(95) My Thoughts on the Grimm Season 3 Deleted Scenes

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Scene one: I understand why this was cut, as it didn't add anything to the episode (we don't really need to know why the police are in Eric's study - just that they are.)

Scene two: I like the interactions with Nick and Trubel (the dynamic they have is one of my favourite parts of the show) and the expansion on the wesen in the books. Also the fact they have an entire shelf on children eaters, there's a lot to unpack there. And Nick's look in this episode? Amazing.

Scene three: If this had been included the pacing would have slowed down, and the sense of urgency would have been removed. The deletion was a good call.

Scene four: Don't like Nick's eye roll at Juliette here, it feels bad. Again, this slowed the pacing, deletion was the best decision.

Scene five: I live for Nick/Juliette scenes, why are their cutest moments always cut (like, in s1 where they cut all of the scenes that showed more of her character - I bet people wouldn't have hated her if they'd seen them.) I am mad about this one.

Scene six: No thoughts, on Nick in a jacket!!

Scene seven: I adore how Nick is just casually eating Monroe's food and leaning on his counter, shows how at home he is here (even if he does just get called out for it immediatley afterwards.)

Scene eight: They're so soft, I love them. Wish Monroe played his cello more.

Scene nine: Wasn't necessary.

Scene ten: Group shenanigans in the trailer! Nick in a green sweater! This would have taken the edge off this episode, which is something it sorely needed.

Scene eleven: ??

Scene twelve: Seeing half asleep nick with flat(ish) hair is odd. Juliette is right about this situation; she should be worried, so why isn't Nick?

Scene thirteen: This one is also a good scene for the juliette/hank/nick/trubel dynamic. Wish they had more scenes together.

Scene fourteen: We never really get a full understanding of myths surrounding the grimms in the show, I wonder how these rumours got started.

Scene fifteen: Trubel has knowledge, yet another thing the show didn't explore well.

Scene sixteen: This slowed things down to much, and didn't add anything.

Scene seventeen: This was actually a decent representation of therapy, which is nice.

Scene eighteen: I miss Adalind's dynamic with Meisner every single day, we were robbed!

Scene nineteen: I hate that this was cut, although that could be my bias towards Alexander showing. I do love a good assassin character 💞

Scene twenty: Hank, you're trying to hard.

Scene twenty-one: I skipped this one due to body horror!

Scene twenty-two: Why do parents always seem to lick things like money? Seeing murderous blutbads always feels weird, since we hardly ever see Monroe snap.

Scene twenty-three: I have no thoughts on this scene.

Scene twenty-four: Viktor, you 100% deserve this.

Scene twenty-five: Having this conversation in the episode wouldn't have added anything, good idea to cut it.

Scene twenty-six: Nick's pretty here. The scene wasn't needed.

Scene twenty-seven: Meisner looking after Adalind, before she knew about him? AAAAAA. Also Adalind getting power-ups due to Diana's powers is an interesting concept.

Scene twenty-eight: I love them!!

Scene twenty-nine: I have no thoughts on this scene.

Scene thirty: There's always someone who's afraid of clowns, always.

Scene thirty-one: Oh, so there was a scene where they found him in the hall of mirrors.

Scene thirty-two: Why couldn't you just put Claire in a flower field? Why are they cgi?

Scene thirty-three: Monroe 'oitnmentally' is not a word. Also love how Juliette's using her knowledge again - anyone who says she isn't useful is wrong.

Scene thirty-four: Wish we could have seen Juliette do more of her vet stuff in the show.

Scene thirty-five: Monroe, I love you.

Scene thirty-six: I wonder how long the others had been working on those jibes.


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