The Fall Out

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To say Tsunade and Jiraiya were piss was an under statement. After the group hug was done. Naruto started open up to his grand parents. He told them all about how the most of the village beat him and tried to kill him.

"Naruto I'm so sorry I should have been there for you. We were lied to and those who lied to us and hurt you will pay" Tsunade cried

"I promise will be here for you now please tell us there is still good people here tho" Jiraiya said.

"Yes there were a few Anbu that tried to help me plus a few other people but that's it. That's why I left" Naruto said.

"What do you mean you left" Tsunade asked.

"When I was 4 I ran off to and made it all the way to Suna. I met the Kazakage's kids and befriended them. Dad also made a marriage contract for me to marry Temari the first born of Rasa the Kazakage. I'm a ninja from the hidden sand village now." Naruto smiled.

"Okay will talk about that later. Now we need to go smash some assholes" Tsunade said.

Both her Jiraiya and Shizune tone changed completely. There was hell to pay. As the made there way to the the Hokage tower.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was sitting in his chair when he got a shiver down his spine.

He herd some some yelling then scream outside his door. Then one of his personal Anbu came thought the wall. Then his door was kick in and it flew off the hinges.

Tsunade came charging threw the door way. '' You how fucking dare you. You lied to me making me think my family was dead. When my Grandson was here suffering. Getting beat up and people trying to kill him.

He had no one and that's your fault. I could have been there to love him like a mother but you took that from him and from me. Now it time to pay the old man" Tsunade yelled.

Sarutobi was shock he didn't see this coming. He was terrified he couldn't move.

Two of his other Anbu's popped out and jumped in front of the leader.

Tsunade just stared at the pair" move or your head is going up his ass" as she pointed at the two Anbu.

They looked at each other then jumped her.

Seconds later two screams were herd as Tsunade dusted him self off after finishing the Anbu.

Hiruzen Sarutobi was horrified at what he just witnessed. As he saw a man's head get shoved up a other man's ass.

Tsunade approached him and well cracking her knuckles as she moved closer to him.

Naruto finally caught up with his grandmother. He rapped his arms around her trying to stop her.

"Grandma please stop everything's okay now that your here please don't hurt the old man anymore" Naruto said.

A wave of calm came over Tsunade. She took a few deep breaths.

"You are so lucky he cares sensei because I'm done with you and this town. As Clan head of the Senju clan I retire from ninja duty. As clan head I am moving all things that deal with the Senju clan to Suna" Tsunade said.

Sarutobi was shocked he just lost the Senju clan. The counsel is going to lose there minds when they find out.

A cross town Jiraiya and Shizune were sealing everything in the Senju and Namikaze compounds.

"Father its good to see you again" Shizune said.

"Its good to see you too daughter how I wish your brother Minato was still with us. But my grandson and your nephew is a live it is somewhat of a happy day" Jiraiya said.

"Yes we can bring our family back together. I must meet this girl he is to marry you know" Shizune laughed.

Tenten and Temari had hit it off and become good friends since meeting.

Both girls were just walking thought the village to have some tea and Dango.

"So what's it like to be engaged at such an early age" Tenten asked.

"Well right now it's just like having a boyfriend but I know I love him and will spend the rest of my life with him" Temari replied.

"That's so sweet I'm glad you and Naruto are happy. I hope I can find someone to make me as happy as you" Tenten replied.

"Tell me there is someone your interested in just please don't let it be the Uchiha or that Huuga" Temari asked.

"No it's not but if I tell you promise me you wont say anything" Tenten replied.

"Girl I got you" Temari said.

" okay it's" Tenten was interrupted when a lot of Anbu and Jonin were running towards the Hokage tower.

Both girls looked at each other then Temari said.

"I have a feeling Naruto has something to do with this".

"You mite be right" Tenten said as they started off to Hokage tower.


A few miles away Gaara was meditating in the middle of a far training ground.

He had been there for a while. He had  his eyes were closed. When he felt someone sit in front of him.

Gaara opened his eyes and he locked eyes with the orange eyed green haired beauty he had a crush on.

"Hi I'm Fuu and I what to ask you if your going to be fun" Fuu laughed.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean when you say fun" Gaara asked.

"I was told to have fun and to try and make friends here. In my village I'm not well like and even here no one really wants me around" Fuu said.

"Ill be you you friend Fuu but can I ask you something" Gaara asked.

"Sure friend ask away" Fuu said.

"Do you know the reason why your village doesn't like you because I do" Gaara said.

Fuu started to get really nervous " If you know that then you know I'm a monster" Fuu started to cry.

"Hey don't cry your not a monster. Your to beautiful to be a monster" Gaara said.

Fuu cheeks heated up at Gaara's comment.

"I know your not a monster because your like me we hold beast's inside us but that doesn't make us a monsters" Gaara said.

"You hold a tailed beast in you too'' Fuu asked.

"Yes I hold the one tail -Shukaku. I can sense you hold a tail beast but which one" Gaara asked.

"I hold the 7 tails -Chōmei" Fuu said.

"Nice well lets go meet up with my sister and my brother I'm sure they will want to meet you" Gaara said.

Fuu was still a little nervous but Gaara took her by the hand and lead her back to town.


Okay guys there you have it. Hope you liked this chapter. Let me know what you think.

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