Chapter 22: Who's Sadie

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If you guys give it a ton of votes and comments, I'll update it tomorrow :)

That book also has a big twist, but I can't tell you guys. Sorry!



"So who is exactly Sadie?" I asked my mom, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back in my chair.

This morning, Troy told us that my parents, Roman, and the boys were coming over here to discuss the rogues. But me being stubborn, I came with because I want to know who Sadie is.

But there was a small fight.

When everyone got here, they noticed I was marked.

My mom was thrilled. Going on about how she'll be a grandmother some day. But my dad and Roman. Ya..not so much.

Let's just say, my dad had to leave the room for alittle bit. And Roman looked like he was gonna throw something at Daxton. But they finally let it go.

I watched as my mom sighed. "It's a long story."

"We got time." Roman said from beside me.

My mom laughed. "You guys are so alike."

Roman and I looked at each other with a smile as we fist bumped.

"Sadie is Uncle Liam's cousin. Ever since Jake got the alpha title, she has been up his ass." My mom growled. "When I came around, she lost it. She finally knew that all her attempts to get him were over. That's when she brought in the rogues and tipped them off about me."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Because I was the only werefox, the pack had to keep it a secret. No one other than the pack was allowed to know. And because Sadie was in the pack, she knew." My mom sighed again. "She told the rogues all about me. Like everything that she knew."

"Okay. But who is that Cindy chick you guys were talking about?" Roman asked.

"She was my old pack doctor." Jake replied. "Cindy was working with Sadie. And because Cindy was the doctor, she had all the access to different types of medicines. She found a way to hurt Red."

"How?" Emmet asked. "If no one knew she was a werefox, than how could they find a way to hurt Red?"

"You know how silver is lethal to us?" My dad asked as Emmet nodded. "They found a poison. That poison is just like silver to us. It's lethal to werefoxes."

I gasped and Daxton pulled me to him.

"What's it called?" I asked.

On second thought, I don't think I want to know.

"It's called Strychnine. It's used to kill foxes." My mom said. "When I first saw it, it made my skin boil. And my eyes wouldn't stop glowing until it was all off of me. Strychnine blocks the enzymes from producing energy. And they also found Fox-off."

"What the hell is Fox-off?" Addison asked.

"Fox-off is a type of pre-poison." My dad explained. "It has a small amount of sodium fluroacetate in it. That also attacks the enzymes and can be very lethal. And it's even more dangerous. It's mainly in liquid form, but they found a way to put it in solid form as well."

"Well this officially sucks." Payton said.

"What if they use that on Isabelle?" Cruz asked worried. "We won't have a Luna."

Well thank you Cruz. I feel a whole lot better.

"That won't happen!" Daxton growled.

We all jumped as his eyes turned gold and his voice went deeper.

"Hey." Rocco said putting his hands up. "You need to calm down."

"Don't you dare fucking tell me to calm down." Daxton growled.

'Uh. I don't think this is Daxton.' Rojo said.

"W-who are you?" I asked carefully as I watched Daxton's glowing gold eyes turn to me.

He gave me a warm smile. "I'm Vincent. Daxton's wolf."

Holy shit that's a deep voice. I thought to myself.

I giggled as he lifted my hand and gave it a light feather kiss.

"Nice to finally meet you." I smiled as he held my hand.

I gasped as Vincent grabbed my waist and pulled me to him.

"I won't let anything happen to you Bella. I promise you. Nothing will ever happen to you." Vincent promised as he held me closer.

I nodded and rested my head on his chest.

He let me down and I turned to everyone.

"Welp. We have to do something about this." I said.

Vincent nodded. "We need to pick up on training. Anyone that can train, will train. We also need longer training hours."

Roman nodded. "I agree. We need to pick it up on training."

"I also don't want any of you guys going to school." My dad said sternly as my mom nodded.

"Hell ya!" I screamed as I highfived Gab and Addi.

"That means training." Vincent smirked at me.

"What?" I asked as I stared at him.

He chuckled.

'That was one hot chuckle.' Rojo said starstruck.

I rolled my eyes at her and focused back on Vincent.

"You're training Bella." Vincent laughed.

"Don't worry." Rocco winked. "We'll have some of the guys go easy on you."

"Oh hell no." Vincent growled. "She is training with me and only me. I will not tolerate unmated, hormone crazed boys touching her. She is mine and only mine. I will kill anyone that touches what is mine."

Vincent gave us one last growl and stormed out of the room.

"That was fun." Addi laughed.

"I wonder what would happen if a boy actually touched Isabelle during training." Gab said touching her chin.

I went to open my mouth, but Cruz and Rocco beat me too it.

"No." They both said simultaneously.

"Dammit." I cussed.

"Better go get dressed." Roman laughed. "You're training starts soon."










"Because of the recent activity with the rogues and their threatening, we are going to train sooner and longer. I will not stand them thinking that they can walk all over us and make threats towards my pack and my mate. Isabelle is officially the Luna and I will not let these filthy monsters touch her." Daxton growled.

Everyone is the crowd cheered and hollered.

"With this being said, anyone who can train will train. I want you all to work really hard and do the best you can." Daxton smiled. "We have a pack to protect."

"Hell ya we do!" Some guy called from the crowd.

I looked over at Gab and Addi and they were laughing so hard I think they were crying.

"The training grounds are divided into four different parts. Area 1 is weapons training, area 2 is the obstacles like running and courses that you can go through, area 3 is sparring in human form, and area 4 is sparring in wolf form." Daxton explained. "Everyone pick an area and start training!"

All the members were starting to walk away, but I spoke up.

"Wait!" I called out to them.

They all stopped walking and turned around.

Daxton gave me a confused look.

"I need to tell them." I said as I looked at the crowd. "Okay. So many of you do not know my secret. I am not a wolf. But, I'm also not human either."

The crowd gasped and looked at me in shock.

"I feel bad for not telling you guys, but I needed to make sure you all understood where I was coming from." I paused and looked at everyone studying me. "I am a werefox. There are only two in the world, and I am one of them. My fox spirit is just like your wolf spirit. Her name is Rojo."

"I thought they were a myth." A woman said at the front of the crowd.

I shook my head. "Many people think they are. But they aren't. They are real. This is why the rogues are being so active. The other werefox is my mom. When she was my age, a girl from her pack named Sadie gave the rogues information. With the help of a pack doctor, they have found a poison lethal to us werefoxes. This poison does exactly what silver does you to guys. For many years, rogues have tried to find us and capture us. They think that we can unlock some hidden power and they want that power."

"Do you have powers?" A little boy asked.

"Um I actually don't know." I said. "But with everything that I told you, you guys can't tell anyone. If it gets into the wrong hands, this entire pack is in trouble."

"We promise!" A guy yelled as everyone else nodded.

"Thank you." I breathed a sigh in relief.

I looked over and saw a little girl raise her hand.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Umm." She trailed off nervously. "C-can we see your fox form?"

I smiled and nodded.

I closed my eyes and thought about my fur and my eye color.

I felt the familiar warmth and popping of my bones.

When I opened my eyes, everything was sharper and the crowd gasped.

"You're beautiful Luna!" The same little girl gushed as she ran up to me.

I licked her cheek and she giggled.

The next thing I know, a bunch of children ran up to me and were petting me.

I turned to look at Daxton and he had a ghost smile on his lips.

'You look really beautiful Isabelle.' Daxton linked me.

I'm really glad he can't see my face because then he would know I was blushing.

"You're tall." A little boy said looking up at me.

I nodded my head.

"Let's start training." Daxton said as he clapped his hands together.

I groaned.

Oh what joy.


The pack finally knows!!!

And don't forget to check out my new book that is finally on wattpad. Saving Allison!!

Love you Faithful Shifters!!


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