~• (i) Introduction •~

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Heya! So, I am back with another book! A historical fiction of Arjun and Draupadi! 💞

Date - July 3rd 2021
Day - Saturday


An alliance between 2 kingdoms, a marriage of 2 young kids, a dream that gnaws every night, an answer both are searching for, and then they get to know that it is their Forgotten Marriage. An unwanted marriage for two souls, an unwanted relationship for two lovely beings, never ending pain for the prince and princess of a powerful kingdom. Will their life ever change to something good? Answer unknown...

Arjun, the prince of Indraprasth, is the eldest son of Kunti and Pandu, has 2 naughty younger brothers whom he loves a lot! He has some scenario of his childhood gnawing him everyday but everything unclear. In love with Sangeetha, the princess of Magadh who loves him back.

Draupadi, the princess of Panchal, is the youngest daughter of Drupad and Sumathi, has one elder and protective brother whom she looks as a role model. She keeps dreaming about a scenario of her childhood but nothing is clear about the same. A sword fighter and an inspiration to many women.

What is the incident that both the prince and princess are dreaming about? Will it change their life drastically? How will they both succeed in the battle called life?

Join their journey to get your answers! ❤


This is a work of pure fiction and I do respect each and every character of Mahabharata.

✨ No one has the right to copy my work. Copyright ©Bhu__2007.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events and locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2021 by @Bhu__2007

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

✨ Kindly don't bash me if you don't like the work. You can put a comment in a humble way and if I can rectify it, I will do. Or else please don't read further.

✨ The credits of the pictures I use in this story goes to the respected owner.

✨ The characters that I use in the story is for the purpose of fiction. I am sorry if it hurts you. You can imagine whoever you want.


This book is dedicated to all the ArDi fans and lovers out there. Keep loving Arjun and Draupadi!♥️

This book is also dedicated to Hawkeye7576. It's her birthday today! And this is for you as a small birthday gift from your sis! A very happy birthday to you!!! May God bless you with health, wealth and happiness! May you always be smiling! All the best to your life!! Love yaa!❤️❤️


Cover credits- shubhangi1600 Thank you for this wonderful and beautiful cover!
Guys, do check her Graphic Shop! You will not regret it!❤️



The male protagonist of the story. The beloved son of Kunti and Pandu, the protective brother of Advaith and Advith, the loved prince of Indraprasth. Bothered about a scenario which he always dreams. An accomplished archer. In love with Sangeetha.


The female protagonist of the story. Loving daughter of Drupad and Sumathi, protected sister of Dhrishtadyumna, beloved princess of Panchal. Keeps thinking about the dream that gnaws her everyday. An expert in sword fighting.


Father of Arjun, Advaith and Advith, husband of Kunti, the King of Indraprasth. A righteous man and has never followed Adharm. A calm and cool personality. He loves his subjects and they love and respect him back.


Mother of Arjun, Advaith and Advith, Wife of Pandu and the Queen of Indraprasth. Loves her family a lot. A brave lady who always encourages people to achieve more. No ego or pride that she is the Empress. Humble and down to earth person.


Father of Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumna, husband of Sumathi and the King of Panchal. He loves his children a lot and can do anything for them. He looks strict outside but his heart is very soft.


Mother of Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumna, wife of Drupad and the Queen of Panchal. A mischievous person who loves teasing her family. Loves Draupadi to no end. An intelligent person who is always smiling.


Brother of Arjun and Sahadev, middle son of Pandu and Kunti, has an expertise in sword fighting. Loves to prank his family with his twin Advit. Has a brain which always gives mischievous ideas.


Youngest brother of Arjun and Advaith, son of Pandu and Kunti. A wise person and speaks sensibly unlike his twin Advaith. Considered as the baby of the family but he is not ready to accept the same. Joins a hand with Advaith's pranks as he gets emotionally blackmailed by his twin.


Elder brother of Draupadi, son of Drupad and Sumathi, and the prince of Panchal. Fiancée of Samhitha, the princess of Mithila. Angerness is the definition of him. Very protected about his family and especially Draupadi. He looks angry to the world but he is the sweetest person to his family.


Loves Arjun. Princess of Magadh. A very sweet soul who understands everyone without them telling it openly. A cheerful girl.


Fiancée of Dhrishtadyumna, an elegant person, loves Draupadi a lot. Princess of Mithila. Always has solution to every problem. Peacemaker and has good advices in her head. She is equally brilliant and naughty.


The Supreme Lord! Cousin of Arjun and the best friend of Draupadi. Husband of Rukmini. King of Dwarka. A mischievous and clever person. Knows anything and everything.


Wife of Krishna, a sisterly figure to Draupadi and sister in law of Arjun. Queen of Dwarka. Narayani. A very understanding person. She has the capability to conquer the world with her smile.


Best friend of Arjun, King of Anga, son of King Adhirath and Queen Radha. Treats Kunti and Pandu as his own  parents. Arjun sees Karna as his elder brother that he doesn't have.


Balram - Elder brother of Krishna, Cousin to the Pandavas.

Revathi - Wife of Balram, sister in law of Arjun.


Dhritharashtra - Elder brother of Pandu, Husband of Gandhari, King of Hastinapura, Father of Duryodhan, Dushyasan and Dushala.

Gandhari - Wife of Dhritharashtra, Queen of Hastinapura, Mother of Duryodhan, Dushyasan and Dushala.


Duryodhan - Eldest son of Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. Elder brother of Dushyasan and Dushala.

Dushyasan - 2nd son of Dhritharashtra and Gandhari. Younger brother of Duryodhan and elder brother of Dushala.

Shakuni - Elder brother of Gandhari, King of Gandhar but is staying in Hastinapura leaving his kingdom to ruin.

Jayadrath - Friend of Duryodhan and Dushyasan, Fiancee of Dushala, King of Sindhu.


❥ Subhadra, Madri, Shikandini, Yudishtira, Bhima, Bhishma, Nakula, Sahadeva are not present in the story.

❥ Ghandari has only 3 children, Duryodhan, Dushassan and Dushala. Yuyutsu and the other kauravas are not in this book.

❥ Draupadi is the gift of Agni Dev while Arjun is of Indradev. They are gifted to their parents because of their good deeds. Draupadi will be an infant when she is gifted to Drupad and Sumathi.

❥ Karna is a positive character here. He is not a sut putra or the illegitimate child of Kunti. He is the son of QUEEN & KING of Anga.

❥ I am repeating this again. This book is not about Mahabharata completely. I have taken few parts from the epic to match my story. This is totally FICTIONAL. I respect every character of Mahabharata.


I hope you all like this book and support it just like you did for my other stories! Thank you so much for supporting me till now and I request you all to keep supporting me 🙏🏻

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Lot's of love,

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