Chapter 12

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Emily Clarke

I kept picking on my food at dinner and my parents were worried as hell about me. Mom asked like a gazillion times what was wrong with me and each time, I only replied with "nothing".

Now, she has called Sarah over, contacted Elvis and Erica, had my dad check up on me several times but what could I tell them?

A character from my book came to life and now he hates me cos I told him the truth?

I'm pretty sure they'd also think I've gone crazy. Only Sarah would understand but all she kept telling me was "I told you so".

So much for being my best friend.

"You don't have a choice, just show him the book for fuck sake". She said. Woah, I must have frustrated her, she cursed at me. She facepalmed herself once she realized that she had said the F-Word. "You bring out the worst in me, Emily Clarke".

I just smiled sheepishly not sure showing Blake the book would help. Even if I wanted to, I bet he wouldn't let me in his house again.

"How? Just how?"

"Don't you know his email or socials? He is your creation after all". Sarah was just the best.

"You see? I knew I could count on you". I tell her, immediately grabbing my laptop. I typed the email I had designed for him in the book '[email protected]'. I attached the Wattpad book link and drafted my message.

"I know you think I'm weird or crazy but read this. This is a book I wrote two years back and is still ongoing because I just can't bear to end your character. I bet no one knows this much about you, to
write such a book. No stalker in fact would know this much. I hope you do reach out after reading.

I showed Sarah the draft of my message and she nodded. Everything about him was in that book, even things he never told anyone. If he doesn't believe this, then I might just give up.

"I can't believe the only thing you could think of was the birthmark though..." Sarah teased me.

"What else could I have said then?"

"How about his family? His father for instance..." I cut her off immediately.

"Wouldn't want to touch his old wounds. I don't care anymore, I hope he reads the book and if not, well...."

Sarah nodded in understanding and maybe, just maybe I was a little better.  We spent the next few days hanging out at her house with Lucas out for work mostly and Hunter recovering from his injuries. Apparently, he did sustain quite the amount of injuries but Lucas had a doctor treat him. Sarah took any opportunity she had to help him out, as she should.

We were now in their living room talking about she and Hunter.

"He was taking a break off his bed rest and came down to see a movie, it just so happened that I came to snack on some junks... When I saw him, I froze because he was only in his shorts". I listened with full attention, this was a premium gist. "Not only did everything I had in my hands go flying in the air, so did I... Stupid me had slipped out of shock. Get this Em, I went flying onto his legs".

"No kidding". I said, enjoying her little narrative. She was so ecstatic about this.

"I sat on his legs and neither of us moved, except he said something..."

"So much suspense girl, get to the end". I was becoming impatient.

"He said "I've always imagined this but in a different situation"". Her cheeks heat up as she said that part, a very noticeable glint of red.

"Shit! That's crazy... Has he been imagining you two...". She shyly hit me, not wanting to hear it. I bet that was her interpretation as well.

"We've had other encounters but Lucas keeps getting in the way. Always walking in at the wrong time". I could see her frustration, I bet it's hard hiding behind your brother with his best friend. Anyways, I was happy for her, at least, she was getting a little attention from him.

We talked about other things, she asked if Blake had responded yet to which I responded by shaking my head. I wonder if he was reading it at all. If he was, what was probably going through his head?

Blake Ryder

My phone dinged with an email notification. It was my personal email and I wasn't sure who it could be. I still was having lapses in my memory and was seriously considering seeing a doctor.

I was up all night, after having dreamt about Eva again. This time, I decided to make sketches of what I see so that I can make out the face. Maybe it was someone from my past that I couldn't remember.

I opened the mail and saw a very familiar name "[email protected]". At first, I didn't want to read it but curiosity got the best of me and I opened it.

The content of the mail seemed as crazy as she had sounded the other day. A character from her book!

How weirdly her narrative did rhyme with my sudden memory that lasted until last Friday, except I had fractions of what seems to be my past.

I knew who I was but it seemed less familiar, more like a programmed detail and as crazy as it sounds, a part of me was almost believing her.

Can a book character actually come to life?

I clicked on the link she sent me, which directed me to her Wattpad. Wow! She had millions of followers. I never even knew such app existed and here she was with millions of followers.

The story did load, its title "Meeting Blake". It was a part of the Blake Ryder series, as she so described it. There was "Loving Blake" and another ongoing part of the series "Leaving Blake".

I started with the first one "Meeting Blake".

I hate all of these, sitting around the table with strangers just because dad has business with them. Business wasn't my thing, writing was.

The dinner was extremely boring, I swear I needed a bed so I could sleep. I wish I was far away like my brother and my sister but my parents would die if I ever left them. I was their beloved daughter, Eva Greece and they just couldn't do without me.

I paused! Eva? Was that the person I have been seeing in my dreams? How could I dream of a woman from a book which I have never read, except I actually had lived that book.

No Blake, you can't let her get into your head.

I continued: As if to put me out of the torture, a man who seemed my age finally walked in. He was incredibly handsome! He had the face of a star, the body of an athlete, and the aura of a boss!

His black hair was perfectly styled, I bet he was about 6'5 tall. My attention was immediately grabbed by his pair of ocean-blue eyes, welcoming me in them, almost drowning me. I knew I was staring and I knew he was aware, with the smug smirk on his unrealistically handsome face.

His skin was flawless, he had this chiseled jawline that made him look close to perfect. No, he in fact was perfect!

No kidding! Maybe she just used my appearance. I'm a public figure after all.

"Oh, there he comes finally". My dad said to his other business partners. I turned to my mom and ask in a whisper. "Who is he?"

She turned to me almost shocked. "How don't you know him? He is Blake Ryder of Ryder Innovations".

I spent the entire night reading the book and no way in hell was it a coincidence that she wrote about my life so perfectly.

The thoughts I had, the things I said and did in secret, my wishes, dreams, aspirations. The hidden truths about my parents, my mother, how grandma died... Every fucking thing!

Did I really come to life for the first time on that eerie Friday night?

I don't know why but I just felt like writing tonight. Not in the best of mood so I guess this was my therapy for today.

Meet Eva Greece, the lead character in the book. I'm not sure I ever mentioned the name of the book, if I did, it must have skipped my mind but I will read back to confirm. However, let's stick to the series I presented in this chapter.

P.S something chaotic is about to happen! No, a lot of chaos! Trust me, you won't expect any.

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