Chapter 9

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A/N: Recap.

"So now can I expect to be an Uncle soon?"

Everyone looks at Sting with an 'Are you serious?' face. Seeing this he looks around at everyone then says, "What I'm serious. You don't know how long I've wanted these 2 to get together. They would have the most adorable kids."

Lucy, coming back to reality after her brain shut down from Sting's question says, "I didn't know you liked kids."

Sting gives her a dismissive wave of his hand while he says, "Eh. As long as they ain't mine they're cute. Especially you guys' kids. Brown eyed black haired babies, red eyed blonde haired babies. Oh they'd be precious little terrors. The pranks I could pull with them would be hilarious."

Lucy stopped listening to Sting's ramblings after he said a few things that reminded her of a certain baby obsessed demon take-over mage. After realization hits her she quickly gets everyone's attention by saying, "None of you can speak of me and Rogue's relationship outside of this Guild. Do you hear me?! I don't even wanna think about what would happen if Erza or even worse Mira found out. They'd kill us both, AND FOR 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REASONS!!"

After hearing the blonde celestial mage say this Rogue turns to Lucy and asks, "Why would they kill us?"

Before Lucy can respond Sting says, "Isn't it obvious? It's because you're from Sabertooth. Fairy tail and Sabertooth aren't exactly on good terms."

Lucy gives Sting a bored look before she says, "No that's a problem we'll face when Gray and Natsu find out, I'm talking about Erza and Mira. Mira would kill me because I didn't tell her about the relationship sooner, and Erza would kill Rogue because he's a male that has the potential to 'taint my innocence'."

Sting looks at Lucy up and down before he says, "Wait... You're a virgin?"

Lucy gives him a 'duh' look as she says, "Why wouldn't I be a virgin, Lightbulb?"

"Well, the way you dress makes it look like you have experience."

"Why does everyone think just because I wear revealing clothes it means I'm some kind of whore?" She asks no one in particular.

Now every Sabertooth mage was looking at her with an expression that says 'well why else do you where what you do?' to which she answers their unasked question with a sigh, "There are 2 reasons I wear these clothes. 1, they are easier to move around in during a battle and what's the point of wearing a lot of clothes when they're just going to get burned, frozen, or sliced off in the end? Every one I battle along side with, will at least once see me completely naked or almost because that's just what happens when you're me. And 2, it's also a form of rebellion for me. Some of you may already know, but I used to be an heiress before I ran away from home and joined Fairy tail. While I was an heiress I had to wear big dresses that were heavy and uncomfortable and covered most of my body. When I ran away I wanted to forget that life and start over so changing my look was the first step I took."

After explaining this most of the mages nod their heads in understanding. Sting then turns to Rogue and says, "You got a good one Rogue. To think you got a girlfriend before me. I never thought I'd see the day."

Rogue replies in a bored tone, "Well, you could have a girlfriend but you decide to be some kind of man whore and sleep around."

Sting just gives him a wave that says 'eh who cares' and says, "Rogue, this isn't about me this is about you and getting your first girlfriend."

Hearing this Lucy turns to Rogue with a surprised expression and says, "I'm your first girlfriend?"

Giving her a shy look as he scratches the back of his neck and replies, "Uh. Yes. Why, is that a bad thing?"

Lucy quickly shakes her hands out in front of her as she explains quickly, "No, no. I'm just surprised a little is all. I'm actually in the same boat I've never had a boyfriend either, I've never actually liked anyone before now soooo..."

Sting looks between the 2 shy mages before he says, "Wow, looks like I'm gonna have to help you guys out then."

Rogue and Lucy look at each other, then at Sting, before they say in unison, "There's no way we're letting you help."

Lucy quickly adds, "I'd rather just wing it. What about you Rogue?"

"I wouldn't take advice from him if someone paid me a million jewel." Was said man's reply while his pale face was sporting a bored expression.

Sting gave both mages a scowl as he says, "Tch. Anyone would be fucking honored to have the Great Sting Eucliffe give them advice."

Lucy shoots back a little too fast, "Well we ain't anyone Bumble Bee."


"Well, you call me Blondie so I'm trying to come up with a fitting nickname for you Stingy Bee." Was Lucy's "innocent" answer while she tried her best to keep a giant smirk from sprouting on her face.


"Jeez you walking lamp post, no need to shout I'm right here."

"The hell did you just call me?"

Rogue decides to come into the conversation as he says, "Haha a walking lamp post, I've never heard that one before. And personally that might actually be my favorite. I think you just found his nickname Lulu."

"I knew I'd find a good one. Thanks Ro." She says as she gives said mage an innocent smile that creeps everyone in the room out except Rogue.

"Forget this I'm done with you 2 bastards, see ya tomorrow I'm going to find a monster to kill in the woods."

At this Lucy and Rogue both burst out laughing as the angry dragon slayer stomps out of the room. As the duo finally regain their composure, the other Sabertooth members have already left the room. Seeing this Lucy turns to Rogue and finally asks the question she's been meaning to every since he woke up, "What happened? Did your shadow try to take you over in your sleep or was it a really bad nightmare?"

Rogue's mood takes a 180 as he remembers what happened and says sadly, "It was my shadow, he said some things that I don't believe and wish to not talk about."

Lucy looks at Rogue for a few moments before she sighs and says, "Alright, I'll respect that, but I'm going to put Virgo on 24 hour watch just in case he tries again."

Rogue watches with a questioning gaze as she pulls out a gold key and chants, "Open gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

After a bright pink flash of light disappears, standing in its place is the pink haired woman in a maid costume. With a bow she says, "Hello Princess." As she turns and sees Rogue she slightly bows and acknowledges him, "Prince Rogue."

At this both mages exchange looks before Lucy turns to Virgo and asks, "Why are you calling him 'Prince' Rogue?"

Virgo turns to the blonde woman and says, "Well, if I am going to be watching over him and coming to check on him, and the fact that he is now your boyfriend, I figured I should consider him a co-master of sorts."

"Um, alright." She says as she turns to Rogue and asks, "Is that alright with you?"

"Uh, she's free to call me whatever she wishes."

Virgo gives a slightly forced and unnoticeable smile at the sound of another human possibly being able to treat spirits like other living beings, much like her Princess does. As she regains her stoic expression she asks, "Would you 2 like lunch its a little past noon."

They think about it for a moment before both of their stomach's growl their opinion at the thought of food. Virgo takes this as a yes and asks, "Would you like what you had last time or something different?"

Lucy thinks about hers before she responds, "For me whatever you think is best for staying strong for training."

Giving a nod Virgo turns to Rogue when he says, "If you could get me 3 triple cheese burgers and 2 dozen of those delicious cookies that'd be much appreciated."

With a nod Virgo asks, "Would you like me to also infuse the burgers with pure shadows?"

With the look of a kid in a candy store Rogue just nods his head rapidly with so much enthusiasm it looks like he'll give himself whiplash. Before she leaves Virgo turns to her new "master" and says, "Punishment?"

With a look of horror Rogue says, "Of course not why would I do that when you've been nothing but helpful?"

With that being said Virgo bows before she disappears in a flash of pink.

Still staring wide eyed at the place where the maid spirit used to reside the shadow dragon says, mostly to himself, "Things just got interesting here at Sabertooth."

Snapping back to reality he turns to his new girlfriend and asks, "Will she do that every time she comes out."

With a heavy sigh Lucy turns to him and, with an apologetic smile, says, "She hasn't come out once without asking for it, so most likely she will."

With his tone laced with sarcasm he says, "Yay."

With a soft giggle Lucy says, "You get used to it and come to expect it."

The room is, once again, covered in a pink light before it disappears to leave the maid spirit with the food she had made for Lucy and Rogue on a tray so they could eat while they sat on the bed.

With smiles on their faces the couple says, "Thank you Virgo, this looks delicious."

With another bow she disappears back into the Spirit World.

After they finish eating Lucy gets up and says with a sad smile, "Well, I better go. I'm supposed to be doing 50 squats while holding a 20 pound boulder above my head and then doing hand to hand combat with Laxus. If you need me call Virgo and tell her what you want to pass on, or call me on a communication lacrima."

Before she leaves she walks over to the stoic dragon slayer and gives him a quick peck on the cheek before running out of the room, missing the deep blush that covers his face as he slowly raises his hand to his cheek and smiles at the ground.

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