10. Reveal of Precious Secrets

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Don't kill me. Promise?

"Let's ask Marinette first, okay?" Alya asked. Marinette hesitantly agreed, knowing where this would end up.

"Three at a time." Alya said, "Me first."

"Your favourite colour is pink. You design your own outfits. Your favourite place is the Eiffel Tower." Marinette nodded slowly.

"Nino's turn."

"You are skilled at baking. You are a great gamer. And your birthday is next week." Marinette nodded again while checking the facts.

Now it's Adrien's turn, "You are sporty, sassy and easily offended."

To her surprise, he got it all right. So she nodded again.

To Marinette's shock, Alya said, "Since we all got your facts correct, you have to tell us three of your biggest secrets."

Marinette gulped hopelessly, "Uh...............I've got a c-crush on Adrien. I......I........knitted that scarf Adrien thought was from his father and I didn't want to tell him because I want to see him happy and not angry." she was rambling.

"And?" Alya asked impatiently.

"I.............I.............I.........I've never been able to stand up to Chloe in the past cause I was dumb." she lied.

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