Chapter 12

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The next morning, Rogue and Lucy woke up after their night of "fun" in a slightly awkward position. (A/N: Read the end of the lemon on my profile to find out what kind of position) After getting out of this position Lucy went to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. She walks out of the bathroom and nods to Rogue that he can go in now before she says, "I'm going to go sit in the guild with Frosch and Sting. Meet me there so we can walk to the edge of the forest together." He just nods in response and goes into the bathroom.

As Lucy comes down the stairs, the second she gets about 6 feet away from Sting and Frosch Sting's head shoots up, looks at her, and then he quickly stands up and grabs her wrist and pulls her into a broom closet that's near their table where he says, with a very serious expression, "You're pregnant."

Lucy stares at him wide eyed before she asks, "How can you tell?"

He points to his nose and she hits herself in the forehead as she says, "Tch, duh."

He looks her up and down before he asks, "Why aren't you freaking out?"

Lucy raises an eyebrow and inquires, "Why would I be freaking out?"

Sting looks at her and says, "I just told you, you were pregnant."

Lucy makes an 'O' shape with her mouth before she waves him off, "We half expected it, so I'm not upset."

"We? So Rogue knows?"

"No. At least...I don't think so. He didn't say anything about it when we woke up."

"Oh." Was his only response before he opened the door to the closet, and as they walked out Rogue was coming down the stairs. As he saw the 2 exit the closet he looked between them with slightly narrowed eyes. This action went unnoticed by the celestial mage but not the light dragon slayer who smirked and said, "You smell anything different about your girl Rogue?"

Rogue eyes Sting suspiciously but then walks up to Lucy and hugs her before he deeply inhales her scent. His eyes widen as realization of what Sting was smirking for hits him. He quickly brakes the embrace and grabs Lucy's shoulders as he looks into her eyes with a hopeful gaze. When he sees small tears forming in them as she smiles brightly and lightly touches her stomach, he wraps his arms around her, picks her up, and starts to spin her around while laughing with tears of joy streaming down his face. At the sound of the normally stoic dragon slayer laughing, the Sabertooth members question whether it's the end of the world again as they also see him crying tears of joy, the reason why he's crying and laughing they don't know but they are ready to run at any moment. Asking the question everyone is thinking, Orga asks, "What's with the laughing, spinning, and crying Rogue?"

Sting answers the God slayer as he sees the said mage is too preoccupied with his girlfriend, "Let's just say, I FINALLY GET TO BE AN UNCLE!"

At this every Sabertooth mage looks at the couple with wide eyes as if to ask if the walking lamp post is correct. Rogue walked behind Lucy and wrapped his arms around her waist to rest his hands on top of hers with his head on her shoulder and gives a small smile when she yells, "I'M PREGNANT!"

At first everyone is silent, then they congratulated the couple.

Sting suddenly walks up to Lucy and pulls her hair to the side. When he sees her neck empty he looks at Rogue and says, "You didn't mark her? Why?"

Lucy answered for him, "We decided to wait until after I was done with training which lasts for 2 more months."

Sting nods his head, but then realization hits and he says, "Wait. You're pregnant you can't train."

"I'm gonna have Capricorn teach me a protection spell that will only brake if I were to die, so I can cast it on the baby."

Sting smiles widely and says, "Good, I don't want my niece or nephew to get hurt in there."

"Oh! Me and Rogue need to tell you something. I'll go get him and we can talk in his bedroom."

As Lucy, Rogue, and Sting make their way to Rogue's room they quickly enter before telling Sting to sit on the bed. As Sting looks at them expectantly he asks, "So, what did you want to tell me?"

Rogue and Lucy look at each other before Lucy starts, "Well about a week ago I came by and the reason why I did was because the Celestial Spirit King wanted to see me and Rogue." She pauses to make sure he's following before she continues, "Well, we get there, and I'm guessing Rogue gave a good impression because next thing we know we're both being crowned as the Prince and Princess of the Spirit World and future King and Queen."

With a blank face Sting blinks once, twice, three times, "EHHHHH?!"

After a long explanation about the conversation they had with the Spirit King, and how he cant tell ANYONE, the walking lamp post FINALLY understands. He congratulates them and goes on his way leaving both mages to wonder if he really did understand what they just told him.

Time skip

It's been a month since Lucy went back to training and found out she was pregnant. Today was her brake day. She's been having 1 once a week since she found out she was pregnant, and she decided to hang out with Rogue in Sabertooth.

When Lucy walked into Sabertooth she was greeted with hand waves, hi's, and nods of acknowledgement. When Rogue walked up to her he looked her up and down before he said, cautiously, "Um...I don't know much about pregnancies but I don't think the baby is supposed to be that big at a month."

When she looks down and examines her stomach she finds he's right it does look a little big for being a month in. She quickly grabs his wrist and drags him up stairs and to his bedroom where she grabs a golden key and chants, as she get on the bed, "Open gate of the Twins! Gemini!"

When the floating little blue spirits come out bobbing up and down, they say in unison, "What can we do for you Princess Lucy?"

"Can you turn into Wendy and check on the baby?"

With a nod they approach her as she lays down on the bed and Gemi asks, "Would you like to know the gender as well?"

"If possible, yes."

As Gemini-Wendy's hands hover over Lucy's stomach they shine a light blue. Lucy watches as Gemini-Wendy's face contorts into one of concentration, then moves onto being a look of confusion, then shock and realization. As Gemini-Wendy's hands stop glowing she looks at Lucy with a small smile and says, "Don't worry Princess...THEY are fine."

Lucy and Rogue's world stops for a moment as they look at each other for confirmation that the other heard the same. They face Gemini again as said spirits return to their normal form and Rogue asks, "Did you say they?"

The 2 spirits just nod and say, "Congratulations! You're having twin girls! And they seem to both be dragon slayers, but it's too early to tell for sure. But none the less I'll tell Virgo to come out and collect some of Prince Rogue's shadows to put into Lucy's food, because whether or not the dragon slayer baby is the same element as the parent it will still need the parent's element to survive."

Rogue nods before the 2 spirits leave back to the Spirit World. Just as Lucy is about to speak a pink light envelops the room and Virgo appears with some kind of container in her hands as she says, "Prince Rogue, I need you to do the most powerful roar you can at this container. This will capture it and preserve it for future use so I can make the special food for Princess."

Rogue looks at the spirit with worry and says, "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

Virgo smiles slightly at the shadow dragon slayer before saying, "This container is like a vacuum, and with a wide range as well, so it will catch all of the roar."

Rogue nods still hesitant but attacks as he says, "Shadow Dragon...ROAR!!" A black misty cluster of swirling shadows shoots from his mouth, and he watches with slight surprise as the container, indeed does, act as a vacuum and sucks up all the shadows and traps them.

"Thank you. I will be back in an hour with a Strawberry smoothie infused with Prince Rogue's shadows, Princess. Punishment?"

Both mages quickly scream, "NO!"

With a bow the maid spirit disappears back into the Spirit World.

After talking for a little longer, and of course eating the dinner Virgo prepared, Lucy goes back to training with Gajeel and Laxus, excited that she will be able to start her Star Dress training. She was going to try the magic from the different forms but Virgo said that it would drain her too much since she was pregnant. She can still transform into them and figure out their different physical strengths and weaknesses, but no magic until after she has the babies.

A/N: Anyone thinking "wow they are really good at keeping their secret from the public eye and Fairy tail" has just spoken to soon... *slightly evil giggling*


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