The game

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Yes that pic is me. My name is Star and I'm a mix-breed of a rainbow wolf and rainbow fox. And the smallest wolf in school... I'm on the caputered the flag team and that is when... Well I don't want to give spoilers...

Ann(the wolf in the pic) looked at me. Hope and fear filled her eyes. The hope was clearly to save Elena, the fear was clearly that I won't get crushed since I was the smallest wolf at school and on the team.
"It's ok Ann." I said.
"If you say so Star." Ann said.
"How did Elena get captured?" I asked.
"Kidnapped fixing her fur in her house." Ann said.
"Wow I'm surprised they didn't get killed by her, but I'll kill them." I said.
"I'm sure you will." Anna said.
We walked out onto the gym floor. Wolves blocked the way of seeing Elena.
Once the game started I ran to the flag but a wolf grabbed me and threw me into Ann.
Everything became white. Magic filled me or us. I felt strange. Strange in a good way.

I was or we were Starann.
"Oh I'm gonna win this game." We said.
We were still raver small but fast. We races over the wolves heads then we grabbed a flag.
"STOP HER!" Their captan said but we were to quick for them. By the time a wolf got to the hoop two of their flags were no our side.
We raced to get the last flag. That we did but by the time we were about to get it on our side a wolf defused us. I, as in Star, went flying onto my side with the flag.
"RAINBOW WINGS WING THE GAME!" Went buzzing in my ear but I fainted.
I didn't know about Ann. But whatever happened couldn't be common.

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