Naruto vs Sasuke

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Gaara was going to finish Sasuke once and for all when there was a hand on his shoulder.

"Gaara stop he's not worth it he's not even a threat" Naruto said

Gaara listened to Naruto and dropped his Jutsu and let his sand fall back to the earth when Sasuke dropped to the ground. To say Sasuke was pissed, was an understatement. He smashed his fist into the ground several times, and yelled.

" Not a threat. How dare you? I am an elite. There's nothing stronger than me and my pride. You're nothing but a low level clown and now it's time to pay. You love that girl so much, you can mourn for her.

Fire style: majestic, destroyer, flame"

A gigantic wave of flames spread out over 100 feet came crashing towards Temari and Minato. To Naruto it looked like once the flames hit it, both his father and his lover were gone.

" You see that dope, that's what you get. I am an elite there is no one above me now you lost your father and your slut my only regret is I won't make her mine. No one can ever overcome an Uchiha elite." Sasuke smirked.

Naruto watched, then started to shake with anger, and so did the Ninetails. Naruto didn't even have to ask. The Ninetails started to give Naruto his chakra.

" How dare you that's my Mari Chan"

Soon a red cloak enveloped Naruto and then it turned golden.

" Now you've made me mad. I'm really really mad and now it's time to pay. Welcome to the end of your life Sasuke and I promise you it's going to hurt. every breath you take is an insult to my pride."

Naruto moved so fast, not even Sasuke with his Sharingan activated. Could he even keep up or even hope to see it? It was like he was teleporting and then soon Sasuke was punched in the face so hard it sent him flying all the way to the Uchiha compound.

Sasuke only laughed to himself only. He could be so lucky to fight such an opponent to take a hit and for them to still fall flat into his trap.

Within a second Naruto , 20 feet in front of Sasuke

" You stupid dope you fell right into my trap" Sasuke bit his finger and slammed it down on the floor. Soon the entire Uchiha compound glowed for a few seconds, and then stopped.

" Do you think you're fast? Now you feel it don't you it's the gravity I've activated the Uchiha gravity seal for the compound. This is one of the reasons why we are so great 10 times stronger here than it is on the rest of the planet."

Naruto just laughed and smirked " Maybe if this were 200 times gravity you might have an advantage at 10 I don't even feel it."

Sasuke was shocked at this " you are lying. I know you are."

" maybe I am hard to tell" Naruto smirked

" Enough" as Sasuke ran towards Naruto. He tried throwing a punch, Naruto just moved slightly and dodged Saski then tried to jump kick, Naruto grabbed his leg and threw them against the wall.

When Sasuke got back to his feet, he saw Naruto laughing, jumping up and down as if gravity had no effect on him.

Sasuke then ran at Naruto again. He tried throwing a lift hook and was caught in a combo by Naruto as he just punched and kicked and punched and held him in place so he couldn't move.
Naruto then molded his chakra into a blade in his hand, and Sasuke tried to throw one right hook. Naruto cut his hand off and blood shot out everywhere.

Naruto then hit Sasuke with a spinning kick, sending him so hard into the wall behind them that Sasuke was stuck. Sasuke was low on chakra. His arm was bleeding profusely and he couldn't move. Naruto then flashed right in front of Sasuke. Naruto put both of his hands onto Sasuke's chest and started to mold his chakra.

Sasuke can do nothing but stay in there as he feels his entire insides start to burn and twist and pull a part inside. Then he started to see a flashing light through his chest. Then he heard Naruto say.

" Giant Rasengan" Naruto screamed.

Seconds later, Sasuke was ripped apart from the inside from head to toe and vaporized. There was nothing left. The wall of the building also exploded, ending the gravity seal over the Uchiha compound forever.

Naruto's chakra cloak started to fade. He began to feel weak and was gonna fall over, but quickly Gaara caught him.

Naruto gave Gaara a somber smile "Gaara I'm sorry I'm sorry I got you and your sister all caught up in this mess. I wasn't strong enough to save her and I'm sorry she's gone. I should've just let you kill him when you had the chance. Now she's gone, my dad's gone again all because of this worthless piece of shit of a village. I swear to god this village is cursed only bad things ever happen here." Naruto sat on the verge of a breakdown.

That's when Temari came running over to them both. She smiled as she hugged both her brother and her fiancé. Naruto couldn't believe his eyes; he had sworn he saw her die in those flames. Tomorrow I saw the look of confusion in both her brother and fiancé, and said.

" Naruto, your dad is literally the fastest man in the world. What you saw was an after image of how fast he was. The flames didn't even touch me. I didn't even feel the heat that came from the jutsu."

Minato and Rasa were next to appear. Both were happy that this little event is now over and they can get back to somewhat normal.

I told you guys I was back in case you didn't believe me I wanted to have this chapter up sooner but the fight was hard to choreograph. Hope you all enjoyed it. Let me know what you think. and one more thing if any of you guys have a really good recording voice  DM me that's all I can say right now.

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