15. Contol For Love pt.1

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A/n: credits goes to Sammy_Louise

Tikki opened the story immediately.

Marinette took a couple of breathes.

"I can do it. I'm going to do it!" she physiced  herself up.

"I'm guessing it's about love?" Alya said, making Marinette slap her arm.

"That's the spirit, girl!" Alya encouraged.

Nino said, "I bet Alya's going to push her to do it." making Alya slap his arm.

Today, Marinette was finally going to confess her love to Adrien!

"I already hate how this is going." Marinette said, crossing her arms.

She had been practising almost all night with Tikki, and she even re-wrote the poem she gave to him on Valentine's Day, but this time, she actually double checked that she signed it. 

Adrien asked, shocked, "That was you?!" Marinette nodded her head.

The blonde turned his gazed to Plagg. "See? Told you it was Ladybug who sent it.


Alya and Marinette waited as more kids began to leave the school. A few minutes more, and they saw Adrien and Nino walking out of the doors.

"Now's your chance, go and get em" Alya said. When Marinette hesitated to go, she was pushed out into the open, and in front of Adrien.

"Stalkers." Nino muttered under his breath.  Unfortunately for him, Alya heard. So, he was chased around the house.

Marinette asked Adrien, Plagg and Tikki, "Break?"

The three nodded.

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