8. ninja academy

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or claim to own the Naruto series or its characters as they are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. The only characters I do claim to own are the OCs that I will be using. I also don't claim the other kitsunes or demon foxes that I will be using as they are owned by the various anime series that they are featured in. Please be sure to leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think.

Key guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *telepathic/mental speech*, (author notes), bold-demons/summons speaking, italics-attacks/jutsus/special abilities

Eight: ninja academy

The leaf village was exactly how he remembered but it seemed that no one recognized who he was.  Naruto was glad that no one seemed to recognize him as it meant that maybe this time he would be treated more like a human being.  Jiraiya lead the group to their newfound home this way Naruto could summon them.  They inspected their newfound dwellings to find out that they all had to share a room with someone.  The twins Koma and Soro were an obvious choice.  Shippo and Ginko also chose to share a room.  Momiji and Sherufanir decided to share one leaving Azusa and Chizuru in another.  That left the last room for Tomoe, Shuichi, and Naruto.  Since it was the three of them in one room, they got the biggest room in the house.  They took down notes on what they all going to need from the old house to bring to the new house.  Jiraiya had shown them how to seal things into scrolls this way it made it easier for transport.

After their new home was all set up, Shuichi started dinner enough for everyone as Jiraiya bid farewell to the Kitsune family as he hugged Naruto ruffling his blond locks.

"Make me proud gaki (brat)!"

"You bet ero-sensei (perverted teacher)." giggled Naruto earning a scrowl from Jiraiya.

"I told you not to call me that!" growled Jiraiya causing the Kitsune family to break out in laughter.  Meanwhile within the Uzumaki-Namikaze household, Minato had told his family what happened with Naruto.  Everyone had broken down in tears.  They were all saddened that he didn't forgive them about how they acted towards him in the past.  But they were also glad that people were there in his time of need and raised him like he was family.

"All we can do is give Naruto time to forgive us.  We just have to show him how genuinely sorry we are and try to make up for lost time.  It's going to be a bit hard but I know that in due time, he will forgive us." stated Minato.  Everyone nodded their heads as they all went to bed preparing for what tomorrow may hold.

The follow day Naruto traveled to the ninja academy aware that someone was watching him.  He stopped in his tracks.

"I know that you are there.  If the hokage sent you to keep an eye on me, don't bother." he called out.  Four Anbu came out of hiding showing him the masks that he knew all too well.  The same four Anbu that has always been watching and protecting him; weasel, dog, bear, and cat.

"No......  Your father, I mean Lord Hokage didn't ask us to watch over you." stated Dog.

"We heard you were back and had to see if the rumors were true." added Cat.

"Although we didn't take into account you being able to sense us." stated Bear.

"How have you been Naruto?" asked Weasel.  Naruto quickly hugged each of them.  He was glad to see them all as he missed them all.  "We were kind of heartbroken when we found out that you had left the village.  Although we understand the reasons why.  So why are you back?"

"To become a ninja and show everyone here how wrong they were to label me.  I want everyone to acknowledge me for me and not the burden that I carry." Naruto stated.  This caused both Dog and Weasel to ruffle his hair.

"We have no doubt that you will accomplish great things Naruto." they stated as they left the young blonde to continue on his way to school.

The ninja academy was exactly the way that he remembered as he wondered if Iruka-sensei was still teaching.  He could hear strange snarl hisses as a bunch of kids were all gathered around something.  Figuring that it was some kind of animal, Naruto went over to help the creature out.

"Hey, leave it alone!" he snarled darkly scaring the kids off.  What he saw caused his eyes to widen considerably.

It was a small light green and teal feathered serpent.  One of its wings as well as feathered tail plum were a mangled mess.  The winged serpent let out a low snarling hiss as Naruto tried to approach it. "Easy there little one...... I'm not going to hurt you." Naruto stated softly as he knelt down reaching out for the creature.  It sniffed the air through its forked tongue as it relaxed its guard allowing Naruto to pick it up.  Clearly it wasn't going far with a busted wing.  Naruto took a piece of cloth from his sash ripping it off.  Naruto carefully bandaged up the creature's wing earning small coos and purrs from it.

"Miki......  Where are you?" called out a feminine voice.  The feathered serpent let out a loud chirping click answering the girl's voice.  A young girl rounded the corner to find her pet in Naruto's hands.  One of its wings was bound. 

She was the same age as Naruto as she had long wavy teal blue hair that she wore down as it ended at her mid-back in length.  Bright light green eyes that almost looked reptilian in nature.  She had pale Caucasian skin as she wore a v-neck purple shirt with a white collar and very short sleeves.  Grey fit pants with brown knee guards and full brown shinobi boots.  She wore a pair of arm sleeves with gold metal cuffs that covered her arms.  Her ninja gear was strapped to her right leg.  (Akira Tensho OC creation).

"Miki!" she cried out in shock.  Never before has Akira Tensho seen her Quetzalcoatl dragon get friendly with anyone else except for her and her friend Shinri Korudo.  Naruto walked over to Akira allowing her feathered serpent to slither over to her.  The small dragon cooed and chirped as it draped itself around the girl's shoulders.

"You have quite an interesting little creature there.  I found some kids hurting it.  I bandaged up its wing as best as I can.  But you might want to have someone check on its wing." replied Naruto.

"Thanks so much.  You must be new around here.  I am Akira Tensho and this is my pet dragon Mikihisa or Miki for short.  He is a Quetzalcoatl or feathered serpent as they are known more as." Akira stated as she extended her hand out.

"I am Naruto Kitsune.  It is nice to meet you Akira." Naruto replied as he shook Akira's hand.

"Akira!" called out a male voice.

"Over here Shinri!" Akira answered.  A boy the same age as both Akira and Naruto rounded the corner (Shinri Korudo OC creation).

He had medium length snow white hair, golden yellow eyes, and light sun kissed tan skin.  He wore a loose-fitting kimono top for a shirt that was grey and black in color as he wore a black sash around his waist.  He wore a loose pair of Anbu style pants that was purplish-black in color and a pair of regular shinobi shoes on his feet.  He had his gear strapped onto his left leg.

"Oh, you finally found him."

"Yeah......  A couple of kids must have found his favorite sleeping spot.  Naruto here stopped them before them before they could hurt Miki.  Even though his wing and tail are injured, Naruto treated the wing."

"I see.  So, you are the new kid that everyone is talking about.  It's nice to meet you.  I am Shinri Korudo." Stated Shinri as he shook Naruto's hand.

"Naruto Kitsune." replied Naruto.  Both Shinri and Akira volunteered to show Naruto around.  Naruto accepted as he would have to stop by the office to get his ninja gear, supplies, scrolls, and other stuff.

Akira Tensho is the last surviving member left of the once noble Tensho clan who had a very unique kekigenkai known as Doragon Ketsueki or Dragon's Blood.  This kekkigenkai allows her not only to speak and command dragons.  But also allows her to perform every known jutsu involving dragons despite what kind of element nature she naturally possessed and its rank.  Most of her clan had been killed off during the ninja wars or of old age.  She had Mikihisa ever since it was an egg raising the hatchling to become her partner much in the same way that the Inuzuka clan does for their dogs.  Shinri Korudo was an orphan ever since the Kyuubi attack as most of his family were killed off battling the beast.  He didn't blame the beast for killing his family like most others did as he knew that they did it to protect the village and its citizens.  Naruto was glad to make some friends or least two of them.  Some of the other kids recognized him and steered clear away from the demon.  Naruto's brother and sister watched as he laughed and talked with Akira and Shinri, the two students that most avoided like they were the plague.  Not only did some fear the demon within Naruto but also the dragon within Akira.

"Alright class settle down and take your seats!" yelled out Iruka.  Everyone did as they were told.  "We have a new student joining us as he just moved into the leaf village.  Please welcome Naruto Kitsune." stated Iruka.  Voices of the students began to whisper among themselves as most of the class clearly recognized just who Naruto was.  Naruto didn't let their whispers get to him as he took a seat in the back of the class where Akira and Shinri sat.  Naruto would show them all that you can't judge a book by its cover.  And he wasn't going to let the rumors about him bother him as he knew that he was stronger and not the same weakling that he was when he was a kid.

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