The day of the finals

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Naruto had been running for hours it seems but he can't get away from those purple eyes they seem to follow him everywhere. Temari came running out of nowhere " Naruto you failed to protect us everyone's dead and it's all your fault. " Naruto fell to his knees he couldn't run anymore he couldn't move. Then Naruto herd the worst sound he could hear a knife going through her chest. Purple eyes everywhere " you shall know pain".

"Naruto are okay babe it's okay your having a bad dream" Temari sweetly said Naruto was crying in his and finally woke up and wiped his face. Naruto was enveloped by Temari arms.
" It's okay babe I'm here. I'm your person, you never have to bare it alone. I'll always be right" as she points to his heart and slowly kisses him and climbs on top of him.

Hiruzen Sarutobi sat in his chair in his office. This was one of the days he truly loves no paperwork he could relax and watch the fights. He was sipping on his tea when there was a knock on his door. "Come in " Hiruzen called out.

Rasa entered the room and sat at the open chair facing Hiruzen. Hiruzen offered Rasa some tea in which Rasa expected.

"There are somethings that must be spoken about before the finals. " Rasa said.

" This is true.... Has the snake been dealt with"  Hiruzen asked.

"Not yet but he is on the run " Rasa replied.

"Okay now what do we do with Naruto? " Hiruzen asked.

" What about him?" Rasa asked.

"Well my counsel wants him back. He needs to come home and be a leaf ninja like his father and his mother" Hiruzen said.

"That's not happening there is no way I will allow that. There is no way Tsunade will allow that. There is no way my daughter will allow that and Gaara would destroy this whole village before he lets Naruto come back here.
Why would you want him to come back haven't you heard what this village did to him" Rasa asked.

" I've heard the rumors and Naruto is a strong boy. I'm sure he's over it.  It's time for him to come home. You will release him and he shall return to the leaf to be our  weapon again. You will do this or god knows what happens to your daughter " Hiruzen laughed.

"How dare you threaten my daughter or my son in law I will kill you for this" as Rasa stands up and the door opens and The real Hiruzen walks in .

"What is the meaning of this? " Hiruzen asked.

Rasa didn't waste any time and used his gold dust to capture the fake Hiruzen. He then crushed him with his gold dust and Danzo's body flopped out or what was left of him.

Rasa turned to The real Hiruzen and said ''Naruto stays part of the sand am I understood".

" I have no reason to fight you on this my counsel already tried to push for him to return but I have put my foot down on that" Hiruzen said

"Good one more thing then I will be taking my leave is when Naruto's name is called out. You call him out by his full name " Rasa said.

"Don't you think that will be too dangerous given all of Minato and Kushina's enemies?" Hiruzen asked.

" Naruto is the second strongest in the sand village to only myself soon he will surpass us all. I have trained him and my kids very hard and it's paid off. Naruto is kage level and my kids are high Jonin level with Gaara on the cusp of being kage level.

" Well if you think he's ready then it will be done" Hiruzen said

"I don't think I know he is but our time here is up I must be going. I don't want to be late to the fights, have a good morning and have your people clean that piece of shit up" point to what is left of Danzo.

Everyone the land of fire was showing up for these finals, with tons of people from the village of Sunagakure as well.
As both Kage's made their way to the kage viewing booth. Everyone is so excited to watch the last Uchiha fight. The genius of the Hyuga fight maybe each other.

The Hokage stood up and used some chakra in his voice so everyone could hear. " Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of the lands of fire and wind, I welcome you to the finals of the Chunin exams. Let the fighting comense" .

The final proctor came out and stood in the middle of the arena. When the Hokage spoke again " Will Neji Hyuga and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze Senju".

The crowd was in shock as Neji took the field and waited for Naruto. The crowd was quiet as Temari walked to the railing of the competitors box and pulled a Kuni from her holster and threw it in the middle of the field and stepped back.

As a flash yellow filled the stands. Everyone's minds were blown when Naruto flashed inside the stadium. Everyone could have sworn they saw Minato flashing in but this was not Minato the was Naruto.

Naruto was wearing black long sleeve shirt with black pants and black ninja shoes and what looked like Minato's jacket but this was yellow with red flames that said nine tails on it.

Naruto looked around, saw some people cheering him, booing him, he looked up and saw Temari and smiled at his lovely girlfriend.

Naruto yelled out " Ah what's wrong you don't remember me where's that demon brat or kill the fox kid you all had when I was younger and couldn't defend myself. Now you're quite what a load of shit. Most of you I can forgive you kelped to yourself but there are a few of you I will be paying a visit to don't you worry about that. "

The proctor began the fight Neji got to his fighting stance as did Naruto. Neji waited for Naruto to make the first move. Naruto threw a few kuni when Neji countered with rotation. Naruto then made 100 shadow clones as the all ran at Neji. As Neji went to destroy the clones, they all blew up sending Neji flying. Naruto jumped in the air and hit Neji with a rasengan knocking Neji out.

The proctor decided Naruto is the winner. Half the crowd cheered as Naruto celebrated when Naruto heard chirping birds as Naruto and Sasuke put his hand through Naruto's chest. Everyone went quiet. Sasuke smirked "He's a loser, no match for an elite ninja like me."

Then Naruto poofed and wasn't there anymore then another yellow flash and Naruto was standing there with his arms crossed " you fool are fight wasn't till later you blindly attacked me with my back turned are you dumb and and not know how the rules work or are you just stupid" Naruto said as he walked closer.

"You are talking to an elite" Sasuke started to say when Naruto slapped him across the face

" And now I've struck an elite or did my hand fall from my wrist" as Naruto walked away " you wait your turn cuz I'm going to knock you down to size" as Naruto made his way up to the booth.


Hi guys hope you like the chapter I know it's long over due let me know what you think and will talk in the comments

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