Chapter 36

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Itsuki (POV)
The night has fallen and the tower is in sight.
Kabuto- There's the tower, and that means the end is in sight. Now comes the hard part.
Naruto- Well it's about time! Bring it on!
Sakura- There's someone behind us.
With the quickest if speeds, I turn around and throw a kunai. It ends up hitting a giant centipede right in it's head.
Kaito- Bullseye.
Akari- Nice shot indeed.
Naruto- False alarm. It's just a centipede.
Sakura- (creeped out) Just a centipede? That creepy thing's as big as a bus.
Kabuto- Naruto, do us all a favor try to keep it down to a dull roar would ya?
Naruto- Huh?
Itsuki- You're being to loud. The whole point of this thing is to not let anyone know that we're here. If you go crashing through the forest like t-Rex out this bitch, then you're gonna draw collectors like how Sora draws in the women.
Indigo: Why? Just fucking why?
Itsuki: I'm not ashamed and I don't regret a thing.
Akari- The point is to find them before they find us.
Naruto-...Oh yeah. I see your message.
Kaito- Take very slow and quiet. We gotta use all the time we have left to it's fullest.
Sakura- Ok.
Naruto- Right.
Sasuke- Got it.
We split up and travel closer to the tower in stealth mode. I took the treetops route while the others went their own way. We eventually came back together and Kabuto pulled out his compass.
Kabuto- We're getting closer.
We keep walking until we come across some dangling ninja in the trees either knocked out or dead.
Sasuke- A trap huh?
Kabuto- Yeah and it only gets worse from here on in.
We walk ahead and Naruto trips a wire. Out of instinct, I rush to him and push him down and cover him. I take an assload of kunai to the back but I use substitution Jutsu at the last minute. I appear in a tree.
Itsuki- Damn. That was close. Guess Kabuto ain't lying after all. Try to be more careful next time Naruto.
Naruto- Uh Yeah.
I hop down and we continue walking.
Sakura- For crying out loud. (Collapses) How far have we walked? That tower's not getting any closer.
Itsuki- You're right. You think it could be a genjutsu Akari?
Akari- I don't really know. (Senses something) We've been found.
Kabuto- Somebody is playing games with us. Look.
It's the same centipede that I threw my kunai at.
Kaito- Well ain't that bout a bitch.
Naruto- What's the big idea here?
Sakura- What's going on?
Sasuke- Genjutsu
Itsuki- Called it.
Kabuto- Yep. It sure looks like it. And we fell for it completely. We were so concerned about not being seen by anyone, we didn't see we were walking in circles.
Sasuke- What's their game?
Kabuto- Probably trying to wear us out then strike when we're frustrated and physically and mentally exhausted.
Sasuke- You mean like we are right now?
Kabuto- Exactly. They'll be coming soon.
Itsuki- Everyone on your guard now.
These ninja in black appear from the surrounding trees and ground effectively surrounding us. Not only that but a gust of wind randomly starts blowing and out of nowhere, the sand ninja girl and her squad appears.

Itsuki- Aw come on man! Not this bitch again!
Girl- You May have bested me the first time, but this time around, I've brought plenty of friends.
Everyone starts to close in on us.
Kaito- Well Itsuki,(unsheathes sword) what's the game plan dude?
Itsuki- 7 against 43? I kinda like the odds a little. Welp, let's get to kicking ass. Everyone get down!
All of my allies drop to the ground.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Laser Circus!!

Girl- What the-
My laser lightning hits every in the vicinity and they all fly back except for the ninjas in black. My attack phased right through them. Everyone gets up.
Itsuki- Hey Naruto, you guys can handle the ninjas in black right?
Naruto- You bet. We'll take em out no sweat.
Itsuki- Good. That's what like to here. As for us Team 11, we have some unfinished business to take care of.
The sand ninjas get up.
Itsuki- You guys ready for this?
Kaito- You know it.
Akari- Bring it on.
Itsuki- Alrighty then. Let's get busy!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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