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I got this idea. Thanks SWRgirl I really liked. Here it is:

I think it's going to be, hopefully. Enjoy and tell me if you have any other ideas.

Kanan's POV:

His Padawan was heart broken. He doesn't come out of his room and barely talks to anyone. Well, I was kind of the same but I also feel Darkness surrounding him.

It was another night and I can't sleep. I sense that Ezra's awake too. I get out of my bed and use the walls to navigate and find Ezra and Zeb's cabin door.

I didn't open it. I didn't intrude. Ezra needs to get through this his own way. If I try to help, not being fully healed myself, then it might make Ezra fall to the dark side more.

I hear footsteps and I know their Ezra's. He was coming to the door. Maybe open it. Maybe lock it. Or maybe nothing. Instead it was none of the above.

He sat down with his back to the door and I could hear the quiet sobs. My Padawan. My son. He was hurt beyond imagine. He blames himself for what happened. I don't blame him. I never will in a million years.

I copy Ezra and put my back against the door. I hear plat plat from the tears. I struggle not to cry myself. So much has happened. We'll never be the same. Battles leaves scars. Some you can't see.

I need to say something. Anything. I say, "Ezra. Are you okay?" There was no response. Not that I expected one. I hear more tears fall to the ground. Mane if I keep talking.

"Have I ever told you about my master. Depa Billaba. She was kind, strong, and was stern when she needed to be. You would of have loved her," I say. Again no response just some plats. I still couldn't sleep and neither could Ezra. This is going to be a long night.

"We had many missions together. She was a great leader and an even better master. She had patience and was level headed in stressful situations. I always tried to become as good as her. I still do today. But from you I learned to be different. Think outside the box and do the unexpected." Their are less plats now. I'm getting somewhere.

"She liked younglings. She would've loved your reckless, fun, and strong attitude. She sadly died during Order 66." I pause and Ezra tears stop. I hear a small mumble from behind the door. With my sight, I wouldn't have heard it.

"Please continue, Master." I smile and finish. I got him to say something. Only three words but that's three more words than I thought.

"Okay. She sacrificed herself for me. She told me to run and I obeyed. I always think of the different scenarios and the what ifs. But after all of those, I found out that all the other options, I would've never have met you. Ezra don't blame yourself." Ezra's tears returned even louder. I put my head down in my arms, pulling my knees closer to my chest. Ezra soon copies.

"Ezra you are so strong. I know you can do this. Don't fall please. You never failed me or Ashoka. She would be proud of you. Please talk to me," I beg and an single tear falls down my cheek. Slowly it makes its way on to my clothing making a wet spot.

Ezra stays on the ground against the door. I wait and wait. I wasn't getting up till he came out or said something. I've became distant with Ezra. With the whole crew. With the whole rebellion in general.

"Can you tell me another story?" I hear a small, sad voice say. I smile and share some of my most funniest stories with my master and without.

Ezra smiled but never laughed like he did before. Out of all us, he changed the most. Yes, I was blinded. Yes, Ashoka is dead. But Ezra is going through a internal conflict everyday and the dark side pressure. He's falling closer everyday.

I remember the Grand inquistor warning. Is my Padawan destiny to become a servant of the dark? No. I wouldn't believe it. He is strong and will get through this. I might not be there by his side anymore. I might not know everything. But Ezra said he wants me as a teacher and no one else.

It has been hours and we were still sitting against the door, just talking. Even though 3 inches of metal separates us. I feel like their are a billion miles in between us. I could feel our bond but it was weak. I tried to converse through that but got nothing still. We were blocked from each other. Both physically and mentally.

By dawn we went to our rooms for sleep. This would continue for the next two weeks and we were making very slow progress. He was falling much faster then I could bring him back. At least he gets up and eats. He slowly starting to talk to people.

This whole ordeal made us weak. Though we can come from this incident stronger. Both Ezra and I need someone. Someone to help us through our pain and memories. Someone to have our backs. But maybe in the end, the only person we need is each other.

I am crying. It is 10:30 pm and I am tired. But I finished this with so many feels. I am shocked that I wrote this. Tell me what you think. If you want me to do more sappy stuff like brothers, sisters, mother and son, mother and daughter, father and daughter, or father and son. I hope you enjoyed this. Any other ideas? May the force be with you, always. Long live SWRebels!!!!!!!

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