Chapter 5

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The green abyss swirled around the Speeder in a hypnotizing pattern. To the many jocks and nerds, the new and unusual sight was beautiful. To the trio in the back, with as many times as they had seen it, the sight was as familiar as waking up. To the black haired boy in the middle, it was hell. Danny was usually comfortable in the Ghost Zone, but this trip stressed him out too much for himself to enjoy it.

For a while, there were no signs of ghost, doors, or islands. Not that the Fentons knew what they are, but a certain trio sure found this suspicious. It had long passed the thirty minute mark at least, and without any sightings, everything seemed to... Suspicious.

Up at the front of the Speeder, a bald teacher was sitting nearby the exit door, wondering how the Fentons knew where they were going. The answer: they didn't. Mr Fenton sat next to his wife, who was in the driver's seat, pretending to give directions. Very dangerous, I know, but for the purpose of making Danny's life harder and providing entertainment to a force none of the characters knew about, it was completely necessary.

"Mr. Fenton, may I ask, where is the first location we're going?"

"Uhh, I-I mean... You know, that one.. place." Jack said, not sure how to answer. He looked to his wife in help, knowing she'd make a better excuse than that place.

"What Jack is trying to say, is we're going to the home of one of the allies to the ghost boy," Maddie said, hoping the cryptic message was enough to get the teacher off their cluelessness. Unfortunately for them, Lancer had recently been educated in the ways of the Ghost Zone.(almost wrote Zhost Gone >.<). Lancer was no longer so easily fooled.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Um, Yeah..."

"Then what ally is it? Does it have a name?"

"Uhhhh....Icelick?" Maddie said (though it sounded more like a question), knowing she was fighting a losing battle. (Get it? Like Frostbite? Icelick? Eh?). Knowing that for once, Maddie couldn't talk her way out, she sighed in defeat. She didn't look away from the path ahead of her, in case of any ghost that she could hit, and started her confession. "Jack and I have never actually been to the Ghost Zone. We hunt ghosts and study them, but we've always been able to do that from our world."

Lancer knew that the ghost hunters were probably trying to find Frostbite, seeing how the name they came up with sounded like a mix up of the Yeti like Ghost's name. He also knew, that if the hunters didn't know where they going, the class is probably in great danger. He had to think of something, seeing that if he sought Danny for help, everyone would be suspicious. Lancer couldn't do that to the boy, Danny's worked to hard to keep this secret. Even if Lancer wished he would tell at least his parents. Then a thought ran through his head. "Have you recorded that ghost's particular ecto-signature?"

Maddie had to think for a minute, seeing as Jack and herself had recorded a lot of ecto-signatures, but they haven't gotten them all. "I believe that ghost is one of the many ecto-signatures we do have."

"Then is it possible to follow the signature across the Ghost Zone to it's lair?"

Jack slapped his knee, and Maddie groaned in realization. Why didn't they think of that?

"Jack, can you activate the Fenton Finder? Put in the coordinates for the Icelick ghost." (They still don't know frostbite's name. Lancer can't say it without being somewhat suspicious)

Jack rose from his chair, walking out of the pilot room to the passenger room. On the left wall was a machine with the large words Fenton Finder on it. They Fentons had modified it for the trip, but had admittedly forgotten about it. Once the coordinates had been filled in, Jack looked proud of himself, saying, "Where's the fudge? I deserve a reward!" while walking back to the pilot room. In a few hours, they would reach the Far Frozen.

Meanwhile, in the back of the Speeder, a ghost boy with amazing hearing, heard everything. Danny relayed the news to his friends. If they were going to the Far Frozen, at least they would be safe, the most they would have to worry about is Danny's nickname over there. It's not the easiest thing to explain why a Yeti ghost worships you almost.

"If we had a way to warn them maybe," Danny started thinking out loud. Tucker and Sam tried to come up with ideas to contact Frostbite.

"To bad you can't make a Patronus. If we were wizards, or even demigods, everything would be so much easier!" Tucker said, remembering the ways to reach another person in the only books he would ever read and reread. Danny had no clue what demigods were, but he knew what a Patronus charm was, and while he couldn't do magic, Danny had ice powers. Close enough.

Closing his eyes to focus, seeing as he'd never tried anything like this before, the ghost boy focused on his core while his friends watched both him glow blue and anybody that might look to the back of the Speeder. "Danny! What are you doing?" Sam whisper yelled, worried for her boyfriend's antics. One day, he's going to be the cause of his secret getting out.

"At least warn us before you use your powers in public, dude, " Tucker whispered, not worried for his friend. He's been doing this for to long to get caught over a small use of powers.

"I'm making a Patronus," Danny said, as if what he was doing was as simple as blinking. What he was really doing, was making a living ice animal, with the capabilities to understand and talk to others, take commands, and have it's own conscious. He probably didn't need to do all that, but you never know when you might need something like that. Once Danny felt that all the details to make his Ice animal, he held out his hand and concentrated on making it real.

Tucker stared in amazement as his friend started forming something out of ice in his hand. "If this works, dude, I want my own. Can I have a little robot Patronus? Please?"

Sam had to admit, what Danny was making was very cool (I'm so funny). In her boyfriend's hand, a small dog head and body were becoming more distinguishable, and legs and a tail that had looked like useless icicles at first, were completed. She realized that Danny chose to make a small Cujo once the tail began to wag. He tapped it on the nose, and the living ice sculpture was turned green. A perfect replica. Sam looked to her boyfriend in admiration, loving to see how far he's developed his powers and himself.

Danny finally opened his eyes, looking at his creation. It had taken less energy than he expected, but he was still slightly tired. "Sure, Tuck. I'll make you one later. You want one too Sam?" he asked, not looking away from the dog hardly the size of his palm.

"Sure. How about a bat?"

"As you wish."

Danny smiled at his dog, who he named Little Bob. It seemed like a good name. "Can you go warn warn Frostbite that my class is coming to the Far Frozen and to tell him to not act like he knows me? Please Little Bob?"

"Yes, Master!" He said before phasing out of the Speeder, off to land of the yetis.

"You named him Little Bob?" Tucker asked, near tears.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Danny asked, seeing his friends distressed state.

"Physically? I'm fine. Mentally? That's another story." Tucker said, leaving his two friends with a lot of questions.

They're in the Ghost Zone. They're going to the Far frozen. Danny's a wizard. Sam loves Danny. Tucker is a fanboy. Okay byeeeeeee.



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