Chapter 9

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Look at the adorable Danny! So cute!(i made him)


This literally stinks. My iPad is glitching out right now I guess, and I can't paste my chapter. This is going to take forever to rewrite on to this. Ugh.


So close to tears. I don't even want to start writing. Trying so hard to make it paste.


"Don't scream!" Danny practically tackled his best friend to his back, preventing Tucker from yelling in outrage. The boy only looked up to Danny, and with a glare, licked his hand. "EW!" Danny tried to wipe his hand on his pants, while Tucker started talking.

"Are you joking? He said Dan? Are you sure? I'm going to beat the evil out of him and-" Tucker was whisper yelling, since it was pretty late (or so they assumed. Time was hard in the Ghost Zone) and everyone was most likely asleep. Waking people up wouldn't be the least suspicious thing at the moment. Danny was quick to shove a pillow at his friends face, effectively shutting him up without sacrificing his hand to possible spit.

Sam and Tucker were outraged. Why would they worry? They knew that he could defeat Dan as he's beaten him before, but that doesn't mean that gives Dan the right to just ruin their trip! That and the threat that now lingered over Danny and themselves! Looking to her boyfriend, Sam glared at Danny.

Feeling the eyes burning into the back of his head, Danny slowly turned to met Sam's eyes. He cringed away in instinct and immediately said louder than intended, "What did I do?" Looking to his friend for help, Tucker scrambled out of the makeshift fort saying, "I'm sleeping on the couch, goodnight."

Slowly looking back to the angry teen, eyes churning like an amethyst ocean. "Danny, why do you think I'm mad?" The question truly shocked Danny, leaving him speechless. Almost.

"W-what w-was that? I-i mean.. huh?" Genius. I know right?

"You think I'm mad at you? You think I'm mad at this trip? The GIW? Evil ghosts? The world? No. I'm mad at Dan. He hurt the cupcake called you, and now he will fade," Sam, spoke in a voice so soft, her message couldn't be considered as a threat anymore. Only a promise.


Meanwhile, in a room nearby...

Maddie was on the bed, next to her husband, thinking. Jack had taken to tinkering with their secret weapon in case of emergencies. Never too late for improvement.

Jack's large figure took most of the space on the small bed, and Lancer was occupying the bed to their left, sleeping, giving Maddie an excuse to use her husband as a pillow and curl against his side. Her thoughts were a tornado of of regret and guilt. Regret of what she had done to the ghost boy. Guilt knowing that she was the one who had shot him with the bug. She wanted to apologize somehow. She knew the bug has bonded with his ectoplasm by now, so taking it out wasn't an option. A simple I'm sorry seemed like to little. Phantom hadn't said anything other than that it was good they didn't hear personal information. They needed to make things right.

"Jack?" A small whisper escaped her lips, weak from her lack of use from it in the past hours. Jack immediately stopped what he was doing to look to the auburn haired woman laying against his arm. Clad in her blue jumpsuit, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he found his perfect love. Matching her small voice, he whispered back, "Yes?"

"How will we fix our mistake?"

Jack closed his eyes, knowing what his wife was thinking of. He opened them again, and put the weapon and tools on the floor beside them. Wrapping Maddie in a hug and laying them both down at the same time. "We'll fix it. We'll make it right," he comforted, sounding much more sure of himself than he felt.

"He just looked so hurt when he found out. The way he pouted his lip out, and rubbed the back of his head like he didn't even know. It's like looking at my son. I don't want to see him hurt anymore." Maddie had closed her eyes by now. She always thought that the ghost boy looked like Danny, which was why she hated him so much as first. It was like a taunting gesture, one she did not appreciate. The more she thought of it, it became more of a coincidence, and a pain once the realization that he died as a kid hit.

"I know Madds, I know. Get some sleep. We'll fix this when you're all rested up," Jack held his wife close, but while his wife softly snored into the morning, Jack couldn't sleep a wink. The same thing that bugged his wife had stuck in his head through the night. He was a fool, yes. A goof, clown. He's been called it all. It didn't matter though, because when it came to family, he would do anything for them. Even if it meant taking their pain.


As dawn came along(or what was presumably dawn. It never quite turned dark in the Far Frozen), students started to rise from their cots that had hung from the walls in the rooms. The rooms didn't have beds excepts for the adults' room, and may students hadn't been comfortable in the foreign land leading to little sleep. When the Fentons went out to get a bit of fresh air, they saw the Speeder right outside the hut. Quickly they grabbed food for everyone and raced back into the warmth of the house.

When Dash entered the living room, clad in his blue pajamas and Kwan's slippers, he immediately noticed the fort in the corner of the room and planned to wail on whoever was in it. He walked with purpose over to the poorly made fort and carefully opened the flap to see who was inside. Inside was Danny, Sam, and Tucker, the first two cuddled together while the third looked more like a wild monkey. Smirking, Dash crept up to the sleeping couple and leaned down to meet their ears. He took a deep breath, about to yell, until Danny shot up and hit his head against the bully's, screaming, "I forgot to feed the dog!"

"DAMIT FENTON!" Dash held his head in his palms, and Danny finally realized that he was there after a minute. Danny, who had slept in his regular clothes, covered himself anyway with the blanket before looking to Sam and covering her.

"Excuse me, Dash, but," Danny started, taking a breath in while remaining calm before continuing, "what are you doing?" The bully looked flabbergasted, and became red in the face. Quickly punching Danny in the stomach, Dash dashed out of the fort.

Sam and Tucker slept through the small fight. Danny smiled at his two peaceful friends. It wasn't often they got a uninterrupted night of sleep. He poked Sam's cheek until she slowly opened her eyes and sat up. While Sam was ajusting to being awake, Danny simply took the PDA from his best friend's hands, making him jump straight up.

Once Tucker had gotten 'the love of his life' back, the trio walked out of the fort to where most of the people were sitting near the fireplace. While Sam and Tucker went to eat the cereal the Fentons had brought, Danny walked to his parents room. He assumed they were alone since Lancer was in the main room as well. Knocking, an almost unheard come in responded.

"Morning Mom. Morning Dad," Danny walked in to see his parents checking all there tools, with what looked to be hot cocoa on their nightstand. Maddie looked as aware as ever. Jack on the other hand, looked like a ghost; he was pale, and the bags under his eyes were evident to the little amount of sleep he got. Yet he still acted like the jolly man he was.

"Morning Danny-boy! Whatcha need?" Jack put on his normal smile that he wore all the time, the one that showed his childness and love. It was infectious, and soon Danny and Maddie were smiling as well. Maddie continued from where her husband left off. "Do you need something sweetie?"

Danny's eyes widened, forgetting for a second what he came into the room for. Once he remembered, he spoke in a nervous manner, but he tried his best not to. "Uh, it's the, um, Frostbite? Um, he came in the middle of the night and, yeah, he had a... message." He was making part of it on the spot, but Frostbite did give him certain instructions. To keep the students safe, the yeti had planned to either act as a guide to the bus, or have Danielle be the guide herself. The purpose of this would be, whoever wasn't fighting if there is trouble can get the class out while Danny could escape and stop the threat. Smart, right? He just didn't know how to tell them this, and he couldn't exactly say that he went to a meeting to discuss the fate of his evil counterpart.

Maddie raised an eyebrow at her son's strange behavior, but choose to ignore it for the moment. "What was the message?"

Danny quickly took a second before talking, hoping he wouldn't stumble over his words science he had a small plan now. "Frostbite had an idea about how to guide us through the ghost zone! Yeah, he came in the night to talk, but when he heard that you were asleep he just told me.he said to go just a bit into the village where his hut is to discuss it more."

The two Fenton adults smiled at their son, thanking him before he turned around and left. They looked to each other and they were both thinking the same thing: Danny wasn't saying everything.


Ay look at that! I updated! Aren't you proud of me? No? Okay... anyway! The winner of the covers(i know I'm a whole week late, sue me) is..... a tie. So until i finish this book(that might be a while) the cover will remain the same. Yeah... and the song up above is called drama by AJR. They are my favorite band ever, but they're not really famous(a reference to one of their songs haha). I just thought the song fit a bit with Danny, Sam, and tucker and how they all kinda grew up a bit faster, getting caught up in the ghost drama. Whelp,





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