~• 30. All Ends Well •~

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Heya! How are you all? I am back with the last chapter. Hope you all will like it. Happy reading 💕

"Maharaj, the reason to summon us?" asked Shakuni, his head lowered.

The royals of Hastinapura, Gandhar, and Sindu had been summoned by Pandu, as a try to sort out things between them. 

Duryodhan didn't dare to look at his mamashri who was dear to him from the day he was born but not today. He was being manipulated by him from an young age, and without much maturity at that age, he blindly listened to his words. Though he was the eldest one, Gandhari gave all her attention to her youngest daughter and Dhritarashtra, busy with the kingdom affairs. Dushyasan needed no one and preferred being alone and he, Duryodhan was trapped with Shakuni.

People called him unrighteous, considering the fact that even if he grew up, his mind set didn't change, but he was so into his mamashri's evil plots that everything went unnoticed to him. He loved his family and he wanted to rule the kingdom but that want became his obsession only after Shakuni's plotting.

His mother had counseled about values of a family and how important it is, after she got to know about her brother's evil motives. He was badly in need of it too for how he saw the family of Indraprastha was not how they were. Though his feelings didn't change more, the only thing he started practicing was to stay away from his mamashri and not see Arjun and family with revenge.

Coming to Arjun and Draupadi's life, after the confession, there was no hindrance between them, and they had no chances of falling down the bed at nights. Nowadays, the time they spent with each other had gradually increased and all were in smiles seeing them, especially Advaith and Advith after seeing what their brother had gone through, they were relived that their brother had found his lady love!

"We are a family but it has become just for others to view our relationships but from heart it is not the same. Why? Kingdoms are divided but why are our hearts and relations getting divided. If this continues, I see nothing but destruction." Pandu announced, his face stern.

"Absolutely agreed. Gandhar raj Shakuni, Sindu raj Jayadrath, you both better be in your limits. Our trusted sources say that your motive is your that the throne of the empire and don't think that you will get it if you continue your acts. First rule your kingdom efficiently and then dream to rule the empire." Gandhari coldly said.

"Maharaj Dhritarashtra, after knowing so much, is it fair to get Dushala wedded to Sindhu Raj?" Draupadi asked her hands being clutched by her dear sister-in-law.

"Drupad kanya!" he roared aiming his sword at her only to be stopped by Jishnu.

"Be sure, whom you are talking to Jayadrath!" Arjun roared equally, clenching his jaws, his eyes red.

"I will marry Dushala and do anything with her. Assault, abuse, or sell or kill her even. What's her problem, am I torturing you?" Jayadrath arrogantly answered.

A series of gasps were heard round the hall while the brothers angered aimed their sharp swords at the culprit yearning his death.

"Maharaj Pandu, please permit me to kill him, he doesn't deserve to live in this earth anymore." Duryodhan coldly asked his eyes fixed at his previous friend.

"What are you saying Duryodhan? He's your friend, you forgot him?" Shakuni asked bewildered.

"I need not learn who is my friend and who is not from you Gandhar raj. I would be humbled if you please keep quiet." Duryodhan answered his eyes shut tightly. 

"Pitashri, these people should be killed at that very instant. Don't show concern to these-" Arjun began as he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

"Arya, just for a while remember what sakha had told us. Even if a drop of blood of theirs roll on our kingdom  it will be tainted. Do you think the God will let them enjoy in this world after what all he has done? Definitely not, they will have a miserable death."  Draupadi said.

Angered more by her words Jayadrath moved his sword to kill her, only to be stopped by two more swords from either sides.

"Don't even dare do that." Advaith warned. "Or we will make sure you rot in hell." Advith completed.

"Attention." Dhritarashtra spoke for the first time that day.

"Me and my brother Pandu with our wives have hereby decided that Gandhar Raj and Sindu Raj, who just wanted the destruction of the empire would spend the rest of their lives in the royal prison."

"And, the next crown prince of Hastinapur will be decided after a year of observance. If everything still remains the same, then Hastinapura and Indraprastha will be merged again and the subjects of both the kingdoms will choose their next emperor." Dhritharashtra declared.

"And the not changed prince Duryodhana. He will be sent to a lifetime exile in the forests." Gandhari completed, the cloth she had tied to her eyes becoming wet.

"Soldiers, arrest the prisoners now." Pritha ordered.

"Before you take me, I have a question to all of you." Shakuni interrupted. "I will be gone into the prison, but there should be someone who should take care Gandhar. Who will be that?"

All of them stood silent for a while. Shakuni's only living son Uluka was still a child while Sindhu had no one except Jayadrath.

"Maharaj, maharani. I have a solution." Panchali said. When she was permitted to say so, all eyes traveled to her with a question mark of what solution she might have.

"Gandhar can be ruled Uluka with Maharani Arshi's guidance and Sindhu has no predecessor or successor."  she sighed. "Sindhu can be merged with Gandhar as the previous king Jayadrath and the previous Gandhar Naresh were very close allies."

The court echoed a sigh of relief. It was a great solution indeed while Savyasachi could only smile with pride, glancing at her.


"Your wish has been fulfilled Yuvrani. The things are sorted out without a war." bowed Arjun dramatically.

"Yeah, and if it weren't happening, you would have faced the worst side of me Yuvraj. You know right, I hate bloodshed." Krishnaa giggled.

"And that's the reason right? For our forgotten marriage!" Gudakesh raised his eyebrow smiling.

"Well, all things that we think are bad are not actually so bad." Agnija smiled cuddling to her husband.

"Though the decision of child marriage was not good, it turned out to be the best decision that our parents took in our lives." she stated.

"Hmm. You know what? Let's not take such risks in our kids lives. We will make alliances with other kingdoms just by talks and discussions." Jishnu said after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Aren't you going too far arya?" Draupadi asked hiding her blush.

"You see, I plan future very precisely." Arjun showed off.

Ayonija raised her eyebrows and asked "Is it?" in the most sarcastic way.

Parth nodded but ended up laughing hysterically at his own statement which was further joined by Panchali.

Somewhere in Dwarka, Lakshmi Narayan whispered, "Bless you always."

How's the chapter?

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