1 - Y/n's Mentor Wants to Have a Friendly Gangbang Birth Session After a Date!

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A/n: For those who did notice the update on 5/23, I am sorry! I accidentally hit the publish button when the story wasn't even fully finished!

No one's POV

We see Y/n in his room giving a blowjob to a Centaur Futa, while his asshole is getting fucked by a slime girl.

Futa Centaur: *moans* He's so hot~!

Slime Girl: Yeah! It's a shame we can't take his bussy because of his Lamia pregnancy.

Futa Centaur: Still a good fuck though~

After a while, the two shove their cocks deep into Y/n's body, and happily drinks all of their cum, and using a dildo to keep the slime girl's cum in his ass.

Y/n then walks them out, and makes sure to give the girls a very lewd kiss, and Y/n does pull something out of his breasts. The girls grab it and realize it's an invitation.

Futa Centaur: You're inviting us~?

Y/n: *giggles* Everyone of my clients is invited~! You won't be fucking me though, as my mentor will be coming to visit me, and she wants her as well her friends will be taking care of that~.

Slime Girl: Then we'll definitely "cum"~! Not just to the party, but on you, if they allow it~

Y/n: *kisses Slime Girl on the cheek* They'll allow that~

As the two leave, Y/n heads into the changing rooms, and as he grabs his outfit to wear for his little date he's scheduled to have with his mentor, his secondary manager comes in.

Y/n: Hello Angelica!

Angelica: Hello there Y/n. Heading out for you date with Yor?

Y/n: Yeah! She wants to make sure I have the best outfits to wear for the birthing tomorrow!

Angelica smirks and gropes Y/n's boobs, making him moan out.

Angelica: Well, I wouldn't be surprised if these melons got bigger~!

Y/n: *moans* I wish they would~! *moans* But can you please stop? I need to get to my date in a bit!

Angelica: Okay, but before that...

Angelica then hands Y/n some movie tickets.

Angelica: You'll want these more than I will.

Y/n then hugs Angelica, smiling happily at her.

Y/n: Thank you Angie!

Angelica: Don't call me that. Now, go get ready for that date!

Y/n: Right!

Y/n then quickly grabs the outfit, and goes into the changing room, putting on a nice set of red heels, a red dress to go with it, and a few cute accessories.

Y/n: *giggles* Perfect! Senpai is going to love this~!

Y/n then grabs his purse, making sure it's got everything he would need. Those being "broken" condoms, pads, various types of makeup, and some money he's earned.

Y/n: Alright, I should be ready~!

Y/n then heads to the main doors, and right before he can even open the door, Lisa stops him in his tracks.

Lisa: Where do you think you're going?

Y/n: Manager, did you forget about my date with Yor-Senpai?

Lisa: *gasps* Oh silly me, I forgot~! Go have some fun with her. And maybe take her cock up your ass~

Y/n simply giggles at this, and runs towards the meeting spot, and notices Yor there waiting for him.

Y/n: Yor-Senpai!

Yor: *gasps* Oh Y/n!

Yor then hugs Y/n, and he feels her cock near his bussy.

Yor: So how are your parents doing?

Y/n: Good! Mom's still working at Futa-cademy, and "Mom" is mastering cooking to teach to the others "mothers" that are having some trouble!

Yor: Well I'm glad you're doing well.

As the two continue to hug, Yor slaps Y/n's ass, making him yelp.

Yor: *giggles* So tell me... Where would you like to go for our date?

Y/n: Well... my secondary manager gave me these tickets... and I was thinking... we go to the movies together...

As Y/n twitches about, Yor simply giggles and kisses him on the lips.

Yor: I'd love to watch a movie with you.

The two then head into the movie theater, and as they enter the theater, waiting for the trailers to end, Y/n lays his head onto Yor's, and she simply responds by wrapping her arm around him, while also patting him on the head, which he make a fake purring sound.

Yor: He's so cute...

After the trailers end and the theater goes dark, the movie beings, which is a horror movie, and there were some parts with Y/n acting scared, and other times where he was genuinely scared, hugging his arm around Yor's with his breasts covering her arm.

Yor: *giggles*

Once the movie was over,Y/n kissed Yor on the cheek as the two got up and left.

Y/n: I wasn't expecting a horror movie...

Yor: Neither was I, but it did give me some good moments. Now, let's find you the best outfit for tomorrow.

Y/n then gasps, and drags Yor to his favorite store, which every femboy goes to, "Femboy Flights."

Yor: Quite the odd name for a clothing store.

Y/n: Well, it does provide items from femboys around the world~

Y/n then starts looking around, picking various clothes with some related to kinks, while some being incredibly wholesome. After a bit of changing, Y/n comes out in an idol outfit.

Y/n: How's this~?

Yor: Beautiful~

Y/n: *giggles happily* Thank you for saying that.

Before Y/n can go back in, Yor grabs his arm.

Y/n: Y-Yor-Senpai? Is everything alright?

Yor: I'm just wondering... will you want to still work at Futa's Delight, even after you birth the eggs?

Y/n simply smiles, and starts kissing Yor, and Y/n strokes her cock a bit. After she cums a bit, Y/n breaks out of the kiss, saying one thing.

Y/n: "Mother" or not, I'm still going to be working at Futa's Delight. It's not know to many, but they do have a daycare, so that the babies that are birthed can still have fun with each other.

Yor smiles at this, and says one thing.

Yor: Then be ready for tomorrow. Because me and my friends will be fucking you so hard~

Y/n: I hope you do~

*Time-skip brought to you by*

It's now the next day, and we now see a bunch of Futanaris of every kind gathering in the main lobby, as it's been closed off for everyone that Y/n didn't invite. As they all talk about how they wish they were the ones helping Y/n, Angelica and Lisa come in and start ringing some bells, prompting all the Futas to be silent.

Lisa: Hello everyone~ Thank you all for coming to Y/n's Lamia Childbirth show~!

Angelica: Now, I know that many of you are upset that you can't help Y/n, but we have a reason. Y/n has mentioned it to a few people, but his mentor and her friends will be the ones helping out!

Futa: Y/n's mentor? She must have a big dick!

Orc Girl Futa: Yeah, I hope she's super hot!

Lisa: Now, welcome to the stage our Futa for the night! First off, we have the elegant Yor Briar!

Centaur Futa: Damn, she's hot!

Angelia: And now her firends. Please welcome... Asagi Igawa, Sakura Igawa, Shiranui Mizuki, and Asuka Koukawa!

The Futas all begin clapping as the four walk in.

(Asagi Igawa)

(Sakura Igawa)

(Shiranui Mizuki)

(Asuka Koukawa)

Asagi: thank you for having us.

Sakura: *giggles* Don't worry, we'll make sure you all have a good view~

Angelica: And now let's bring out the "woman" of the night!

The curtains then open, showing off Y/n in a maid outfit, as he does a little curtsy.

Y/n: Hello Mistresses~! Thank you all for "cumming" tonight~! How may I please your wonderful cocks~?

Lisa: *giggles*

Angelica: He's nailing it~

Futa 2: What the hell?! You little bitch, you didn't tell me you were banging a femboy maid!

Futa 1: I tried before, slut!

The futas then start arguing with each other, which has Angelica walk over and slap one of them.

Angelica: Keep this up, and Lisa will take your out, and put you on our banned list!

This does shut the futas up, and Lisa speaks up.

Lisa: Now, if any of you have any questions for the young maid, please speak now.

As many of the Futas ponder questions, a harpy girl raises their hand.

Harpy Futa: Do you like birthing eggs?

Y/n: I do~. For the last few years, I've been teaching myself how to quickly push eggs out of my pussy and asshole~

Fallen Angel Futa: What's your favorite type of cock~?

Y/n: I don't have a favorite, they're all big and thick~. Though if I had to choose... I'd be picking the Dog Girl cocks~!

Devil Futa: You wearing any panties right now~?

Y/n smirks at this and lifts up the skirt, showing her little dick, pussy, and asshole.

Y/n: We aren't allowed to wear panties unless we're on "dates" with you mistresses~! We have to make sure we can easily be used~

This makes all the Futas in attendance hard as rocks, just imagining themselves fucking Y/n raw.

Lisa: Now, if there are no more questions, let the session begin! Y/n, begin your lap dance on whoever you want~

Y/n: Of course~!

Y/n then walks over to Asuka and starts doing his trained lap dance, with the sole purpose of rubbing his asshole on her cock.

Y/n: Oh my~! This cock is quite pent up~! Do you mind if I stick it in~?

Asuka: Of course~!

Sakura: Hey, take my cock in your mouth bussy as well~!

Yor: I'll take his real bussy~. Right after this quick spitroast~

Sakura then whips out her cock, and Y/n quickly starts putting it deep in. Yor and the others sit down on the couch, jacking themselves off to Y/n's act, while the other futas are doing the same.

Sakura: You kept us in the dark so long about him~! *moans* Fuck! His mouth pussy is to die for~!

Asuka: And his asshole, it's so tight, despite being fucked multiple times~! He really is one of the best~!

Y/n: *muffled* Thank you mistress~!

After a few minutes, the two start cumming, and as Y/n gets a tiny break, Yor quickly shoves her dick into Y/n's bussy, making him moan in pleasure.


Asagi: My turn in his ass~!

Asuka: Okay, okay.

Asuka then pulls out, and Asagi puts her dick in, making Y/n yelp out again, and Sakura pulls Y/n into a very passionate kiss.

Shiranui: Don't leave us out, slut~!

Asuka: Yeah! Start using your hands~!

Y/n turns his eyes to see two dicks on both sides, and he quickly grabs them and start jerking them off.

As the five futas keep fucking Y/n, Angelica and Lisa both start to feel a bit wet, and they start pleasing their bodies, watching how much fun Y/n is having. After another minute passes, Sakura breaks out of the kiss, holding Y/n's face, adn says one thing.

Sakura: Do you like our dicks, Y/n~?


Sakura: Well you can start by kissing mine~!

Y/n smiles and starts deepthroating Sakura's dick, and after a few more minutes of non-stop fucking, all the Futa's dicks, even the ones in the audience, start twitching. Y/n pulls out Sakura's dick and says one thing.


The futas then all rush towards the group, but making sure they're in range, and after a few seconds, they all start cumming over Y/n's body. As the Yor and her friends pull their dicks out, Y/n starts panting in pleasure, but it's short-lived, as Y/'s water breaks.


Slime Girl: He's going to have his eggs!

Lamia Futa: Oh, that's so fucking hot~!

Y/n then starts grunting, and some of the other sissies, who had finished with some of their clients, come to help out.

Alice: You got this Y/n~!

Emily: Birth those little eggs~!

Marion: You got this~

Marion then leans in and starts helping get some the eggs out. As this happens, Y/n's clit starts twitching, and releasing his own cum. As more and more eggs come out, Y/n makes a peace sign, as he's noticing some Futas taking pictures.

Y/n: *Image Below* Yes~! Watch this slutty femboy cum while giving birth~!

After an hour of birthing, Y/n lays his final egg, with him passing out from sheer pleasure.

Lisa: Looks like he's laid 100 lamia eggs!

(A/n: I checked this, and a large snake can lay up to 100 eggs! I think the same could apply to a Lamia, much less a femboy like Y/n! And if not, I say "Hentai Trope Bullshit, GO!")

Lamia Futa: So many eggs~!

Asagi: She is right. What will be doing with all of them?

Angelica: Don't worry. We aren't know as the best Futanari Brothel just because of our femboys~

Lisa: They'll be in our care, and if some of them become new femboys, then we'd love to have you "cum" back and teach them~!

After many Futas do apply to become teachers, they take their leave, and the femboys begin cleaning up, with Yor taking Y/n up to his room, that being the one he uses for sleep, since each femboy has two different rooms. One for clients, and one for themselves.

Yor then lays Y/n down on the bed, getting in one more kiss on the lips, and before leaving the room, says one thing.

Yor: Good night, young "mother" of 100 babies~

Yor then shuts the door, and Y/n starts dreaming about some of his own lamia children fucking him and having their babies as well.

First Lemon Complete!


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