting louder and louder. Ethan seemed to come to the same conclusion and the three became odd sounds of cavemen. When they started to gather unwanted looks, they finally quieted down.

Mark playfully hit Ethan's arm, and in a hushed voice once more said, "You're thinking what I'm thinking?"

Going into a higher voice in excitement, Ethan nodded his head as he said, "Oh, I'm thinking what you're thinking!"

The two giggled like cliche school girls as Tyler sat in confusion. The more they giggled, the less patient he was. When he couldn't take it anymore, he spit it out.

"OKAY, what are we thinking?"

His shorter friends looked to him as if they didn't understand what he meant. It seemed they finally did when in union they whispered, "Danny Fenton is Phantom!"




"I'm sorry, what?"


The predictions were just about right. The Speeder reached the portal around two thirty'ish, leaving the class too hop back on a bus to get to the school were they would all be picked up by parents and the like. Teens stretching their legs filled the Fenton household, and the youngest of the family didn't notice the three eyes locked onto him, and were pushed towards the bus before they could ask anything. Danny said his goodbyes to his teacher and friends as they all left. Soon it was only his sister, his father, his comatose mother, and himself. Even then, Jazz left a few minutes later. She had to get back to college.

The male Fentons sat in silence, watching Maddie breath in and out in an even pace. The sound of the clock Down the hall only served to make the silence tense. The two awake didn't expect much to be said. They didn't know if there was anything to be said at all.

Except one of them had something to say. A secret hidden for three years. It was the perfect time to tell him. Mom was asleep, so he might have to explain twice, but that might just be easier for him. Both parents questioning him at once might be too much for Danny.


Like in the Speeder, Jack looked to him. His dad was always so open with his emotions. You could look into his eyes and see the trust of hurt he felt for you, the fascination and confusion over a topic. Danny found his words caught in his throat once more seeing his dad's raw trust for him. The times he's broken that trust came to mind, yet his dad would always forgive him. Could he forgive him for this? The last time his dad found out his identity, it went well. Great even.

But it wasn't their time to know then. Is it their time now?

"Danny? Are your okay?" Jack looked concerned now. He had been quiet too long. "You can tell me anything, Danny. Your mom and I will love you no matter what you tell us."

The words were right there. He knew what to say, he rehearsed it before, but it that moment? Every word skipped him. So he said nothing of what he wanted to say and made a pointless question instead.

"You..." he took a deep breath and started again. "Do you think Phantom is evil?"

Jack sat back in surprise. He knew it wasn't what his son meant to ask but didn't push. "Your mother and I have seen that the Phantom is a good guy. We may not see him as a hero that the town needs when were capable ghost hunters ourselves... But we know he's here to help. We don't hate him."

The weight on his heart lifted for a minute. Tears felt close, but he wasn't a crier. He said it before he could change his mind. His dad still looking at him with concern, Danny said it.

"I'm the ghost boy. I'm Phantom."

Jack's mouth shut closed before he could say whatever it was he wanted to say. Shock filled his eyes, and that clock in the background got louder once more. Danny felt that weight come back in his heart. He wanted to play it off, say he was joking. He just had to say he was joking and his dad would laugh it off and he'd join him no matter how fake it might sound.

A hand on his shoulder startled him. The bright blue eyes of his father looked into his own. His dad looked overwhelmed, out of his depth. Danny wondered if this time his dad's reaction would be completely different. Words of disappointment, hatred, disgust, horror would fall from his lips and Danny would be left with a broken heart. He would become an experiment to his parents, a freak in the town if they spread the word. Maybe he could run away to Lancer's, maybe-

The hand moved from his shoulder to his back, and he got a face full of an orange hazmat suit. Maybe those tears will show up.

"Danny..." Jack's voice sounded thick and heavy, but it was the softest he'd heard him in a long time. "I... you might need to explain just a little bit. I don't care if you are Phantom. I love you as your are. You're my Danny-boy, nothing will change that... but please... I need to know how... Why?"

The screams outside the house stopped any explanation that could have happened in the moment. But a fight was what he needed right now. Something to distract him from the relief of his dad still loving him, from the threat of Dan still looming, from mom.


What the hell happened to his distraction from the threat of Dan? Can he take it back? Can he please go back to the awkward explanation for his dad? If you told Danny that the scream was caused by a lady running in fear of his older counterpart, he would have literally begged you to be joking. But yet there he was in his flaming hair, snake tongue glory. 

Guess he'll die. Saying his ever famous "Going ghost," felt less like evening the playing field and more of an A for effort.

"That's going to take some getting used to now, isn't it?" His dad's voice sent him a good three feet into the air. He didn't bother coming back down knowing he'll have to be airborne this fight like all the others.

Seeing his dad out with one of the many Fenton guns they have in their house was one of the most terrifying things he'd ever seen. Not because he was scared for himself. No, he was scared for his dad. The last time he'd fought Dan... He didn't win.

He wished he had Sam and Tucker to help him get through this fight, but he needed them as far as possible. This was a fight he needed to get through alone. "Dad, you can't be here."

Jack let out a laugh, as if this was a game. Maybe he thought this was. "Danny! Why would I leave now? This will be out first fight together! Ha! I'll be your sidekick!"

Danny paused at that. His dad was taking the whole Phantom thing in stride, and he wondered if his dad just wanted to prove that he loved him as him or was excited to fight a ghost with his ghost son. Maybe both. Both definitely.

A lovely ectoblast shooting him into the wall behind him was a lovely wake up call. The cackle that followed an even better one. "You know, last time I actually had to go through an entire plan to fix what you ruined. But I'm letting bygones be bygones. I've decided that I don't want you to become me."

Danny crawled out of the hole he'd made felling sore. They were going to go right into this one weren't they. "Oh, how merciful of you. I'm so glad that the evil me doesn't want the evil me!"

Dan floated high above the building, still not yelling because of the echo in his voice bouncing off the abandoned streets. "Don't get sassy young man. I don't need you to become me because now I'm always going to be the only me! My existence does not depend on the safety of you."

Danny floated up to meet him at eye level, waving away his dad frantically. He didn't need to see this side of him for many reasons. "And why wouldn't you need me?"

"Don't you remember? I'm no longer your possibility. I'm outside the timeline, existing in my own little space of my own. You changed time, you fool." His devious smirk grew, his fangs glinted white against the midday sun. He was teasing Danny, thinking he'd already won. His smirk dropped into something more dangerous, a snarl full of hatred. "You changed time, and took away my happy ending. I had finally done it back in my timeline, you know? I had just about won."

There wasn't a warning when Dan's Ghostly Wail shot him back again. It was more powerful than he remembered. He suspected it had something to do with the death of Pariah. He had just pushed himself back up only to get shot with another ectoblast. "Everyone had been gone, Valerie the only one left."

He rolled on instinct to his left, just in time to not get hit again. He saw Dan about him with an ectoblast ready, and from his spot on the floor flew away from a near miss.

"You know, this isn't as fun as I thought it would be. All you do is run away. Thought me might be... weaker. A little more screaming. Hm. Fright Knight!" Dan gave a small wave of his hand much like the stereotypes of royals. Next thing he knew, Danny got hit by a horse.

"What would you like me to do to him, King Phantom?" The usually powerful ghost looked humbled once more. Much like with Pariah, the Knight was more subdued, a tool to take orders.

"Use your little lightsaber of doom on him, how about that? I want to save little Danny for last." He didn't have time to focus on the tone of Dan's voice because as soon as the order was given, Fright Knight was riding his horse right back at him.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey- Stop don't-!" Danny had curled up into a ball, panicking and ready to just allow the sword run harmlessly through him. The power would have been unnecessary when the knight actually listened to him. It only served to confuse Danny more when he sounded relieved.

"Of course, King Phantom." And something, somehow, clicked in his mind. A short moment had both Phantoms giving a gentle, "Oh."

The pause afterwards stretched on longer than it should have. The dead silence was just teetering on painful. Danny couldn't take it anymore.

"So he's basically useless to both of us right?"

Dan looked disappointedly at his Knight. "Yes, I supposed he is now. Just fly along, you have no purpose here." Danny had never seen a ghost leave so dejected, and he fights the Box Ghost on a near daily basis for training and gags.

The watched the Knight fly away for a few seconds before looking back to each other. Dan's eyes flashed red, Danny's famous 'scary eyes' suddenly not seeming so scary. Dan lifted a hand looking ready to shoot. And it must be Danny's most lucky unlucky day, because his dad chose that moment to come back.

"Stay away from my son!" For once, the shot landed on its mark. Dan froze up where he was floating before plummeting like a rock down to the earth. The asphalt of the street created a dust cloud when he hit it.

"Oh hell yeah!" Jack cheered holding what looked to be an unfinished gun, but it might have just been missing the platinum and green metal that covered the wires. Only a few spots had wire sticking out. "Fenton Works for the win, baby!" Danny flew down close enough to his dad to take him under the arms and lift him off the ground a bit. "Hey! Danny-boy, what are you doing we got to catch the ghost! I probably got a Fenton Thermos somewhere in my belt-"

"Hey, Dad?"


"What does that gun do?"

"Well this one is supposed to temporarily mess with a ghost's mind. You mother even put in this auto lock feature for me, isn't she the best, and-"

"No, Dad, stop for a second." Danny had begun slowly flying backwards, a thermos he nicked from Jack's belt in hand. He had a feeling the Dan wasn't weak enough to just go into the thermos anymore. "What exactly does that gun do?"

Jack, who now noticed they were flying back, looked up to his son. "Like it said, it messes with their minds. Your mom and I were working on this during the trip! It's supposed to separate aspects of their personalities enough that they can't think straight, kinda like the... hey there's more than one thing moving in that dust cloud right?"

"Dad, I don't think your machine works like you want it too. Dan is literally two personalities shoved into one."

"And that means?"

The deep voice of Dan was gone, now two voices spoke as one. One sounded exactly like Vlad, the other, Danny. "It means, you're really starting to piss me off." The ghost, ghosts that walked out of the hole where Dan had last been seen...

It was Danny and it was Vlad, and the two ghost forms kept flickering back and forth, glitching almost. It was as if they were trying to merge back together but were finding it difficult after getting hit. Every few flickers, Dan would reappear. "Well this is new. Last time I wasn't myself, I was pretending to be you. I'm not a fan of this, gotta say. It's one thing to take the fruitloop's ghost form, another to have to repress his screams in the back of my head." He swirled fingers around the side of his head, looking like a mad man.

"I began this day in a good mood, you know? The Ghost Zone was feeling bleaker than ever, the portal I went through kept me close to Amity, my useless henchman at my side. I was on top of the world." Danny flew away before Dan could do anything. While Jack wasn't heavy to carry, he wasn't the smallest person he's carried neither, and turns around buildings became harder. Almost slipping out of his grip a few times too many, he settled for just phasing through the many houses until reaching their own.

"Dad, you need to go inside," he was speaking urgently, because there was no way that Dan hasn't caught up to them. He could feel his ghost sense acting off. The cold spot of his core was burning up. It had done this with Pariah, and he could only assume it was the presence of a powerful ghost that made it go hay-wire. "Go inside, protect yourself and mom as best as you can. Please."

He was going to fly back up when he got barreled into. The few heavy hits were beginning to take their toll. He hadn't faced anyone this powerful in years. "Look who I found! A pathetic ghost freak!" Still glitching out like a TV, Dan hovered over him. Danny could see his dad rush into the house. He hoped he had the sense to buy himself time with the Fenton Ghost Shield.

"Who said that I'm the freak?" He needed to start throwing punches. It was stupid he spent time talking at all. He put everything behind an ectoblast of his own. Seeing Dan get thrown back sent a sliver of hope into him.

All he did was shrug it off. "That tickled. You should try it too." His ectoblast was bigger and narrowly missed. "Why shouldn't you be the freak? Don't you think about how people might react to the little half ghost boy? People turned on us so fast when they saw you cheat, and they still thought you were human then! I was you once, I know how you think, and act."

"You talk too much." It was his turn to use the Wail. He didn't stop using it until he found himself human again and on the ground. He hoped that did something.

"Well that was really stupid. I've been feeding off powerful ghosts for the past weeks and you expect an old trick to stop me? This does make it a little easier. Less of a pesky fly and more... sitting duck."

He would groan if he had anything left in him. "You'll do anything to anyone over my dead body."

"How very convenient. I'm halfway there." Dan's hand found it way around his neck to hold him up. "I remember there being at least a small challenge to this you know? But Mommy woke up and Daddy's right behind her, so I'll get my fun." He flew a foot to the right. A blast from something flew by, harmless. Turning with a bit of flair, he stuck his hands out like he was asking for a hug as Danny still struggled in his grip. "Hello! Welcome! Really, Danny, it's like you want me to kill you all."

"Stay away from my son, you monster!" Maddie had aim the gun back up at them. Her eyes held murder, and Danny wondered if this would be how he sees her last. Awake after days, only with the goal of destroying him now. Jack was always the emotional one, but Maddie lived her life off of statistics and science. Dan knew this, and must have strained himself to maintain the Danny half of his form.

"Who do you think she's talking to?"

The lack of oxygen was starting to get to him and black, blue, and purple blurs danced across his vision. He started to see more people than he should have been. One Maddie became ten, and his two parents became dozens more of people. "Looks like we've brought quite the crowd. The Fenton family as the main act! Let's start with Mommy, why don't we? Look at her, looks a bit pale dont you think?" He could hardly see anything, sounds following up next as things became more muffled.

He ached all over, and he could have been fighting Dan for more than fifteen minutes, if you could call this utter helplessness a fight. Muffled yells of his name were calling out to him. He heard voices that sounded like Sam and Tucker, maybe his parents, Lancer. He thought he heard his classmates, but he couldn't be sure. He was positive that he heard that jock Mark yelling about ice at one point. Danny was going to lose consciousness right then.

He couldn't let that happen. This was him and his mistake. No one he loved should suffer.

So he overshadowed him.


It was... dark. But it wasn't. It was a fight of the mind, like waves crashing over and over again against the shore. Light and dark, green and pink and red. They sucked your energy up and your will. It wasn't sleep, not a dream. It was a has been.

A will have been, shouldn't have been, and a wasn't. Not if he could stop it. This would not be the end of the world over his cold dead body.

"Get out of my head." Dan's voice was normal again, deep and everything he didn't want to be. "You had your chance at a happy ending. Where's mine?"

"You don't deserve one."

"But you do?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"I want to see the end of you, the end of us. I need to be free of my chains, yet you still HOLD ME BACK!"

"You don't need, you want. You put those chains there."

"I need to see the stars! I want to stop hurting! You! You couldn't let us have some happiness! I was almost there!"

He would make sure he wouldn't get it. Dan didn't want the stars of freedom, he wanted to complete his obsession. He created an illusion in his mind, his obsession being end those he loved. The attachments tying him to the mortal world and afterlife. If he fulfilled his obsession, he'd be able to move on to his happy place. The stars of childhood.

Danny wouldn't want it any other way than the way where the only one getting hurt is him. He was a hero and he would do his damn job. But before he could do anything, they both screamed in pain. They felt as if they were being ripped apart, because they were. Like looking through two pairs of eyes, they both saw the Fenton Peeler being used on them. It was stronger, strong enough to stop him.

Danny released Dan from his hold. Sweet relief filled him after the achiness of before. He felt like a truck hit him, but he knew that by now any cuts and bruises would have healed. His healing factor would have been in overdrive, and he was exhausted. The whirling of a Fenton Thermos echoed in his ears, and he let his eyes close.


"He's waking up!"

"Danny's what?"

"Waking up! Come, hurry!"

Jack and Maddie rushed from the kitchen and to the couch. The Fenton's were a proud family, and didn't go to the hospital for much because of it. So as Maddie, who was still feeling the effects of the wish walked just slower than she would have liked, Danny was stretching, as if the past week was just a light nap to him. It might have been, any bones or concussion gone and fully healed if he had one to begin with.

They crouch on the floor next to him, and when he opened his blue eyes after seven days, they nearly sobbed seeing him okay. They wrapped him in the hug they wished they'd never stopped giving him as he became a teen. He tensed up first, not expecting it after waking up probably. He relaxed into it as he realized who they were.

"Mom? Dad?" He pulled away from them. He looked at Maddie warily, looking for something. "So... do you?"

"Danny, I know, I remember again. I'm so sorry," she refused to cry, and took in a deep inhale, "but just for now, let's rest. You can explain everything later."

He harbored fear and uncertainty in his eyes. It was for both of them. How sure was he that they were honest so far. His dad and him hadn't even talked yet. Danny didn't care enough to question them yet, anxiety building over one subject as he remembered why he was asleep.

"What happened to Dan?"

Jack talked this time. "A blue ghost with a purple cloak took him. Said it would be the only time this happened...?"

Danny allowed himself to sink back into the couch.

Time for another beginning.

This is my longest chapter at 5,689 words. This has been a trip guys. This is the last chapter. Thank you for reading.

So i left the ending very vague on purpose. Dan is gone yes. Mark and his friends know about Danny, but most of the town does by now. I have a lot of story that i didn't put in here because I couldn't fit it in anywhere that i liked so... i tried to write in the importance of having the disasteroid team behind his back if he needed them, but i just could get it in, sorry. most characters in the story did not get another part in this chapter because i wanted the last chapter to just be a wrap up of Danny, and how he's feeling about going home and how he feel's for those he loves. A lot of little tidbits like Small Bob and the Crows nest didn't get used again because of that. I'm kinda a not good at writing that sorta thing tho so idk how well that was conveyed. This story is done, there will be no sequel. I'm going to cross post this on on A03 sometime soon.

That scene at the end, because Danny overshadowed Dan, there were three consciousness fighting for dominance. It was Danny, Dan, and a pathetic little sliver of Vlad's ghost half from years ago. Danny was willing to mentally break them all, to stop Dan from killing his family. I had Jack use the Fenton Peeler, even though unsaid, because Maddie just woke up, and hardly even has a basic run down of whats happened. Jack has been awake this whole time though and has the strength and stamina to use the weapon. It's implied that the Fenton's are ok with their half ghost son, but they still dont know the whole story and are overall completely baffled as to what Danny is. They're scared and confused and worried but they don't know how to show it so they give him love and support instead and let's him take his time to explain on his own time. Just wait until they remembered they basically bugged their son. The shame and guilt is going to be real for them

If y'all got questions about this chapter leave it in the comments I'll try to answer it.

See you the next story maybe.



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