Chapter 10

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A/N: WOOP!! DOUBLE DIGITS BABY! Sorry for any grammar mishaps.

As Lucy makes it back to camp with a smile on her face and a skip in her step, she thinks about how she's gonna tell Laxus and Gajeel about her new boyfriend. She's sure they'll understand, but they're still apart of Fairy tail so there's no sure fire way for her to prepare herself for what they will say. She knows Rogue has caused the least amount of damage to the guild. In fact, she's pretty sure the only time any of Fairy tail ever acknowledged the shadow dragon slayer was when he battled against Gajeel and Natsu with "the walking lamp post".

She giggles proudly at the nickname she's given the light dragon slayer when she hears someone clear their throat and speak, "What's so funny Bunny Girl?"

When she looked up Lucy saw both Gajeel and Laxus looking at her with a slightly irritated facial expression, arms crossed over their chests, and an eyebrow raised.

She quickly responds with a triumphant smirk and says, "I just gave Sting a new nickname. The walking lamp post." She chuckles lowly at the memory of him pouting like a child when Rogue agreed with the name.

Speaking of Rogue she says in a quiet whisper, "Also...I'm dating Rogue Cheney now sooo..."

She awkwardly smiles widely as she looks at the 2 dragon slayers waiting for them to respond. After a few minutes of just staring Lucy's face starts to hurt as Laxus is the one to break the silence and with a smirk says, "So who confessed first?"

With her mouth open and staring wide eyed at the lightning Mage she says dumbly, "I was, but it was because his shadow was trying to take him over in his sleep. That's why I wasn't training this morning. Frosch came full speed out of the forest and crashed into my chest bawling his little eyes out when he said, 'Rogue won't wake up even when Fro shakes him'." She pauses before giving a proud smirk as she exclaims, "You guys' training came in handy. You should have seen me, I was totally bad ass. I made it to the guild in 3 minutes in a full on sprint and was able to launch myself and punch the guild doors in, almost knocking them off their hinges. After Frosch told me Rogue was in his bedroom I launched forward and jumped to the second floor balcony and swung over the railing where I launched down the hallway. It was totally awesome."

With a gruff chuckle Gajeel says, "Don't get a big head Bunny Girl, a lot of that was from the adrenaline that was most likely rushing through your veins. But yeah, some was definitely the training."

At this the celestial Mage crosses her arms under her chest as she pouts cutely and says under her breath, "You could have at least let me have this win."

With a deep laugh Laxus says, "So, does Sabertooth know about your little relationship, or are they gonna stay in the dark."

Lucy quickly answers, "Oh they saw the whole thing they had followed me up to Rogue's room because of the big entrance I made so they saw it all. From me crying and begging Rogue to 'come back to me' to the part where he says he loves me too." She smiles fondly at the memory.

Laxus nods and then suddenly asks with a smirk, "So when is Fairy tail gonna have some new blonde additions to the guild?"

Lucy blushes profusely before she asks, "AH! What's with blondes and being obsessed with whether or not me and Rogue are going to have children any time soon?"

With a questioning look Gajeel says, "What other blonde said they want you 2 to have kids?"

Lucy frustratedly says, "Ugh, the walking lamp post said, and I quote, 'so now can I expect to be an Uncle soon?'."

Gajeel and Laxus laugh at this before Laxus calms down and says "Alright Blondie, let's get started on your hand to hand combat for today. You seem to have already gotten a good warm up from your little spout of adrenaline so I don't think you need anymore."

Lucy nods and walks in front of Laxus with her fists ready to begin their assault on the lightning dragon slayer, as Gajeel walks into the woods to hunt for their dinner tonight.

Time skip

It's been 2 days since she's seen Rogue, and Lucy's starting to miss him a bit. Virgo has been keeping her updated on how Rogue has been doing, and says that shes starting to think he deserves to be called 'Prince', as he talks to Virgo with the utmost gratitude when she brings him his food and sometimes just strikes up a conversation.

She also says that Loke may have visited Rogue to make sure that his feelings were true and to threaten him that if he did anything to hurt Lucy, whether physically or mentally, the whole spirit world would be after his, quote, "emo ass". This causes Lucy to laugh until Virgo says, "All of your spirits have met him in one way, shape, or form Princess, and we have become quite fond of him. Like he really was a second master to us. We talk about Rogue so much in the Spirit Realm that the Celestial Spirit King would like to talk to both you and Rogue tomorrow. So I suggest that you inform the iron and lightning dragon slayers that you will not be training tomorrow, or the next couple days, and also tell Rogue that he will need to be free for at least a couple days."

After receiving a nod, Virgo goes back to the Spirit World in a flash of pink. After watching Virgo disappear, Lucy quickly pulls out a communication lacrima and calls Rogue.

When said Mage picks up he greets her with a small smile, "Hey LuLu. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my girlfriend's beautiful face on this bright and sunny day."

Lucy blushes a deep Crimson at his words and stutters out, "W-well, the S-spirit K-King would like to speak with us so I was wondering if you would be free for a couple days starting tomorrow."

Turning his head away from the lacrima to think he rubs his chin in thought. When he checks his mental calendar and sees he has no plans he says, "Sure I'm free what does he want to talk to us for?"

With a shrug Lucy says, "I don't know Virgo just said he wants to meet you. Apparently your the talk of the Spirit world because you're a human that isn't a celestial Mage but you treat spirits just like they were any other person."

At this Rogue's cheeks are dusted with a light pink as he scratches the back of his neck and says, "Well they can still feel pain and emotions so as far as I see it they are as human as they come."

Lucy smiles fondly at the dragon slayer and says, "That's what I think. They aren't just tools for fighting like a sword or shield they are living breathing beings. Be it immortal, they still have hearts and can feel pain."

After hearing this Rogue smiles and says, "Do you want to meet in my bedroom so Virgo can take us to the Spirit World without anyone seeing?"

Lucy thinks about it for a moment before she nods her head in agreement and says, "Yeah, plus we'll have to change into celestial spirit world clothes because we technically can't service there without wearing them."

After they hang up Lucy sits up from taking her brake from training and starts to head to the camp and talk to Gajeel and Laxus about not being able to train for a few days. After they confirm that it's indeed ok she goes back to trying to do her 50 squats with a now 50 pound boulder since Laxus started to up her warm ups a little bit. Now she has to run 150 laps and 50 squats with a 50 pound boulder. Also Laxus has allowed the use of legs with the hand to hand combat training.

As the day comes to a close Lucy can't help but think what the Spirit King wants to talk to her and Rogue about.

Time skip next day

As Lucy wakes up to the morning sun shining in her eyes, she remembers that she has to go to Sabertooth to meet Rogue and go to the Celestial Spirit World. After getting dressed she exits her tent and sits with Laxus and Gajeel to eat a quick breakfast before heading to the Sabertooth Guild.

After breakfast she gets up and stretches before she starts her small trek through the forest to the guild. When she finally walks in and greets everyone with a wave and a wide smile. Which cause them to, even though they're supposed to be hard ass sabers, wave back with the same smile to return the sweet blonde's greeting.

Before she reaches the stairs the walking lamp post walks it's lit up ass over to Lucy and asks, "So what brings you here?"

Lucy looks around before she leans in and whispers, "...secret Mr. Walking Lamp Post. Now if you'll excuse me I must meet Rogue."

With a wide smirk Sting wiggles his eyebrows before he says, "Aw~ you guys are already fulfilling my request to be an Uncle? That's so considerate of you."

With a blush Lucy turns back to Sting and says, "We are doing nothing of the sort, we have something to discuss. So once again, if you'll excuse me walking lamp post I would like to gain access to the stairs."

As he moves out of the way and gives an exaggerated bow he says, "My apologies your highness I did not realize I was blocking your path and... HEY I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THOSE GOD DAMN DUMB ASS NICKNAMES!!"

Lucy stares at him before she says, "Wow, and here I thought Natsu was dense. You do know that's like the third time I've called you that since we started talking 5 minutes ago right?"

"SHUT UP BLONDIE!!" He exclaims as he turns away and pouts childishly.

To which Lucy giggles and says, "Whatever walking lamp post see ya later."

When Lucy makes it up the stairs and to Rogue's room she immediately noticed how the door is brand new. Then she remembers her little adrenaline rush the other day and winces slightly at the memory, her hand is still slightly sore from punching a hole in a fucking door. When she comes back from her thoughts she knocks on the door before taking a step back and waiting for Rogue to answer.

Within seconds the door is swung open and Lucy is all of a sudden grabbed by 2 arms and slammed into a hard chest as the owner of these body parts says, "I've missed you so much Lu it was so lonely here with just Frosch and Sting."

Now knowing who grabbed her she quickly returns the embrace and says with a smile, though he can't see it, "I missed you too RoRo."

As they reluctantly let go of each other Lucy quickly grabs a gold key and calls out, "Open, Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

The maid spirit appears with a bow and greets the 2 mages, "Princess, Prince Rogue. Are you ready to see the King?"

They both say, "As ready as we'll ever be."

With a nod she says, "I will go back and get your change of clothes from the Celestial World." Before she leaves she turns to Rogue and asks, "Is a dark shade of midnight blue and black with gold appealing colors to you?"

He replies with, "Those colors are perfectly fine Virgo, thank you for considering my taste."

Virgo bows and disappears before reappearing in a flash and handing them their new outfits before leaving once again.

Rogue and Lucy separate to change, Lucy to the bathroom while Rogue stays in the bedroom. After they finish getting ready Lucy quickly calls out Virgo again before she grabs their shoulders and transports them through a portal to the Spirit World.

As the 2 mages' vision comes back they see a long walkway in front of them, the same walkway Lucy walked down when Loke brought her a few days ago. They begin to walk and as the get farther down they see a throne with the Celestial Spirit King sitting atop it. When they get in front of the throne both mages kneel on one knee and lower their heads in a bow.

When they hear a deep chuckle they lift up their heads to see the King shaking his head before he says, "Welcome again old friend." Then he turns to Rogue, "And new friend."

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