Chapter 2

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A/N: Here is a recap.
"I'll train you Bunny Girl/Blondie."
As the 2 male mages hear each other they quickly turn their heads to the other and glare. Lucy feeling happy about them offering to help her train but also slightly worried about if metal was about to clash with lightning, (if you haven't figured out who these 2 are yet don't worry they will be revealed in the next couple sentences), says, "Hey Gajeel, Laxus. I'd be honored if you 2 would train me. I would just like to tell you 2 a few things before you make your decision, so if you 2 would maybe meet me at my apartment at around 5:00 this afternoon that would be great!" (A/N: It's like noon o'clock right now so...)

With that being said all 3 mages go their separate ways. Gajeel going back to his quiet and dark corner of the guild. Laxus walking back up the stairs to the second floor. And Lucy heading out the guild doors to get her apartment ready for the guests she will be having later in the evening.

Time skip 4:59pm

Laxus and Gajeel decided to meet up at the guild and walk to Lucy's house together. When they got up to her front door they knocked a few times before hearing an almost happy sing-song, "COMIIIING!!"

As they hear some shuffling and quick light foot steps heading to the door they watch as the door is swung open and a very excited and slightly exhausted blonde answers the door with a bright smile on her face. When she sees who it is at the door her smile widens and she exclaims happily, "Gajeel, Laxus! You came! AND YOU ACTUALLY USED THE DOOR!"

After hearing the last sentence the 2 male dragon slayers raise an eyebrow and give her a question look. Seeing this she quickly explains, "Well, Natsu always comes through the window. Gray comes down the chimney like some kind of God damn Santa Claus. And Erza comes through the door but doesn't knock she just bashes in."

As she pouts a little bit and crosses both of her arms she says, mostly to herself, "I've already had to buy 3 new doors...and that's just in the past month."

After giving each other a quick glance Laxus quickly says, "Yeah, well we ain't your team Blondie."

Lucy quickly snaps back at the Lightning slayer and says, "YOU'RE BLONDE TOO!"

He only chuckles and smirks and the celestial Mage. Gajeel, becoming slightly irritated by the 2 blonde mages little argument, says to Lucy, "So are you gonna let us in and tell us what was so important that you couldn't tell us at the guild or..."

Snapping back from thinking of ways to wipe the smirk off Laxus' face she perks up and exclaims, "Ah yes. Please come in and make yourselves comfortable. If you want some water or tea just let me know and I'll get some for you. I would offer you food but after Natsu and Happy's last visit I am afraid I lack it right now."

Both mages quickly dismissed her offer and said that they just wanted to know what she wanted to tell them.

Lucy rubbed her chin in thought and then lifted her pointer finger the ceilin when she remembered and said, "Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you guys what I wanted to train to get better at so you could maybe come up with a schedule and a game plan on what to start with or maybe evaluate me and decide what needs the most work, you know?"

As she remembers the last thing she has to tell them she winces a little bit and after seeing the questioning looks she was getting she quickly and quietly, although since they were both dragon slayers they still heard, whispers, "AlsoIneedtostopbySabertoothandtellRogueCheney somethingreallyimportantbeforeitstoolate."


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