Dior's True Prince: Jimim

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Y/n couldn't believe her kind-of boyfriend was a Dior ambassador.

It had been two weeks since that announcement, yet she was still in shock. How did one process that information? She didn't know how Jimin wasn't spending his days curled in a ball mumbling incoherent sentences and rethinking his life. If Y/n got an offer from a unicorn, she'd never recover. How did Jimin handle it so well? That was the most mature she had ever seen him. Okay, that was unfair—Jimin was always mature. As much as she liked to tease him, he had more emotional maturity than anyone she knew.

Mark and Y/n were at one of Jimin's photoshoots. Since Dior had Jimin, they were going to use him as much as possible. They wasted no time asking him to go to various events and participate in countless photoshoots, including the one Mark and Y/n were at to support him. Jimin was trying on more outfits than Y/n had seen in her life, and the photographers set up the lighting to capture all his best angles. In her opinion, that was his every angle, but what did she know, she was only his kind-of girlfriend.

The room they were in was unlike anything Y/n had seen before. It was one of those cliche rooms you'd see in movies for photoshoots. Jimin stood in front of a white background while cameras flashed every nanosecond. He did poses directed to him by the staff, but he made his own, too. The thing about Jimin was he was expressive, so every face he made ended up looking like something that could be on the cover of Vogue.

He wore an all-pink outfit he chose himself. It was a turtleneck that had double layers and a pink thingy hanging off his waist. It made his waist look more snatched than usual, and she had to admit she admired it. Maybe she was jealous, too.

Mark grinned as he watched the scene, and she adored the way Mark supported others without blinking an eye or expecting anything in return. Considering the internet was full of trolls and awful humans, she appreciated seeing a good human, especially one who deserved his fame.

Staff rushed around with cameras, makeup tools, clothes racks, and more. Chatter filled the room, same with camera shutters. If Y/n were in Jimin's shoes, she'd cry. One camera was enough for her, let alone a dozen. The flashes blinded her, and she wasn't even the one getting her picture taken.

It took twenty minutes, but the staff announced a break for catering, and Jimin was to get some food and get changed before going right back to it. The Dior ambassador ignored the directions of his manager and instead trotted over to Y/n and Mark. He hugged both of them, lingering on Y/n for longer than he needed to.

She smiled when he pulled away. "Missed me?"

"You have no idea," he whispered, nodding to Mark. "Thank you both for coming. I've never done this before, so..."

"We're here for you. Always," Mark replied, clapping Jimin on the shoulder before stepping back to give Y/n and Jimin the space they needed.

"I only have a second to say hi, I just wanted to make sure you knew how happy I am to see you guys." Jimin brushed a strand of hair out of Y/n's face as he said it, mimicking her facial expression. His eyes smiled with him. "If you ever bear the storm that is social interaction and go to an event like this, I'll be there to support you, too."

"Yawn. No thanks. I'd rather cuddle with my unicorns and eat chocolate."

"Amen," Mark mumbled, and Jimin and Y/n snickered before Y/n quirked a brow at Jimin.

"You have to go, don't you?"

He sighed. "Yeah. They want me to eat as fast as possible."

Y/n kicked at the ground, feeling like a shy schoolgirl around him, and he did the same, playing with the ends of his styled hair. Mark rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his smile, so Y/n nudged him to get him to back off, and the man did without complaint.

"Eat well, Mimi," she said, and he hummed in agreement.

"I will, don't worry, I need my strength if I'm going to impress them." He motioned to all the staff sprinting around behind them to set up the next part of the shoot. "Do you think I'm doing a good job?"

She heard a hitch in his voice as he spoke, and she frowned at that. Without giving herself time to think, she leaned up and kissed his cheek, which had him stiffening. When she pulled back, she froze too, her eyes bulging as she stuttered and tried to find words.

"You're doing amazing, Jimin."

Jimin grinned and rubbed his cheek, seemingly not paying attention to her words, and that was confirmed when his response was not at all related to what she said. "Was that for luck?"

"No. You don't need it. I just did that for me," she said with a chuckle. Even though her face felt like it was being cooked alive (which could just be an average California moment), she did her best to maintain her confidence.

"Why thank you, Miss L/n. It may not have been for luck, but I'm feeling super lucky now anyway." He squeezed her hand before nodding to Mark. "I'll see you guys soon, I need to eat before they yeet me to space."

Jimin waved as he left, and as soon as he departed the room to get a quick bite, Mark burst out laughing to the point where he slapped his knee, and she scoffed and resisted the urge to wrestle him in front of the Dior staff. Although she wanted to flip him off, she couldn't for the same reason she couldn't wrestle him.

She settled for a middle ground: kicking his shin and telling him off. "Shut it. Not. A. Word. Want me to remind you about Amy and how you gush about her? You said yourself that you can gush about Amy all day."

"Amy has been my girlfriend for almost six years, I'm allowed to gush about my forever partner. You're just a simp."

Well, she couldn't argue with that. She was a simp. Perhaps more of a simp for Jimin than Jimin was for Charlie, but that made her happy, and despite the situation, she smiled. Her future boyfriend was a Dior ambassador and was super smitten for her.

Maybe life in Cali wasn't so bad after all.


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