Trial By Combat

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Naruto sat in a dark cold cell. He had been beaten and had chakra seals put on his body. It hurts to move. He had just started to get to know his grandfather and he was taken away worst of all. The counsel was trying to put the blame on him.

Grandma Tsunade and Temari both came to visit him and he put on a brave face for them. He just kept thinking how am I going to get out of this. He couldn't even talk to Kurama because of the chakra seal they had put on him.

Everyday leading up to the trial he was beaten by the guards he was in really bad shape. He couldn't keep this up plus he was going insane from all quite he was so use  Kurama talking in his head all the time but the silence was a killer.

Finally the day came for the trial he was dragged to the Hokage tower he was in front of the all of the leaf he saw everyone giving him evil looks

The third Hokage spoke up as he was standing behind Naruto " Naruto Uzumaki Senju you stand here accused of murdering the last Uchiha and your Grandfather how do you plea "

" I am Guilty," Naruto said quietly.

" So you admit to killing both Sasuke and Jiraiya" the third replied.

"No that I didn't do it, I am innocent, I am guilty of a far greater crime, I am guilty of being a jinchuuriki '' Naruto said.

"You're not on trial for being a jinchuuriki, " the third replied.

"  Oh yes  I am, I've been on trial for that my entire life " Naruto yelled.

"Have you nothing to say in your defense? " Third said.

Nothing but this I did not do. I did not kill Sasuke and Jiraiya but I wish that knowing your precious Sasuke is gone gives me more joy than my entire life. I wish I was the monster you people think I am. If I could go back in time I would have had the 9 tails destroy this entire village. I would gladly give my life to watch it happen. I will not give my life for those murders and I know I'll get no justice here so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat " Naruto yelled . The whole village was going crazy calling for Naruto's execution.

"We shall reconvene this trial at the stadium tomorrow at noon guards take the prisoner back to his cell." The third Hokage demanded.

When Naruto was brought back to his cell there was an old man waiting for him with a lot of bandages all over his body .

" Fox, do you know who I am " the old man asked.

"Some old man who couldn't hack it to make Hokage," Naruto replied.

"My name is Danzo and I have a lot of plans in action that I'm not going to have Minato's fucking street rat stop me this village is mine. And don't think anyone is coming to be your champion tomorrow, everyone that would help you won't be able to help you, you're going to die tomorrow. " Danzo said, then he got up and left.

The next day Naruto had a bag placed on his head and he was dragged to the chunin exam stadium he was left on his knees he could hear and feel all the hate being yelled and stared at. Then he heard Danzo speak " My fellow leaf villagers today we're here to witness the trial of Naruto Uzumaki. He is being tried for murderAnd treason against the leaf. He has chosen trial by combat so if there's anyone who wanna fight for this traitorous bastard, come forward if no one comes forward then we will just execute him here" Danzo smiled.

Gaara and Temari were getting ready to fight the whole village when Rasa walked forward " I will fight for this boy, he's like a son to me. I will not let him die here so I will fight for him".

Danzo smirked again "Sorry my Lord but this is a matter of the leaf sand village has no say over what happens here you cannot fight for him only someone from the leaf bill can fight for him".

Rasa smiled " Fine you leave me no choice "he pulled a three prong kuni From his room and threw it on the ground in front of Naruto .

At first nothing happened" I guess that settles it kill him kill the traitorous bastard now" Danzo yelled as the Anbu black Ops walked towards Naruto there was a flash of yellow the flash was so bright and blinded everyone and as everyone I was finally able to see what it happened standing in front of Naruto was Minato Namikaze The yellow flash the fourth Hokage  And he looks pissed.

Hi guys I'm back finally I was finally able to finish this chapter life been crazy so will be getting new updates for this I don't know how regularly but I will be updating more often than once a year thank you guys for sticking in there with me means a lot this chapter was supposed to be longer but I want to give it out to you guys first so I shortened it and what would've been one chapter and broken into two I still have a few things to work on that next chapter so I should have it out by the end of next month but as always thank you guys I appreciate it much love stay safe out there it's a crazy world

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