The Meeting

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Hey guy's it's been a bit I know but life has kelp me busy. I moving in with my girlfriend so I've been packing. So I haven't had a ton of time to write but I am writing when I can. Well here's a new chapter its short but I didn't want to make you wait anymore.

Gaara was leading the way to find his sister and his brother so they could meet Fuu. He was in the middle of town square he noticed Naruto walking with an older blonde woman then Temari.

Soon Naruto noticed him to and he waved Gaara and green haired girl he was walking hand in hand with.

“Hey Gaara this is Tsunade Senju my grandmother. Who that that your with” Naruto smiled.

“It's an honor to meet you Lady Tsunade” Gaara said with a bow. “ but this is Fuu she my new friend.”

“Naruto who is your plight friend” Tsunade asked.

“This grams is Gaara of the desert. He my best friend and he's the Kazekage’s youngest son” Naruto said.

“It's very nice to meet you Gaara” Tsunade said.

“It's nice to meet you to lady Tsunade. Naruto do you know where my sister is” Gaara asked.

“Last time I saw her she was meeting Tenten they were going for a walk.” Naruto said.

Gaara left with Fuu in search of Temari.  While Naruto and Tsunade continued on to the Senju Compound.

A little while later Gaara and Fuu found Temari and Tenten.

Gaara introduced Fuu to Temari and Tenten. The girls were happy to meet each other. Until Temari noticed a red spot on Fuu's shorts. Tenten saw the same thing and both girls pulled Fuu a side.

“Fuu you know your your having your time of the month right” Temari asked.

“What's that I know every month I bleed and it doesn't go away for a week only for to come back the next month. “Fuu said.

“So you don't know about your time of the month” Tenten asked.

“No in my village I have no friends the village hates me. So I'm on my own” Fuu said.

Well then we will be your friends and we can fill you in on stuff you will need a womans touch “ Temari smiled.


After a long talk with Fuu Temari set out to find her boyfriend. She walked back to the hotel where Naruto was waiting for her.

She looked at him and smiled. Temari rapped her arms around him and he did the same.

“I missed you “ Naruto said.

I missed you more” Temari smiled as she kissed him on the lips.

There’s some people I want you to meet” Naruto smiled.

“What do you mean” Temari responded.

“You will see follow me” Naruto said.

He lead her thru the village still they came on to all the clan compounds.

“Why are we in the compound district” Temari asked.

“All in good time baby girl” Naruto smiled.

Finally he led her into the Senju compound. Temari was very confused as to what was going on but waited to see what was going on.

Once there were inside the the Senju compound Naruto led her to the main house and they went inside the main house.

As she was led into the living room she was shocked to say the least inside the living room sat two of the most famous ninja to ever live.

“Oh good Naruto your back and who is the you brought with you” Tsunade kindly asked.

“Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Shizune this is the most important person in the world. She is my world this is Temari of the desert my girlfriend/ future wife.” Naruto said with all the love he could muster.

Temari was floor with all the information going on “Naruto knew the Sonin, Naruto had grandparents, Naruto’s Grandparents were the Sonin” Temari thought as her brain overloaded and she fainted. Tsunade and Shizune rushed over to help the the girl.

A little while later Temari woke up she was laying in a bedroom she was in before and had a wet cloth on her head.

She got up and walked out into the hallway she walked back to the living room where everyone was.

Temari saw Naruto sandwiched between the two Sonin with a smile on his face. It made her heal so happy knowing that the man she loved had a loving family.

When Naruto locked eyes with Temari and jumped up to check on her. “Temari are you okay I was worried but grams said you were okay” Naruto said.

“Im okay Naruto and thanks for taking care of me. I don't normally do that” Temari said as she kissed Naruto on the cheek.

“Aw you to are so cute “ Shizune said gushing of the cuteness of her nephew and his girlfriend.

“No it should be us thanking you. You are the one that's look out for him most of his life. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there when I couldn't because we didn't know he was alive “ Tsunade said with tears running down her face as she gave Temari the tightest hug she has ever gotten.

Jiraiya finally spoke up “ Okay lady's enough of the mushy stuff let's talk Chunin exams and how you both should train for the next couple of weeks.”

“ Yes Temari how is your chakra control” Tsunade said with a big grin on her face.

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